So after trekking around Italy I am back in the UK and working towards our debut album with my band. Once I get my photos loaded up...considering I took about 700 in Italy I will write a nice long blog to make everyone jealous!
I don't think I could move back to London now. I've got used to being somewhere a bit cheaper Nottingham is only about 1 1/2 hours on a train. Did you go for fun or work?
I never know how interviews go, when I think they've gone well I don't get the job. I think it went ok but I wont get a decision until next week sometime (they're interviewing up til next Tuesday).
We just played our biggest indoor show to a 1000+ people. I always used to say I was in it for the love of music...but fuck it's a buzz when you walk on stage to people chanting your name. That was hot. I could get used to that!