I'm not really big on the whole holiday thing and all, I just wish it would end already. I like being with family and all that but Christmas has become just another day to me. In light of all this though I do feel like a little kid waiting for christmas morning to arrive. For me that is in three days when I will be...
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shocked When did you become my husband? biggrin
sometimes you need to splurge a little ...
PHEW!?! wow so I may actually get my 4 days off, although if we do not have the replacement to fill the second crews night shift I may have to go in on Thursday. No big deal really but it would be nice to have those 4 days off. Anyway thats about it in my world.

what has everyone else been up to????
yeah they suck

Im sure they are just wasting time looking for open donut shops
that is so true! I called one day and I swear I dont even think they ever came, it took them I swear 20 minutes to get my info on the phone and finally when they asked which way the people went I told them they were probally in LA by now!
damn so the last 5 days were long, and I get 1 day off then have to pull another shift. After that I should have a few days off.

So the other night i talked to an old friend from El Paso and she is going to be here this weekend so I think I will be heading to Knotts with her. I saw her...
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damn so the last 5 days were long, and I get 1 day off then have to pull another shift. After that I should have a few days off.

So the other night i talked to an old friend from El Paso and she is going to be here this weekend so I think I will be heading to Knotts with her. I saw her...
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enjoy the park. old friends are good.
Enjoy your time off
Ok so I recieved a call today and turns out I need to go in to work a day early, BLECH. 5 days instead of the normal 4, this will be interesting since the 4th day is pretty rough and seems to drag for an eternity. Understandable though because we are losing two people who are being activated to go to Ft. Irwin and it...
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DAMN WHAT A FUCKING NIGHT!!!!!! So I leave to go visit the party at Rae's place and I get a call from my partner about a couple drunks fucking around in our AO (Area of Operations). So I head back. 20 minutes have gone by since the time I left and the time I make it back, hes told them twice to leave and they...
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this is why some people should have no reproductive organs.
Well I start my four 12 hour days today and will be missing most of a party I was really looking forward to going to. Lucky for me its only 3 miles from where I work so I will be able to stop in a few times during my shift. If I'm lucky it will still be going on when I get off in the...
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ok Car is running better then when I first got it back, Changed the air filter that had water sucked thru it with a new one and things seem to be getting back to normal. Looking forward to tonight and hanging out since I wont be bowling but I may have one drink or so. Back to work tomorrow for 4 days so wont be...
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Day 3 of 4 days off and I'm bored, I get my car back today though which is great. I'm also looking forward to hangin out tonight in Northridge at the dinner.

Joke for the day

One evening, a female police officer pulled a man over for DUI, and said, "You are under arrest. Anything you say, can and will be held against you. Do...
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see ya tonight boss.
I am halfway through my vaca and wishing it was longer. Tomorrow is my last real day off. Thursday I go to a meeting, friday I drive out to the middle of nowhere butt-fuck upstate NY for my cousin's wedding. And I return from that on sunday.

I do not get bored. biggrin
last four days of work were slow but interesting at the same time. nothing too interesting just some dumb asses trying to be smart asses and the refinery siren going off just down the street. Something about an overflow or something, we had a bunch of people come up asking us if it was an Air Raid siren. We just laughed and told them not...
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wow. four days off. that's a mini vacation.
*growl* The cute user pic is back up. sweet! So you are gonna go play........... with Yogi? no no that is not what you said......... uhm..........Nicole and Samantha? no no that is not what you said...... YOURSELF!? Coolness, if only I had a camera.....oh wait.. I do! *evil snicker*
ok the damn site went down for maintnance right as I hit enter on my journal update. It was pretty fucking long too. OK long story short, things were going great, new job, better pay, cars running good and its raining (I love the rain). Last two things were a bad combo though, fucked up highways with there low spots mixed with rain and my...
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dude, are you runnin the cold air intake? do you have the bypass valve on it. usually with those damn CAIs they like to hydrolock motors.
yea dude, i dunno if the bypass will help if you go fording rivers or something but itll help. alrighty. take care of that thing,is it single or dual overhead?
Day two of new job, notice the time. have to get up around the same time tomorrow, then I have monday and tuesday off and then Wednesday I begin my night shift which is 330PM to 330AM. its great I love it, but new jobs always seem to mess up plans. I work the last four days of the month which means I will miss...
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whats your email and juju's?
have fun! smile kiss