Last night I felt like making a fancy dinner, so I tried my hand at beef Wellington. I ate the whole thing haha.
Thank you science and vaccines. Today, I woke up today and did NOT have smallpox, nor have to worry about plague. People I know don’t have cholera or polio. Science, you did that. You are awesome and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t understand how fucking awesome all those sicknesses are, never do they understand how fucking cool it is we beat them. WITH SCIENCE!!!!!!
Doodling at work when I have nothing else to do...
What scares you? I'm a writer, short stories as well as role playing campaigns, and I know what scares me, but I'm just asking everyone I know, including all of you, what truly terrifies you, or what can insight dread in you from a story? You honesty will help greatly in improving my goal of providing a thoughtful, challenging, and cathartic experiance to everyone I...
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This weekend I turned 27, and to celebrate, I'd like to see as many boobs as I can
I consider myself a feminist. I believe in empowered women, and that equality is how society should go. Dividing responsibility along gender is as insane as flinging it along family lines. However, I also like to watch porn and look at beautiful women and admire them for the ascetic qualities of their bodies.
I know that they are people, full and complete and not just...
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It's been a hard week, so I am open to suggestions on ways to cheer up.
I'm looking to get into photography, on a hobby level, maybe more if I'm decent at it. I know very little about cameras though so I'm asking you guys and gals what ca,eras would be worth looking into?
I've been wondering was social studies doesn't get that much attention in schools as math, reading/writing and science. I think I know why, or at least have a better idea of it. It's because social studies makes us feel bad. It disrupts our happy view of the world and our place in it. No one get hurt or upset by addition, grammar skills or knowing...
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