It's hard to tell with these things, and there isn't a "way" to transform. Coming from the opposite side o' this - I met my spouse in college, dated & broke up off & on for a while. I always felt she was more "into me" than the other way around. But . . . it was nice, comfortable, stable, and sane. Hell, even when I proposed I had a few misgivings.
We've been married for going on 15 years now, and I can honestly say she's the greatest, most incredible, awe inspiring person/thing in my life. Ever. The point, I guess - as much as I ever have one, is that I can maybe see a little of what my wife might have felt/worried about me in your post, & while I can't say that your guy is me (lucky you) my advice is that if this is something you want, then, by all means, give it a shot. If you still don't know where you're at [insert time frame of your convenience here] DTMFA.