So. Seven (count them!) years ago, I sent a copy of a manuscript to a literary agent in NW1. I'd already recieved in the region of twenty rejection letters from agents and publishers, but to be fair, most of them didn't actually *read* the sample I gave them.
This particular literary agent sent me what I thought was another rejection. It was more helpful than... Read More
re: Lunar Eclipse photo. No really its the lunar eclipse, taken on my camera phone where it just looked like a tiny white dot. I'm actually impressed by how it looks on a big screen....but only mildly.
I don't know. It's like there are these daily moments of euphoria. Even though I spend eight hours a day in the ravages of frustration because I can't do anything productive. And come home to a scrapheap. And, literally, have absolutely no money for non-essentials, so no SGUK meets for the forseable future. And...well, other things that it would be indiscreet to go into.
It's... Read More
I'm going to teach myself to do a back-flip. I believe anyone can learn. Even an oldster. Like a 25 year old. With no coordination. And a fairly poor level of flexibility. And weak arms.
So, I suppose I finished *writing* the novel this weekend. Though there's still plenty of editing to be done. Alex is a total little sugar-muffin, but I'm not happy with Liv.
Oh! And I've got a notion for the title. What do you think of 'Don't Say You Need Me' ? I mean, it would unify the various themes of the novel, but I'm worried... Read More
I was the most wretched teenager you could ever hope not to meet. So it's nice to see that everyone else suffers, too.
No seriously. The thought of what today's crop of kids has to go through - as based on my own memories plus the knowledge that the present government has ONLY MADE IT WORSE - makes my blood run cold. Still, the Netherlands... Read More
I spoke to an expert on this yesterday whilst doing a bit of research, they said that what our kids need is good relationship building skills, the government are doing something about education and poverty but not relationships and that's where the problem lies. I thought that was pretty interesting.
I've applied for a grant from Arts Council England, in order to take a few months off work to finish off 'Alex.' (For the uninitiated, 'Alex' is the working title of a novel.) Arts Council England *do* fund authors writing novels, and they *have* funded people's debuts in the past. So presumably there *is* a way around the following, but I... Read More
I absolutely promise I'll take a look at Alex later today and I hope I'll be able to give some useful advice on swinging the grant people.
It's been a while since I wrote enough of a novel to have it rejected (getting close now though, yay) but most publishers willing to look at unsolicited material ask to see a sample chapter or two and a synopsis, don't they?
But that takes time to type up and you'd be unlikely to hear back for a few weeks.
What I suggest is that I write you a letter from my company (we're back in Brum in mid-March for that show again yays) and I get my mate Andrew Kenrick to write you a letter from his company (Kenrick publishes RPG books) both saying, in effect, ZOMG.
I'd avoid the self-publishing route in any funding application, although it's becoming a valid way to get your work seen, it carries a lingering stink of the vanity press and it is expensive - my reaction would be 'if she's got 3k to spooge on self-publishing, she can damn well use it to write the bloody book'.
I didn't think you would do the self-publishing thing, I just noted it in another comment and, yeuch it's a bad idea. I did my MPhil thesis on Lulu just to have a copy of my thesis in a nice binding after Birmingham Uni snarfed both of mine.
We don't publish fiction, and neither does Kenrick, but, and how can I put this, we ARE publishing companies, and I'm totally prepared to lie for you smile I think you've met Kenners as well, and he's usually happy to help out a fellow struggling writer. In point of fact, I've been pitching a short story journal to the director for some months now, so it's not a huge stretch of the imagination.
"We are looking for fresh brilliant writing to kick off our new modern literature imprint and would love to see more of your story" sounds pretty convincing to ME...
I am pleased to know some extremely talented people - artists, writers, actors, musicians.... Amongst them is Rob, who flew over to Sweden at New Year, to record a music video. And holy fuck, it's good.
My new years been full of cleaning so far, getting rid of all the crap from my spare room. I threw away 8 binbags of random stuff I've somehow gathered! I was ruthless ha ha.
Finally found time to sit down and view chapter 1.
Bloody hell, I can sense that this story could get pretty sinister... and possibly pretty wrong... JUST WHAT I LIKE lol
Just got back from God's house. On the exit, the vicar requested that God bless me, but not my mum; he must have thought I was more in need of it. *shrug.*
Carmady and I have been arguing over the origin of the phrase "colder than a witch's tit." He forgets that the days of witch trials are something of a specialist subject of mine.... Read More
Thursday is my regular All-Nighter. I'm working on finishing one chapter per week, and I generally only like to work under pressure. My wisdom tooth hurts like holy motherfuck.
I've got half a bottle of brandy, and a long night ahead.
This I know, because as much as I hate that pungent tangerine of a man I did ask him to autograph the front of my programme after the Gala performance of Billy Elliot. Also Louis Walsh,... Read More
Right, I'm as good as on my way to London. Are my camera batteries charged? New hat on head? Wait, who's got the tickets? Wait, did I tell you that I AM going to the gala night? Well, I got tickets and I am. Last time I got too shy when it came to the part when the more avid of fans are supposed to... Read More