¡Hola, SG land! Les traigo una trivia a la que me ha nominado la bella @katablue me nomino a: 50 cosas que nunca te han preguntado.
1. ¿De qué color es tu cepillo para el cabello?
Es animal print uwu
2. Nombra un alimento que nunca hayas comido: muchas comidas con carne o cortes de carne, ya no los comeré tampoco.
3. ¿Suele tener demasiado...
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Hi there, SG land! How are you? Well well, I have three amazing sets shooted by some talented staff photographers at different parts of the world with more than 2000 hearts and hundreds of comments at Member Review. I feel very blessed for that, and I want to hit Front Page once again in this unusual year for each and every one of us.
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¡Hola, SG land! Hoy les traigo un blog en mi lengua materna para apoyar a la comunidad de habla hispana y promover el idioma español dentro del sitio. Como muchos saben, soy una asidua consumidora de anime (¡tengo una tienda de merch de anime que importo desde Japón y diseño mis propia indumentaria en Argentina!) y les traigo el top 5 de títulos que he
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À tout le monde
SG Set
by msilveira
Hi there SG land! How are you? I hope you all are safe and healthy!
This time I will answer the fun quiz of the beautiful @lemon 🍋💕
What song have you been listening to on repeat lately?
Deadhead by Devin Townsend. Many of my most loyal fans know that, most of my sets have songs name titles. Try to enjoy each set listening to
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Desde adolescente admiraba a las SuicideGirls y me fascinaba el concepto: chicas con preferencias que siempre se consideraron “masculinas” dentro de una sociedad machista y patriarcal (anime, manga, cómics, videojuegos, tatuajes, modificaciones corporales, etc.). La antítesis de Playboy: una belleza más natural, lo que los americanos llaman “girl next door”, chicas que no siempre han sido “populares” justamente por sus pasiones, gustos y por una...
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Hi SG land! How are u? Here in Buenos Aires we are in total quarantine. Winter is here too, so we need to take great care of ourselves. SG is a great refuge, a community hug, an accompaniment and a source of income in these difficult times.
Well, I have some new babes in MR to introduce you, let’s say hello and give all your...
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Hi, SG land! Today, 8th of July is my birthday, I’m 34 now 🎂😎🎁
It's also my SG birthday! Five years ago my first set Breathe photographed by @aymi went to Member Review and selected as SOTD few days later! I’m very grateful and glad to be part of this beautiful community. Five years already at SuicideGirls.com making quality erotic art for you with love...
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fight fire with fire
SG Set
by mel_z
Hi SG land! How are you? I really hope you all are safe.
I am delighted with this topic and I hope you like my recommendations! 🖤 I have decided don’t put “mainstream” movies (although I love it) to not repeat films and give visibility to movies that surely you have not seen yet. The order is purely chronological:
Akira (1988)
An amazing story by...
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Hi SG land! How are u? I hope you all are safe 💜✌🏻
I have some new babes in MR to introduce you, let’s say hello and give all your love!
This tattooed goddess is @spigha in her first set Here’s to you and me photographed by my babe @fromlimbo 📷💕
@nemhain has eyes to die for in Angelic kyanite, her second set! Photographed
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