i am in a totally wierd mood at the moment and not sure if writing my thoughs down is a good idea but ...what the hell lets see where this goes.
i have a great life fun jobs,a house, cool friends and a very loving wife .
But there is one thing that i want most in the world and i cant have and that...
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Hey hun, how're you doing? I know how hard it is for you to deal with this, and I know what both you and Tracey have been through lately. First off, you know where I am if you need me and you have my number (it's about time I did something useful and returned the help you've given me recently)
You and trace need to really think about whether it is something that you both want. Only do this if you really want kids not just because you think you should for trace. IVF doesn't work for everyone. Try not to put so much pressure on it working, it if doesn't work, it doesn't work, there's nothing anyone can do about it. You still have an amazing wife and a fantastic step daughter. I know how much you want kids of your own, but unfortunately it doesn't happen for everyone. Have you discussed adoption with trace? Alright, it's not the same as your own children but if the IVF doesn't work again, it is an option. There are hundreds of babies and children without families that need someone to love them and raise them... One day, however it may happen, you're really going to make amazing parents. But, like I said Alex, don't put too much pressure on it.. just go with the flow and see what happens..
I need to pop into work at some point next week anyway to pick something up so I'll come and find you. Talk to you soon xxx
welcome to the twisted and sometimes aimless world of SG Blogging. mazel tov.

_mith ARRR!!!
dude. finally... for a first try that was a good blog lol, but i'm officially terrified of you in drag surreal
anywhoo, i'm not stopping cos i need to get ready for work. bleh. cu there in a couple of hours x