It's funny, but since I started writing about an adolescent boy and an older woman getting the hots for one another, I been noticing an unusual amount of news stories on the subject of such relationships.
First a teacher who had sex with a 15 year old is found Not Guilty of statuary rape.
Now here's a man here who is, like, a hero to... Read More
What the hell is the point of statutory rape laws if they aren't enforced? I agree that once puberty hits, it is a grey area. But the fact is the law needs to draw a line somewhere or paedo's will be able to get a sympathetic judge and take advantage all the time. I hope it gets overturned before it sets a precedent.
NEWSFLASH! I have released the first chapter for review.
I'm so close to the halfway point. I just need another 2000 words before tomorrow night, in order to qualify for a bottle of Cava.
I was hoping to have maybe three chapters ready before anyone started reading it, but that seems like a distant dream still, and I couldn't wait. I don't want to post... Read More
Photo update, then. As you can see I've returned to an old favourite for my profile picture. It makes people email me just to say "hey, I like your shirt."
And speaking of old favourites, there's this one I took when I first got my Canon cam and was trying to figure out how the self-timer worked,... Read More
I'm not reallyreally taking part in NaNoWriMo, although I'm aware that's this month. But I am aiming for the same minimum word-count, because what I'm writing started out as a short story, and although it got out of hand it's still not going to be an epic of JK Rowling proportions (it's not a kid's book,... Read More
Instead of a journal, some bullets. Yes, I am aware it's boring.
* Going to see To Kill A Mockingbird on stage tomorrow. I've been looking forward to it for a while, but I was about as impressed as a hedgehog with hemarrhoids to find out that the children in the play, are being played by fully grown adults. Some of you may know that... Read More
And I'm in the world of childcare this weekend... However a quick quaff could be an option sundayish if you're still about and got your schedule sorted?
The chica I work with tells me I should use myspace as way of getting people to read my stories. I told her if SG is like an open-mic night at the student guild, then myspace is like trying to read a poem out in the middle of New Street station.
But anyway, there's a very short story here that I've been keeping hold of... Read More
Hey everybody, I'm infested with scabes! Those bite-sized little bastards with their pointy teeth and wandering hands. I knew my skin was crawling but I didn't take it literally. They're feasting on my fingers and nibbling my toes. Ishk. So I've smeared this scabe-killing stuff over every pore, now I just have to wait for their little bodies to decompose and fall off with my... Read More
I can imagine you would feel ill after that. hey short novels are the way to go, just think once it's done all you have to do is add more "waffling and Indepth description" and you've got yourself a Novel. I've done this before i learn't about waffling from Anne Rice books, she writes an amazing story but damn she drags it out.
This band housemate thing is going well last night at 2 in the morning we were coming up with some ground breaking material only hope i can remember most of it today.
I missed work today because i lacked sleep so bad i literally would have dropped off on my keyboard at work.
EDIT: It seems I got myself banned from tagging sets. How embarrassing! (My tags are always really good, too.)
* * *
At last I got my Diploma certificate through, (Clinical Hypnosis, for those who only tuned in recently), and my feedback from the exam. It went ok. I got 100%.
EDIT: So the itinery on Friday is going to be - drag my sleep deprived ass into work EARLY, leave EARLY, hot-foot it to the coach station. Along with a bewildered friend, I am going to get the coach to Victoria. Sink some tequila. See some show, maybe hang at some stage door. Swing back to an alcohol-serving venue, hopefully with an additional, rather diminuitive... Read More
Today is a sad day. To be in with a chance of paying my rent, I listed my camera for sale on ebay. You should all know what this means. No longer will Vindice attempt shooting a set. El Sigh.
But seriously like, if you know of anyone who could use an 8MP Canon Powershot Pro1, about 6 months old, with all the accessories AND... Read More
hey hun, my brother does know about sg (My whole family does), but... when he came home.. well, he didn't realise we'd still be shooting - i'm so glad he knocked on the door instead of just coming straight in
Smart, sexy, redheaded (
doh! there is something wrong with you... other side of the world!!