What a day. I didn't do a damn thing and it felt great.

It's starting to kick in that my time in my shit town is coming to an end and it feels wierd. I mean I've been here for 8 years but now it's time for a drastic change. Looking forward to it......that is if i survive my blow out final going away party...
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good job doing nothing....nice mail!

what would i do?
.aww...how about instead of a moshpit have a raging hot sg girl orgy!!!!!

well promise not to tell anyone but i've always wanted to be an astronaut, go to outerspace.. possibly even to other worldsbiggrinbiggrin

and as for older ppl having sex lives.. yeah i know. my mom and her husband, yeah.. well... i try to forget the memory of hearing them out of my mind. eewwwwwwww
Today I was asked a question that I on a subject I've never really put much thought into until just a little while ago. It caught me off gaurd for a little bit just because I'm a person who loves the spontanious side of life.

Question: If I could fulfill my life long dream what would it be and with who?

Answer: I would be...
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Thanks for the compliment...you know, the military is something I feel very passionate about, and those who deny the importance and relevance of such a strong military are ignorant, and I have no problem saying so. The facts are the facts, that's all. So, you have a happy memorial day... kiss
Sweet! I'm down!
Good night tonight. Tomorrow will come to soon. frown I've realized tonight something really cool. I knew I had made alot of friends but fuck I never knew how many until these past few weeks. I will miss all of them. Luckly it's easy for me to make new ones. I'll never forget the ones I've made in this shit town. A new adventure is ahead...
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Virgin Islands???!!!! That is sooo awesome and exciting. I'll glad you'll still be playing with us on SG. smile
Ahhh...Rum...my evil companion. I have had one too many nights drinking the sun-tan smelling shit they call Malibu Rum, I stick with the lighter stuff, tequila now. But how about a tequila shooter? A little salt, a little Jose and a little lemon? Sounds like a plan to me...

I'm glad you are having such a great time closing this chapter in your life. I hope your new beginning brings you just as many memorable excursions. THAT, and a maid that will know WHEN to throw out the damn milk...*giggle* wink
Boring day. Already looking forward to the weekend. It will be my last forever in this shit town.

8 DAYS LEFT!! biggrin

I am going to miss some really good friends I have here but we will keep in touch. Getting a two bedroom house on the island so they'll have no excuse to come down and stay for free.

I was looking through some old...
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It's GREEN!!?!?!?! Alright, ewwww. Twitch, I think it's okay NOT to drink it, really....ick!

LOVE the pictures, looks like you had a great time...I love that it's taking like a month for everyone to say goodbye to you, that's the way it SHOULD be! Keep it up, and keep posting pictures. Your friends are very "friendly" *giggle* wink
I am not the lead singer in my band . I play bass and do backing vocals. Goodbye? Where are you going? Boy am I out of the loop.
Holy shit!!!! Just had the most intense dream i've ever had. Fuck and it's 4:16am. This dream made me wake up in a cold sweat. What scared the crap outta me was everyone in it were friends i'm leaving soon. too tired to tell the rest gotta get up in few hours. eeek
Dreams like that can be horrible, however, when you have a sensory dream, as I like to call them, where they appeal to you on every sensory level, and it's a good dream...well, the experience can affect you for days. Here's hoping to sweeter dreams tomorrow... wink How many more days?
YAY!!! St. Croix or bust!! wink
Ya know my journal entry was just too damn negative earlier today. So it's time for something more positive.

I just wanted to say thanks to both my tattoo artists and friends Tony and Bob at the Lucky Dog tattoos in Seaside, Oregon. They're great friends and kick ass artists. I'm loosing 8 years of hanging in the shop and getting ink. But it's not...
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oh yeah, there are some serious kick ass tattoo artisits out there...i need to set up a meeting with a woman who did my friend's tattoos, they turned out fantastic and i can't wait to see what she can do for me...

hope your havin a killer sunday! biggrin
Well if they did the work you posted, than HELL YEAH their kick ass artists!
biggrin biggrin
Moving is such a pain in the ass. Gotta make sure everything is packed up safe for the long trip. Movers coming in a few days and they better not fuck anything up. Had to get movers insurance for this crap. Then I find out that it'll take almost two months for me to get my stuff! I geuss they're putting it on the slowest...
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thank you! kiss

RE: "Hey. Has anyone ever gone somewhere to hang out and had two ex girlfriends or boyfriends show up there and it became a really wierd situation? Cause it ahppened to me last night"

oh yeah...it can makes for a strange night! shocked how did things end up?

have any fun plans for the evening?

I'm scared eeek ..........Really scared. I think tonight my friends have something evil wink planned for me but won't say a word. Today they would be talking and as I'd walk by they'd stop and just look at me then laugh.

10 DAYS LEFT. biggrin

I just want to say that there was a time in my life when I used to do something really fucking stupid. Yes...
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your getting down and dirty tonight.
i know what you are talking bout with the dui thing. but consider this.. he got a dui, that is not the worst thing. <biting lip> i could tell you some stories but i'm sure you've know how they go.

btw you are not old enough for that song to give you memories tongue biggrin
Another day. blah blah blah. frown
Started like this frown
Due to a night before like this biggrin
Then I realized I had to be productive with only 2 hours of sleep which made me feel like this mad
But as the day drew on things got like this whatever
So I'm home now smile
Going away party tonight biggrin
Weekend coming puke
Very scared of what will happen eeek eeek
One more week of...
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No wins for me. frown We had fun though!
good for you, mean people need fuckin' with! kiss
Good times. Good times. Holy shit how many parties do I gotta go to? Beach bonfire this weekend. Party on the river after that. Thet're trying to kill me before i leave! It's cool though that everyone is doing this.

Just bought a computer. Gotta keep in touch on the island ya know.

So I hope everyone is doing alright. I still feel like I'm...
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i'd love to be going to a bazillion parties.. i think confused

just remember to drink lots of water wink

work?? whats that? *scratches head* wait.. is that that thing that you get money for? biggrin
Used to be someone I wish would burst into flames, then I became her boss...I'll make sure of it now...*evil giggle* wink
Another day. Just all blending together.
13 days left. Can't wait. Did I mention that I really hate complicated shit? My new camera is so fucking difficult to figure out. I'm slowly getting the loading part of getting my new pics on my site. Should be in next few days.

So how was everyone's weekend cause mine was fucking awesome! Surprised I'm alive. biggrin
have a great trip! biggrin

edited to add: great pics....wish i'da been there!

[Edited on May 17, 2004 10:40PM]
totally looks like it was...i'm jealous i wasn't there! wink
Somebody shoot me. My head is going to explode. Man, what a great weekend. I never have seen so many people dressed like me before. It was such a blast. Lots of pics. I just gotta get them down sized to put on my pics.
Last night was even crazier. Partied until 4:30 am. Just to get up a few hours later to sit down...
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I had a GREAT weekend...headed to the strip club with my cousin, Sam, and he's a "promise" of a great time. I love that about him. Junior won the race...A new killer promotion at work...I love being the boss...and that's life right now. Only one thing would make things kick more ass right now, and that's partying like a rockstar with you kick-ass people! kiss
OH, and can't wait to see the new tats!!