I finished Dubliners about 2 days ago. I thought it was great. Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist were both amazing.

So I started my trek into Ulysses. I had read the first part of it a few years ago thinking "Oh, it can't really be as hard as everybody says it is!" But, after reading the 3rd chapter, and not understanding any of it,...
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Fuck Proust, i couldn't read him either. As for Joyce, fuck him too. I read some Kundera, it was decent. Same with Kafka. I dunno, maybe its because I am almost done being an English major but all books are starting to bore me. Read Borges, hes the only writer worth a damn.
I just finished Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" today. I have to say, I liked it. I could definitely use a re-read though, since I'm positive I missed a whole shitload of stuff. My lit analysis skills are lacking, as usual. But, even accounting for my own pitfalls as a reader, I found it to be interesting. Joyce's use of...
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I'm never listened to so much of one single music artist and not been bored. I have 1000 Bob Dylan songs and decided about 2 weeks ago to listen to all of them. I wanted all of them to have at last 1 play count in iTunes. So I've listened to only Bob since then. Well, with the exception of, I think, 3 Elliott Smith...
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I update too much.

I'm listening to Kenny Rogers. Eclectic music taste I suppose.

Nothing else exciting to say. Ah life, full of excitement. Any ideas to liven it up?
Yeah, its the Anderson version. Crazy stuff. I dunno about South America but more and more I am getting interested in visiting China so if you are still into all that let me know. We can teach English over there or something.
ps. Tom from Tom and Edie called me a few days ago. Talk about a blast from the past.
Went to my parents tonight. Tried not to talk politics, didn't work. Luckily I'm smart enought to keep any kind of radical opinions to myself, I smiled and nodded and kept with the topic of choice. Can't get kicked out of my own family because I don't agree with them on some issues. Since my step mom is a pretty stubborn lady sometimes. Well, I'm...
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Happy Birthday! Party Hard!
That entry's the exact same thing that happened to me last Thanksgiving. I just kept drinking so I wouldn't open my mouth and yell at the extremely conservative members of my family's comments. I'm the black sheep in the scenario, so I keep it to myself around them, it sucks, but whaddya gonna do?
My little sister and my best friend went off to college. I'm feeling pretty lonely. I wrote her a letter, gotta send it tomorrow. It's weird how me and my sister didn't get alone before, but now we do. She called me tonight, said things are good. I've been in my room all day. Good times.
Hey Jason, it's jason hehe. I'm in Robert's room right now. He's unpacking all his stuff now.

Yeah my sister went away to UCF 5 years ago and I missed her a bunch too when she left too.
Ok, so this is odd.
The faucet broke and water was spraying everything. A fine sheer mist was covering anything that was in the vicinity. The papers we were writing on were now close to soaked, the ink bleeding through, transforming the words into a mix of blue and black.
I held my breath.
She pulled back her hair, water dripping down the tip of...
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I just played the intro to "Don't fear the reaper" by Blue Oyseter Cult for about 15 mintues straight. Someone save me. Thanks.
I'm sick. frown It's times like these that I'm a mommas boy, cause I want someone to bring me medicine and put wash clothes on my forehead. But I'm stuck in this room with the TV on, my roommates are doing lord knows what. blush could be worse though, right?
suppose you could know what there doing to ... and that it involves several species of small furry mamals groving togeather with a pict axe in a cave...