I am a bibliophile, a book worm, a book lover, and I am happy to confess it. My sons have picked up this addiction from me as well. My wife enjoys reading but does not like being surrounded by books 24/7. I, on the other hand, always have a book with me. When I leave the house I have a book in hand, in my...
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Global warming causes people in Chicago to shoot other people. This past weekend in Chicago, Illinois, over 50 people were shot due to above average temperatures. It seems that as the weather get warmer in Chicago and people are out and about that the heat makes people shoot each other. Of course this is a simplistic explanation but for the past several years whenever the...
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What is the truth? Has a politician ever opened his mouth and told the truth, the whole truth, without shading it in his favor? Can we believe anymore what we read in a government publication, in the newspaper, or online? Who can you trust? When I jump on the bus everyday I place my life in the hands of the bus driver. Can I trust...
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Proud to be a father 3 times over. Two are growing up and turning out to be great little guys. Each day they make my life even more special as they show me some new discovery or teach me some new way to look at life. Simple things and simple wonders. Rejoice in the little things. They are more interested in the packaging then what...
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Growing up I always wanted to be an artist. My parents encouraged my dream by enrolling me in art classes and taking me to visit museums, art galleries, and art shows. Yet no matter whether I took a class in water color, acrylics, drawing, sculpting, or pottery, the end result was the same, shame. I was no artist. Many a fine teacher swore that he...
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