
AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAAAA, tonight fuckin rawked. got fuckerd up at Booboo's went to the strip club got kicked out kinda sort( more of a fuck this place we are leaving deal) went back got fucked up some more and THEN TO TOP THE NIGHT OFF, I got arrested in front of my house cause i was fucked up and lighting Mortars off in the front yard...
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thanx again for the cds hahaha
What a shame I missed the show, 4play is to high ticket for me and I didnt think they would dig the SG crowd. So oh well. The next strip-o-rama sounds a bit better since we have a friendly on the staff.

I am sure to make that one.

ok so this is the plan, snowboarding fell through, no biggie. I have 26 bucks left and i figure why the hell dont i just go to the Strip club event tonight. so guess what, I said fuck it made up my mind and I'm going tonight WHOOOHOOOO. But i must be very sparing with my left over 11 ones when giving them to dancers. frown
WHOOHOOO!!!! YEA!!! I am going too!
Fuckin shit man, Friday night Broke as hell and dont know what the fuck to do. Might go snowboarding tomorrow, still kinda in the air though and if it falls through i might make the trip down to San Clemente agian since i tend not to spend any money down there. Plus i can cruz the beach with the skate board and relax and have...
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yea i kow what you mean man.. the only direction i have had as of late is towards a bottle....hehehehe yu going to the strip club tomarrow?
Damn all loner like last night but twas a good night none the less, Hit up the ol Keg n Cork down the street had about 6 beers and paid for only 2 then when and chilled up Las Lomas and looked out over the city and scoped the stars. Might have to do the same tonight if its as clear as it was last...
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yea.. MGD sux!... but that's what my pal bought because he said it was cheap...meh whatever...
It is amazing what a little sleep can do. Felt better today but still a little sluggish. more sleep tonight though is in order, so Im going to burn a few CD's drink a few New Castle, have a couple shots of whiskey and call it the night.
have fun drinking biggrin
I feel like shit right now puke hopefully i will get over this quickly. This past weekend was pretty cool. Got to go down to my Dads place in San Clemente and chill at the beach, The weather was nice got to eat some awsome food and chill by the bon fire. thats about it though, il be back later if i feel better if not...
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Well lets see, worked my ass off today at work, got paid went to the Thai food arcade event got my second wind of energy and here i am at 215am after the get together, which by the way I thought was pretty kick ass, Drinkin a beer and trying to burn off this excess energy i have right now. So i think im going...
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haha DUROCK!!! sorry had to do it hehehehe..
Skate on dude!!!

That Newcastle fucking rocked!!!!!

-Sean in LA
Work sux but i did manage to get a free Ice Cream maker out of it today. It was a return and it has a small leak in the bowl but i think it can be fixed with some silicone. Hopefully all works out and i have an Ice Cream maker,MMMMMMMlove Ice cream . If not then no biggie cause it was free to begin...
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thanx for the message ! i won't be going with you on saturday but hope to see you tonight!
Well so far the cold is still here, but getting better in some areas and worse in others. The majority of the nasal congestion is gone, rock on Jalapenos. the sinus pressure still there but not as bad. But a new one to the list is scratchy throat, not too bad but enough to be uncomfortable and talk funny. The whiskey worked wonders last night...
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Ok so i noticed i was getting sick this weekend, nothing too serious at first and not that bad now but it is in full effect and my head is Stuffed up like crazy. I probably could have gotten into the Guinness book of world records for the loogie i hacked up at lunch today. Pretty impressive if you ask me. And then work doesnt...
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hope you feel betters.. i am reeling in pain.. PAIN!!!!!
hehehehe yea.. soudns like a good times man.. seriosuyl good time biggrin
that sir, is a b uttload of pictures!!!!