Very few songs can give me goosebumps that I can feel deep into my bone marrow. This is one of those songs. It's kinda weird that the instrumental part is the House theme. lol But the lyrics are incredible and her voice gives me chills.... Ahhh.... LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE... Read More
i know how you feel with not finding a good job where u make good money at, it sucks, especially when your used to making more. don't give up hope love , all we can do is stay positive and hope .
-Me and Jesse are dating again. It's going pretty good so far.
-Work still sucks horribly and I am getting even LESS hours right now so there's that.
-Still haven't been able to find a new or second job.
-"Friends" have been too busy for me these days.
-I've been pretty depressed and... Read More
Was starting to wonder if you'd poofed off of SG for good or what?!
Glad to see you're still around, and hoping that you're able to overcome the funk you feel you're in. Chin up!
Hope work picks up for you too, we all need the almighty dollar unfortunately...
Please take care, and sending positive thoughts your way
I'm so tired of life sucking. I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of not knowing who I am anymore and I'm EXTRA tired of waiting around for life to get better.
So, it didn't work out with Jesse. I'm pretty over it. I think I knew deep down that he wasn't right AT ALL for me. Frankly, I need attention. And he... Read More
Because the universe fucking hates me and everything that makes me happy, I will be unable to participate in the shoot next weekend in Reno. Financially, it's just not feasible. Even though the lovely Sunshine was willing to cut me a deal on the package she was shooting for me, because my job sucks giant ball sacks, it's... Read More
That is a shame. Things will work out eventually, you will find a better job, you will get to do a shoot, and everyone will be happy (except for maybe Vans ).
I found this video online of his opening to the show Friday night. In honor of MCA he did this Intergalactic mix to open up. I literally got choked up. It made me soooo happy. So. Fucking. Rad.
We had such a blast! Me and Jesse went to Meghan's house in midtown and met all her friends and ate... Read More
This morning, Adam "MCA" Yauch of the LEGENDARY Beastie Boys died of cancer at the age of 47. My heart is absolutely broken over this. I didn't even cry when Michael Jackson died! But today, as I read it on Rolling Stone's website while driving to the bank (probably not the safest activity)... Read More
I always thought I was a pretty tough girl. Pretty independent and pretty in control of my life. My feelings and emotions have always been sorta erratic but I've learned ways to keep that as under control as possible.
And then one morning I just woke up like this.
Today I sobbed all day. Not because someone hurt me... Read More
nothing pathetic about emotions... happens to the best of us (usually with the worst timing possible).
definately wish you luck and lots of it! it's a bad time to be unemployed (or underemployed, for that matter) and people hiring are being pickier than ever simply because they can.
life can be a bitch, but with luck it'll be worth the ride!
Watch this video if you want to see how I will be spending next Friday night:
That's right! Me and Jesse and a bunch of my friends will most likely be going to see Bassnectar free of charge. I'm pretty damn excited because I'd have to miss it if it weren't free for us. LOL My friend Meghan is buying me and Jesse... Read More
I kinda wish I had the guts to make videos like this of me playing my music and singing but I'm a goddamn chicken and have mad stage fright. LOL I can get naked without blinking an eye... but make videos of me playing music.... forget about it! lol... Read More
She said, "I've got to be honest,
You're wasting your time if you're fishin' around here."
And I said, "You must be mistaken,
I'm not foolin', this feelin' is real."
She said, "You've gotta be crazy!
What do you take me for? Some kinda of easy mark?"... Read More