ok.....history repeated...its now 6:30 am....no sleep......so i took a hot shower and guess what happened.........in the middle of my amazingly hot shower, the water got cold :sad sad face: and so i tried to hurry up and it got colder, so that just woke my ass right back up......WTF water heater, you need to work better and keep my water hot!!!
better news my dress...
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better news my dress...
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Another no sleeper, I am part of that club! Congrats on the wedding BTW
Thanks comments!!! Also, the tattoo was done by Mike Bellamy (Red Rocket Tattoo) here in NYC. He is an brilliant artist.

ha ha ha the everlasting cupcake I love it
why is no one p at 5:47 am like i am...im so fucking bored...gonna watch the sunrise again this week.......i feel so shitty........inside and out........i want to break something made of glass.....but then i would have to clean it up, and that would jus be fucking myself.....i need to smoke...i'll be back.....
ok....im gonna take a shower and shave.....hopefully that will take awhile ................and then...
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ok....im gonna take a shower and shave.....hopefully that will take awhile ................and then...
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I know isn't it sad?
poor little bunnyboo. 

he's a little baby one.

im drained and i seriously need to do my dishes....aarggghhh..i hate hand washing dishes...all i want to do is lay down...but i have to finish my dress....still not done yet........but i did plant my flowers today......they look so pretty.....now i gotta get off SG so i can do my dishes and finish my dress........good night for now.....im sure my ass will be back on later...
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You and my wife with the gardening. what is up with that. I just don't get it. She loves to be outside planting plants and working in her garden.
Doing dishes sucks. That's why I like to cook, so I don't have to do dishes.
Doing dishes sucks. That's why I like to cook, so I don't have to do dishes.

Hey you! How goes?
awesome tats
Nice ink !!!!!
hello SG landers...i had an awesome day...bought plants and im gonna garden tomorrow, and i took shrooms a bit ago so i'll be just fine fine fine in a bit...can i say "lucy in the sky with diamonds" yes yes yes my my my....ahahhhhh
*kisses* to all
*kisses* to all
Having a good day today?
shrooms are not for me. I took acid once and it was not a good trip.
shrooms are not for me. I took acid once and it was not a good trip.

Feeling OK for working 13 hours today and getting up and working at 830 tomorrow but my friend Jack Daniels kept me company tonight with 2 cocktails so I'll be ok. 

so i had a good day and went to Craw Daddy with my Tony, got a little drunk, a some weird guy was rubbing my tattoos on my arm, very creepy, i danced with a fake huge craw fish, and took good pics...you guys should go look at my new pics .....oohh yay..i have my new unfinished tattoos up too,....let me know what ya think...
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hey everyone, thank you for all your love and comments on my new tattoos!!!! much love to you all *kisses*
Diesel was such a cute kitten. Its such a shame they don't stay like that for very long. I remember when we got Kyle he was so tiny and then in 6-8 months he's like 18lbs. Same with Abby and Zoe. (there are pic's of them in my profile.) Things are going OK. I cant wait till this new opportunity comes along so i can quit my job and start this new one. All in time though. I have to work till nine tonight and then 8:45am-9pm tomorrow. Oh well.
so......i got my tattoos last night and their not finished yet, we ran out of pink ink
so im not showing pics till they are finished...sorry guys , but they do look awesome !!!!! love you all and i cant wait to show my new set!!!!
love you all and talk to ya soon!!! *kisses*

love you all and talk to ya soon!!! *kisses*
you are a doll
ooo tattoos. I went for a consult on the weekend, im pretty excited, but i have no cash, so i'm gunna be a bum with hot tattoos
Cant wait to see it. I love colourful tattoos, and pink always shows so nicely.

ooo tattoos. I went for a consult on the weekend, im pretty excited, but i have no cash, so i'm gunna be a bum with hot tattoos
Cant wait to see it. I love colourful tattoos, and pink always shows so nicely.
sleepy time tea does work!! haah im gonna go make some now i think
you can always hit me up too it seems like im normally up till about 11am then sleep from 11am till about 4pm

hello SG land......im shooting my new set tonight!!!!!! im so excited and i cant wait for everyone to see the set!!!
im also getting 2 tattoos today so i'll have pics of them tonight to post, so look out for them
.......i had a talk with my dad, it almost was really bad, cuz he cant keep his mouth shut, but i told him not...
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im also getting 2 tattoos today so i'll have pics of them tonight to post, so look out for them

.......i had a talk with my dad, it almost was really bad, cuz he cant keep his mouth shut, but i told him not...
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wow!!!!! good luck with taht set hun!!!! can wait to see it!!!! hey u have a very nice and lovely hair!!!!!!
yes .____. hey hope u can see my set 2
and vote for it ! 

Sweet new picture, hot stuff!
I'm so soooo excited to see your set!
Aaaaand, your hair looks amazing.
I'm so soooo excited to see your set!
Aaaaand, your hair looks amazing.
Thanks. that's what happens when you get to impatient huh. I also have acrylic plugs but I think I need to switch to surgical stainless steel when they are healing as I read that they are not good for freshly stretched ears. You think so?
cars fixed so im good to chill XD
oh toke toke!
oh toke toke!

i hate my father right now........he basically told me that i should have succeeded in killing me self.....how more fucked up of a thing could a father say to his daughter.........i really feel like cutting....i fucking hate his words right now, i will never forget that, ever...........he might as well just fucking shot me in the face and finished me off....i just cant stop my...
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wow that sucks.
im sorry that your day was ruined. . .
but on the bright side, your comment made my day.
have a cup cake. . . i know that would make me feel better
im sorry that your day was ruined. . .
but on the bright side, your comment made my day.
have a cup cake. . . i know that would make me feel better
Hey hun, fathers can be supreme asshole. I know that firsthand. Haven't spoken to mind in years. Last time I saw him in person was about 5 years ago and all I had to say was "Hi Dad" before he walked away from me. My best advice is this. If he brings you down that much, you don't need him in your life. It's really shitty to have to think about your father that way, but sometimes it in our own best interest to remove those people from our lives who hurt us the most. Keep your chin up dear!

i dont pass the pencil test........i dont know if thats good or bad??? but i did buy some new heels and bras!!!!!
.........going to my daddys for swordfish steaks dinner, he caught an 90 lb. swordfish last night.....im gonna stick with the veggies only......
thats all nothing special
.........going to my daddys for swordfish steaks dinner, he caught an 90 lb. swordfish last night.....im gonna stick with the veggies only......
thats all nothing special
There is nothing like fresh swordfish. Enjoy your veggies though. I admire your self control if you like fish. I was a vegetarian (sort of) for a few years. I couldn't give up fish though only beef, pork and chicken.
yay veggies!
also, i am clearly missing something... what's the pencil test? seeing how long you can keep two pencils stuck up your nose?
also, i am clearly missing something... what's the pencil test? seeing how long you can keep two pencils stuck up your nose?

aaarrhhhhh.....i have a horrible migraine...this comp. screen is making me want to rip out my eyeballs....i gotta go for now....once the terrible pain in my fucking eyes goes away...."i'll be back"....lol
i'm off like a prom dress!!!!
i'm off like a prom dress!!!!
You are so sweet
and gorgeous
I had the WORST migrane last night too. Whats up with that? it was so bad i was shaking and feaverish I took tylonal 3's and went to sleep

I had the WORST migrane last night too. Whats up with that? it was so bad i was shaking and feaverish I took tylonal 3's and went to sleep

Migraines suck. I never feel better until I puke.
Hope you feel better soon.

Hope you feel better soon.