I need a hug. Really bad. My puppy is being put to sleep tomorrow and I can't make it home to see her. My dad loved her so much. I don't remember ever seeing my dad cry and I could hear him cry over the phone. I need to get rid of my kitty Nubby. The sweet old lady my mom takes care of died... Read More
well, seeing that he entered your living space, and you are doing him a favor, if his animals are causing you grief, i would tell him to get rid of his animals. You changing your life for him isn't going to work. When this guy gets back on his feet, whether you like it or not, he probably isn't going to be around long.
That is a girl I know, Kristen Key. Her voice is so awesome, especially live. The video this weirdo made kinda (really) sucks but it is the only full version of the song I could find to post for you guys. Kristen is the hot chick in black and white it shows playing the guitar. Enjoy, its not for everyone but if you don't have... Read More
So today walking home from my midterm (which I do believe I kicked ass on), I saw a bent up wire coat hanger and a used condom in the alley. Does that make anyone else giggle besides me? I'm a freak, I know
I cannot wait for the Rock of Love reunion, God I love that it looks like Heather beats the hell out of... Read More
thank you, she means the world to me and I want her to feel better. yes it if tuff, I just can't stand this place anymore, and if I get into that other place I will not need as much money. well if I go I will be there all day Saturday and ether come back late that night or early Sunday.
I suppose it is about that time, eh? Have you guys seen the 2 newest South Parks? OMG I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. The season started out seriously sucky so I'm glad they are back on track. Butters singing "what what, in the butt" is constantly in my head.
All of my days kind of run together as of late. I... Read More
Firstly girl, I LOVE YOu!! Whenever you post about the dickheads you come across (why are they always bothering you?!) and the sarcastic responses you retort to them I can't help but laugh out loud. You cute little witty lady, you are awesome. We gotta meet up one day and get trashed and trash those who deserve it (that makes me sound like a little twat!! but I mean...I'm a bit of a misanthrope, so I'm generally not too pleased with the people I come accross on outings ) I'm sorry to hear about your poor friend and his insane ex...but he's lucky to have a friend like you willing to take him in and treat him right. So even though it's probably hard for you to see him with so much anger surrounding him -- remember that you are doing everything for him anyway, and I'm sure (if not already since I'm late to respond to this blog) that he will be feeling himself soon enough under your care! So yes...hope you're keepin your chin up girl...sorry I've been MIA on here a lot lately, I am desperately trying to finish my year for art school (my last assignment is in on the 28th...) So after that I'll be back on here stalking about and leaving explicitly long comments on your blog
/looks up at all the rambling I just left to you
all the best to you nicki!
x x
Are girls supposed to have wet dreams? If you think I am unattractive or if you are a prude, don't read the spoiler, fair warning, although it isn't super graphic or anything.
Seriously, I came in my sleep last night. I woke up and I was like ummm WTF JUST HAPPENED? Granted it was a REALLY fucking good dream with someone... Read More
I got home last night, and the longer I sat there, the more annoyed I got that they NEVER have smores cupcakes anymore. I think that we should storm the kitchen and take people hostage until they spit up the recipe so that we can make them whenever we want. Plan?
Phew. The hardest thing about being gone for a weekend is catching up on blogs on here haha! I just finished. So yeah, I went up to Canton for the weekend. We colored eggs with the cousins Sat night. Rob, I think my mom ate your Jeebus egg, I can't find it Ash, just incase I don't see you in time to give your yours,... Read More
This may end up lengthy, feel free to skim if you must. How was the weekend lovelies? Thankfully, the loves of my life, ohash and DevilsReject were my saving graces. I started by working all day waiting on high schoolers Thursday. After that was Havana, which I'm glad other ppl enjoyed, but it just wasn't my cup of tea that time. Between bitchiness, creepiness, and... Read More
I saw this on myspace and it is a pretty awesome idea. Maybe it is just the English major in me that finds it to be a bit fun, but seriously, it isn't going to hurt you to give. Besides, the 7 new deadly sins are:
So that was a lot of swearing in that last entry, eh? Oopsie. Finals are here. I have one more paper to write and one exam on Tuesday then I am done. Woohoo! I will be working a ton for the state boys bball finals though. Fuuuun. I'm sure it will be just as fun as it was working today during a Blizzard Warning and... Read More
If you give me a good enough reason, my normally passive, light heartedly sarcastic self will probably freak the fuck out on you.
Poker last night was non existent but entertaining. Due to alcohol, lateness, or lack of communication, most ppl ended up not showing and those that did were too drunk to function and ended up passing out. The night consisted of one round... Read More
Thank you sweetie. The job is fun, good to be back in the bike world. By the way, I love the Scrubs quote. That is one of my all time favorite shows. I am JD. But better. I hope you are well. And I enjoyed looking through all, yes ALL, of your pictures. There are some good ones in there.
I need a tax return check like whoa. I am sooooo short on rent this month. I've had to take a lot of days off for miscellaneous things and I basically fucked myself over. I think I might start another Swap Meet thread tonight so look for it and buy my shit pretty please.
I've decided I want an alter-ego name for myself for when... Read More
Word. So snow tubing was fun It was nice seeing everyone. I got to call one of the tubing guys a bastard coated bastard with bastard filling. Also fun. The cool guy that ran the last lane loved us. Adalae and I got to turn everything he said into a "That's what she said" joke. She's super cute, and Meow is basically one of my... Read More