busy busy busy with work...

gyming it as much as i can, i definitely feel it, wish i saw it more though... im at 163.2 and our entire dept has decided to have a weight loss competition from now until march 31st. my goal is 130, keep my tummy flat, no back rolls, phat ass, hopefully not lose my boobies, and just all around tighten...
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walking dead is getting goooooooooood smile catch up!
How did I miss this post?

33lbs in three months should be do-able, yes? I've already subtracted 2 weeks to get over Christmas wink

I haven't done a thing about Christmas either. I wasn't really watching the time and then today it struck me just how close it is.

Good luck with the bonuses. Money = good. Especially at this time of year smile
Going to see Adam Corolla tomorrow night... still no date frown better not end up with an empty chair next to me

i must be quite the buzzkill, i get free tickets to stuff ALL the tim and no matter what the event i end up having a almost impossible time finding ANYONE to go with me frown

no plans tonight, MAYBE start a new book, Sunday...
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Well my membership expired today but none of you would know it because i got an early xmas gift! dh9261 bought me another year with all my lovelies! made my day! TY so much hun!!! kisskisskiss
Woohoo you're back
still working out, day 18 i think ???

so whats new??? ummm... i think by the end of the year if things keep going the way they have been i may have to give the roomie the boot... since he has move dout here he hasnt rent full on the 1st once...

his restaurant is now only open 3 days a week and he hasnt...
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Yesterday went better than i had hoped... no big fight, no sloshed mom (she was drunk but not nearly as bad as last year), no disasters... just food, my Cowboys ALMOST winning, and good booze.... oh! and some guitar hero smile

went to bed early, woke up early frown lame!

no plans today, some cleaning later and some delicious left overs, if i can find someone to...
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i frickin LOVE hoodie weather... the long hot summer gets OLD, love that its finally cooling down.
you lamo. i tried getting you to go out tongue

call me crazy but I like the cooler weather. Just hate working in it.

check out my blog for a response, in a few that is
I actually don't mind laundry and grocery shopping. Both are a chance for peace and relative quiet, and the opportunity to slip away into my own thoughts for an hour or two. I don't recall enjoying it as much when I was younger though. Point made smile

Money is always good to have rolling in. Especially at this time of year. I wish I could say I've been naughty tongue

Maybe you'll get lucky at the Crown & Anchor wink
day 16 of gym

i need a SHOWER and some GRUB

then i gotta do some shopping for Thanksgiving stuffs... then sleeep! maybe if i feel up to it ill write more, but highly doubtful.

kinda lame i only go tone response to yesterdays post... disappointing
I will be responding. Just need to get some work stuff done first smile
You need a shower miss smelly smelly. wink
Day 15 of gym... working out is going great, just gotta do an overhaul on the diet...

so much to talk about but im exhausted... its only 815 and im ready to pass out...

dermatologist tomorrow, 1 more month or so of treatment i think...

my internet lovelies... talk to me. ask me things, tell me things... it can be about anything, just strike up...
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I personally love Master Shake because he is a dick and has the most random lines. I share your sentiment. I own The Simpsons seasons 1-11 and don't plan on going past that. The show use to be extremely original but now just seems to cover current events. Treehouse of Horror ones are my favorite.
What prompted the move from Chicago to Las Vegas? I'm assuming your family moved there and you were simply a passenger, but why Vegas? Are you still living with your family?

This got me thinking about Vegas. I used to really love visiting there. It's been years since I was back though. Not because I don't want to return, I just haven't been able to schedule the time to do so.

I used to always stay at the New Frontier. I was pretty bummed when it got torn down. So much history reduced to just memories. I know a lot of people have said you either loved it, or hated it there. I loved it. I never got involved with the politics of it, or why there were always lines of protesters outside. I wonder what they're all doing now that , I assume, they have a lot more free time on their hands? I met some really cool people there over the years, and saw some really crazy stuff as well. I used to treat Vegas as my holiday inside a holiday - I'd do a couple weeks on the west coast, hit Vegas for a few days to wind down and relax, then hit full on tourist mode again and shoot off to my next destination feeling renewed. I miss those days. I really can't imagine what it would be like living there though. It's hard to when I've spent almost all of my time there limited to The Strip or close by. I only ever ventured in the burbs the once and it was only because I got lost.

Do you see yourself growing old there, or is there somewhere else you'd like to live?

in response to akasherm:

the vast majority of men in vegas are twofaced, self involved, douches.... all the others seem to be even worse but play the game so well you dont know whats going on until its too late. (can you tell ive been burned more than a few times)

i cant find a many genuine persons to be great friends with much...
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Sent you an email.
i am busy but i can always make time... no one is interested and im not a big partier so i dont meet randoms too often...
I find that so hard to comprehend; that no one is interested in you. Granted, I've seen only a small snippet of who you are through your blog, but you're certainly not hard on the eyes, nor do you seem to send off any "crazy" signals. Do the guys in Vegas have their expectation levels set unrealistically high?

Although it is hard to meet people when you don't go out. God, I wouldn't even know where to begin looking again these days.

I have a real life friend in Vegas who's just signed up on a singles site. She's had reasonable luck so far, however she's after less long term relationships, so that may be why she's had success.

What's needed here is a game plan smile
gym day 12...

still lots of work ahead of me... gotta run walmarts tomorrow and 711s thursday and some where in between im supposed to close innovations and Ab Zero on a few stubborn ampms... ugh.... save those for friday! Saturday is beer festival, sunday is the Nellis AFB airshow and somehow i got roped into being the god damned Nesquik bunny for an hour...
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im sure there will be plenty of pics, also its more of a festival of sorts with lots and lots of vendors, nevaa beverage being one of them and nesquik being one product we offer... i guess the kids love it and it will be interesting seeing as how i dont exactly love kids... its gonna be fun no matter what smile
Ha, why just an hour in the bunny suit?

Beerfest and Air show? I should have chosen this coming weekend to take off instead of this past one.