Well, hello there! I'm back at last! All new harddisk, no more computer woes. After 4 attempts at installing Windows, my legit copy failed and I had to resort to borrowing a 'not so legit' version from a friend. So much for honesty, eh?

I really missed this site while I had no computer. Very glum, was I. I must shortly reply to all you...
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Hi Mr Vampsinthe78,...

you seem a little chirpier, must be the gigs and the booze huh ?

Whats this about the Dj's at Rockworld saying to bring your own Cd's in ?,.....bloody cheapskates ! Tell em to go buy their own ! They gonna give you a cut of their wages too when your discs get people up and dancing then ? They're giving us Dj types a bad name ! ( cough,....splutter,....cough cough, etc etc lol !)

Anyhow,...take care and have a good weekend,...

Hey, I miss ya.

Are you already set up and all in the new place... you wannabe Manc, you? biggrin

And sorry for the late response, god school's killer again,

but I nearly always miss my sis, unless she's right beside me or at least in the same room as me. Maybe it's different for most siblings. We're just desperately close.

Are there any new pics?? Want to see inky blackness and hills you speak of!
It's time I typed some stuff on here. Things have been pretty quiet since last week. I've been pretty lonely out here. Other than riding my bike and working in the garden I haven't been doing an awful lot. Mainly down to lack of funds, trips out are a definite no no. It's pretty staggering that I've managed to last nearly two months on 52...
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sorry things have been so quiet from my end, no internet till now
also mad student shenanigans
you're moving!!!? but if you wanna do something sometime let me know
xx ngnm
You're going to love Derbyshire, Greg. I promise.

Be sure to pop into Derby occasionally to avail yourself of the excellent Reveal Records shop.

I thoroughly recommend any and all gigs at the Vic Inn too, just opposite the train station. Handy, that.

You'll adapt to the Buxton life easily, knowing you. Just don't forget to make regular forays into the neighbouring cities to keep yourself sane.

Put me down on the list of future visitors. We can set up a still round the back of your rural idyll and brew up potato gin for the cold winter nights.
I threw a six and lo, my computer starts! Smashing, indeed, it WILL be smashed just as soon as my new HD arrives. I can then look forward to installing all my favourite programs A*G*A*I*N and quietly weep over my lost mp3s. Damn you faulty hardware!

No news on the job front, sadly. Although I was politely informed there would be no assistance, as such,...
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you bloody genius!
by the way... what ARE pilates?
i know theyre a fad, but what be they?
hope yer cracked rib is ok..... damn nazi birds.
And we rejoice. biggrin biggrin biggrin
Update. Got to type quickly. Hard disk fucked... Don't know how long it will keep alive. The MBR's gone and registry is corrupt, so prone to locking up and won't then work for another few hours...

Loads of work gone. Ropey connection. The site has turned into one broken link. It looks friggin weird too! Don't quite know how I've got it to work this...
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i hate it when that happens
Well, you know, sometimes a swift kick in the piehole will fix just about anything... or break it completely, forcing you to get a new one.

good luck!
Bollocks! I was outbid for the "Sony Microcassette Dictaphone" on ebay by a poxy 50p. I hate that, swines wait til I'm out for the afternoon and pip me minutes before the sale is about to close! mad Whilst I'm here, does anyone out there wish to sell some form of recording device (to document our band practice), since we own nothing that doesn't fill a...
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oh yeah!!! thank you so much that is so sweet that you actually stayed to see my set. and what is this "bad shit" i've been hearing about? a lot of people left and a lot have said that they stayed because of some people. what the hell happened?
i dont think that your journal entries are ever crap !
Why not an update at 2 in the morning...?

Just got back from a fantastic saturday amongst people who i know aand love. Firstly, up nice and early to paint the gates, me and dad built. A lovely Lincoln Green, in case you were wondering biggrin

Then, off to my friend, Menyee's birthday. Amongst my A Level student friends, who I've been in contact with most...
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*THUD* *THUD* i cant belive i forgot about the peaches gig tho..bummer..oh and you are also wrong! A lil closer than debby was hehehe..owey..lets just say i should not of got kicked there!

lisa xX
ello there
will be there soon
i've been too lazy/busy/fucked up to have done any sorting out whatsoever and i have no idea how i'm gunna pull it off
i'll have to come back home a million times to gather stuff piles
oh well, see you soon!
xx ngnm
An update is overdue...

Finally got home after a nice visit to my mates house in Widnes. It's now pitch black and raining outside. The boughs of the trees are close enough in the dry, when it rains it almost makes the buildings disappear! I don't mind either way, though, since the house is always warm and welcoming! Headed out yesterday for a pint or...
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Arf, arf... Do me a favour, would you? Let me know what you think of the wee Brummie band supporting Rancid (the Fight, I think they're called). I need to i nterview them during the week...
You asked if I STILL kick and throw around piles of leaves? The answer to that can be found in my candids- I uploaded a few pics from last autumn there just for your sake.wink
I'd best move that journal entry out of the way....

Today I made my mind up to STAY on SG. Maybe it wasnt such a good time to get back on here, yesterday. It was touch and go for a moment or two.

I spent the day in my own domain and did a lot of thinking. The dereliction and overgrowth which surrounds my house...
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u know i have never signed on :/ what are they paying now anyway. when i was much younger i used to go out with this complete scally from salford pre ....anyway needledd to say he never worked a day in his life and clamied all the benefits he could. if i remeber right he got 70 quid evert two weeks. has it changed much since 96 ?

anyhow....good luck with the job and everything and what happened in london ? i heard that someone was mugged, was it u ? southern bastards.
Hi Mr V,.....

reading between the lines, I take it you've had a rough weekend huh ? Hope you're feelin happier. I've just had a couple of days away taking stock of things too. Not much clearer mind, but hey,... i got away for a couple of days !
A nice Boddies sounds good,....i'll raise a glass to you tomorrow lunch time as a good wish to you being called back regarding the job. Just don't tell JSA yet. What they don't know won't hurt them, and you don't want complications now do you ? They'll only cock things up if you tell them in advance,....I worked there for 10 years, so believe me, I know !

A toast to you sir,....be true to yourself and true to your word, take care of your own, and sod the world !

the "scalliwag"
Gone. I'm back now. Possibly not for long... frown
gregoryhd@doramail.com puke
What the...?

If I don't hear from you soon, I'll be scouring the sleaziest pubs in Manchester until I find out why...
OMG OMG OMG! whats wrong?!?! hope your ok!

lisa Xx
Very quick journal update, I'll do a proper one on sunday probably! wink
I'm off to lovely London for a day or two to see my friend Cakemix. Maybe some other people too, but if not, Im not too bothered, I'll catch up with you eventually (thats RIGHT!! skull )

Today has been all about how to make me ridiculously tired for my journey tomorrow. Firstly, they...
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Hope you enjoy your trip to London, trains nonwithstanding of course. I'm skint this weekend because of my holidays and will be indoors drinking whisky and watching films. Have fun!
Okies... if you're coming to Camarthan, you HAVE to make it on the weekend when we have the Cardiff meet... please please please!! (October 3rd). It'd be a blast if you were there too biggrin

Have fun in London, you lucky you smile

Cherry xox
Its that time of the evening! Correct. Journal update time...

I feel weird. Not drunk, not zoned. Just not really the usual mood for updating this... Its been an odd weekend, mainly due to the complete normality of the past few days. No epic mountain bike runs, no crazy gigs or run-ins with looney tramps and down-and-outs. Just a quiet weekend, pretty much by myself,...
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oooh, just received my fresher's week guide (ehem, puke. includes the "why bother with the christian union" meeting.... well, exactly)
capdown are on soon after i get to your neck of the woods (soon to be our neck of the woods. doesn't that sound cozy now)
i'd like to make the times i've seen them a round dozen (i think i'm counting right)
planning to go?
and peace and quiet i've had quite enough of the past couple days, bleh
xx ngnm
oh wow that is soo cool when you're parents can express their pride in you. sometimes it's rare but that makes it cooler. i remember i moved to seattle and i was talking to my mom on speaker phone and i could hear my grandma bitching in the background about how i didn't call enough. that i shouldn't worry my mom like that. i was about to say something but my jumped in and told her that i wasn't. that if i didn't call that means i was taking care of myself and didn't need her help. so when i didn't call for awhile she knew i was happy and doing fine. i know that's odd but i knew just meant that she had faith in me and she hardly ever expressed that before.

and yes i like the new pic...did you do that silvery effect yourself or did the pic just come out like that naturally?
kiss kiss
Ah. In a much more positive mood than I was yesterday. I've spent today in the sunshine setting gateposts and treating the new gates (the old ones were stolen and sold for scrap, last year btw).

Yesterday was a shortlived jaunt into manchester for a night out at the retro bar basement, again.. Two bands performed to a hotch-potch of us losers and various minor...
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Glad to hear you are in a good mood!! biggrin
Still working on the manga uniform.. my dressmaker is putting something together.. hope it works out cause i really want to do another set!!
Thanks for answering my questions.. good luck with trying to get your new job as an art director!.. that would be great. And that is such an interesting goal to restore a medieval cathedral.. it would be soo beautiful and rewarding! BTW.. what is staropramen??
skull XX
lemme know what gigs are going on soon after the 19th.....
bizarre things to do and strange places to go
i don't want to drink 10 pints of stella with the boys who play rugby or go to a tarts and vicars party or any of that freshers week crapola
no no, we shall plot and plan
unless you think i'm a twat
oh ok
i'll go then