So I have Drill this weekend, Cant wait. I really enjoy going. We have a Military Ball as well on saturday so that should be tons of fun. I think my unit is going to be mad though, not now but eventually, I am seriously thinking about changing my MOS to 92R which is a parachute rigger and going to the Airborne unit in Santa...
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Hahahahahahahha, Great story, on cattra page. take care,
Good luck getting your Airborne wings!! My lovee is 11M/B over in Bagdad right now. I miss him alot. He has been having to put off his E5 Sgt.s board off as well. Btw, sorry i missed your birthday! I got my calendar ALL mixed up! So happy belated ! miao!!
cant wait till the end of the week. I will have a day, probably friday, where I can just sleep and not have to worry about doing anything.
I had that kind of day today. Until SOMEONE told me I should go to Hebrew school tonight.... wink

Maybe I'll pay you a visit in your dreams friday, or maybe a grim wolf will. biggrin mua ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa.

kiss love kiss love kiss love

nice name! love the voodoo glow skulls!

kiss 's
I'm going to the Lake today WOOHOO. Wakeboarding and Jetskiing, two of the best summer time activities
Have fun at the lake!!
Yeah I'm a FUCKING IDIOT blackeyed blackeyed
Last night was fucking awesome. That is something that has never been done for me so it was a great experience. The past 6 years have sucked, and I have passed my B-day off as just another day, so last night really meant something. Thank you everyone who came out last night and thank you nonsense and Pixxie for hosting.

SurprisedVooDoo biggrin
so in an effort to try and get myself promoted faster I am taking online Army courses for promotion points. Sounded like a great idea and it is (8 hours = 1 point). But I just started one and then remembered how much I loath school type environments and courses. I am the hands on get dirty type and anything else just puts me to...
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Its muh Birfday YAY biggrin Now its off to work I go. Today would have been just another day had it not been for my wonderful girlfriend, I even managed to screw that whole thing up (just a little bit)blackeyed. But all was forgiven and Today will be a great day.

Oh yeah and last night the singer from AFI happened to join up...
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remember: it's not a real birthday unless you don't remember all of it
i love davey havoc so damn much. damn you for being out with him and not loving him....or calling me!!!!

fuck, i missed it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! once again, i need to tell you that you may be the only quality top grade genuine guy i know. congrats. kiss
So I have this great idea for a Tattoo and I had the money for it.....Then the transmission in my car started to take a crap on me an its gonna cost $550 to fix it so the tattoo will just have to wait. blackeyed frown .
haha i thought you were going to say you were going to get a tattoo of your transmission. that would have been great.
Yeah I did not realize, until I started getting ink, how expsensive tattoos can be. Worth every penny, but still! And shame on your car for fucking up your tattoo! Doesn't it now it's place in the world?
So this weekend we where supposed to go help Bravo Company with a Field Exercise. We were originally tasked as back up vehicals. So we leave Long Beach and head out to Sylmar. Once we get there they change the mission on us and stick us 3500 feet in the air on the top of the frickin mountain. So it was interesting to say the...
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yo. great prom pics.

#35 is babybeezer
This weekend was great. I had a shit load of fun.

Friday started off on sort of a sore note but was quickly over come and turned out just fine. Was able to meet a lot of new people that my lovely girlfriend had meet before and spoke highly of and that was cool.

Saturday went to the Wharf and road the Trolly. Third time...
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I work Mon Tue and Wed 11am till 11 pm give me a call there 714-534-8843
but where are all the peeektures?

and are you two still recovering?
home safe from S.F. will add more later when I have the time biggrin
glad you guys made it back safely. smile