WARNING: The following is a loooooong photo blog about the nature adventure I went on today. Not a lot to say, mostly pictures.

I'll spoiler all the pictures so all the little whiney bitches who don't like random awesomeness don't have to scroll through all my random awesomeness! HAHA!
I had a really fun morning today! I went to a botanical garden that I didn't know existed until now. I was driving down the road and I saw it and I swerved with the quickness to get to it, almost hitting a dude on a bike. Whatever. He was fine.

OH SHIT! Almost forgot!
Real quick, I saw this gem on the road this morning:

Oh yeah. That. Just. Happened. Take it in....
And with that... I give you today's peachy adventure!
Then the rain forced me to go home... asshole...
I'm excited because tonight, me and the ever so sexy Sixxer! We FINALLY get to hang out and we both need some major girlie time so it should be funnnnn!
Well, I hope you enjoyed my adventure as much as I did, guys! Cuz I had a blasty blast. Fo sho
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One, two, three and to the fo', Peach doggy dog and Dr. Sixxer at the do'!
Yeah, I said it. Whatchu gonna do about it?! LOL
P.S. I have a few girlies on here who I know are going through some shit right now. You all know who you are, because we've been talkin. I love you so so so so much and I'm thinking of every single one of you and sending every extra good vibe I've got your way. XOXOXOXOX
2. Have work shit to discuss little mama!!
3. I am raping Tim Mcgraw tonight at sleep train.
That is all.