I should stop spending all my money on underwear, or I should move to a place where I never need to wear pants.
I think I need to go shopping for real clothes. All my jeans are falling apart, I’m sick of all my t-shirts and I can’t wear this red sweater everyday; it’s summer time now.
Well it is winter in Oz! how about Fatigues they are great wearing and but then ejans are better. i wouldn't know my dress sense is a t'shirt and shorts with boxers underneath. but rhere is nothing like au natural? except me i probablyscare someone they will go Aaargh! put it away, oh well have fun shopping.
Will someone remind me in 3 months to renew my membership?
There is construction on my street and my whole house shakes. I wonder if this is what an earthquake feels like.
The mother of the adorable baby I feed cheerios too told my aunt (they are friends) that she is jealous of me because I get to spend so much time... Read More
You are a fantastic person, the mother does not have anything to worry about. she will know that your a great person, if you have conversations with her, as well that there is nothing to worry about. I hope I got that right? Babies are wonderfull, I know, of all the nephews and nieces I have. its when they grow up?
Some girls like handbags, or shoes, or...whatever.
I like underwear.
I bought 3 new pairs today.
I’m only going to talk about good things here, hold me to that.
I am full with Mexican food, I might burst!
I am listening to good music and singing and smiling.
Oh, and I found an almost perfect pair of sunglasses.
That was such a fabulous comment! Thank you love!!
All I have left to do is complete a set... I have so many ideas and the butterflies were an idea from my backpiece, which is currently in the outline stages...
I painted my nails real nice and went to see the house of wax with some of my most favorite people in the whole world.
I also ate too much falafel, bought 2 adorable shirts from britcaulfeild's value village and spent $27 on a new cd and headphones I hope I don’t break.