Ok well family the last of my family goes home tommorow...I have to go job hunting....and I have to print out resumes...Dont know about my life sometimes....Maybe I should just give up...Gave a friend a massage table for her B-Day...Of course she thought strings were attached...I was just giving her a hand up...But she didnt see it that way...Trust me I understands her concerns...But it...
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Families still in town but I'm surving!...Thanks for checking in lol
Ok well I have family coming into town this week...My Uncle Orville from Texas is coming in and staying with us for a couple of weeks....And on Sunday my mom and step dad arrives for a month....I'm doing ok at work...Still paying the bills barely...But its almost busy season...So thank goodness for that...As far as the love life goes...NADA Nothin!...WhaT I need is to suck...
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The gig on fountain square went good...It was payday today...I am going on a fast tomorrow dont know how long it will last..Its more spiritual than anything...
Have a Clear channel lunch event down on Fountain Square in Cincinnati on Friday...And when I get back its pay day...
YAY!! for pay day!! I still think you need to make it to this end of Ohio to give me a massage!
Well its definately today...I have a radio gig from 1130 to 130 today...On one of the clear channel stations here in Cincinnati...I will be doing chair massage for about 2 hours...It was cancelled last week...Its on Mason-Montgomery Rd....Amanda will have more details as far as location when I get to the salon...I hope everyone has a nice day
I think I should be the one getting the massage cause my back is in a lot of pain today
Good luck I know you wasn't looking forward to it last week..

Its Saturday night folks!!...And here I sit once again...No money...No life...lol...But hey I might as well make rthe best of the situiation...*thinks*...*pops blood vesel from thinking too hard*...Ok just going to do whatever...WHATEVER that IS!...lol
Ok I'm tired its almost 8 in the morning...I have to hop in the shower and go to work... I dont know whats scheduled today for meas far as massages....But I know tomorrow is going to be busy...I have to do a radio gig at 11:30 not sure if its outside or inside...Hopefully inside sinceits suppose to rain tomorrow...That will last till 1:30 then I...
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I would love to be on the radio!! That would be freakin awesome!
So Its around 7 pm and i have to get some things together...My back feels great after going to Chiropractor visits for the past month...I'm going to do some light working out now...I have only 1 massage scheduled..For tomorrow...I picked up my business cards today...I have to buy 2 B Day cards for my clients who have Birthdays this month and give them 20% off...
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I was hoping you would show up at the pinic yesterday and I could get a massage! That would have ruled!
Its Saturday night...And you would think I have something better to do than write a blog....Yes you guessed it..I don't
....Its 10:30ish and I am tired..Physically mentally and emotionally...I just don't feel like doing a damn thing...I had my ex text me that she misses us...And what am I suppose to say...I text her back asking how she enjoyed her Friday night at the club...I...
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Well here I sit...Alone and frustated about pretty much everything in life...My financial situation needs drastic improvement
...I'm surviving and its only been a little over a month since I switched jobs...But damn I'm living paycheck to paycheck
..I can realize that I am in a good spot...And all I need is time...But I wish it would hurry the hell up!
...And Im so sexually...
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Wow.. you are pretty bold..
I too feel ya.. from all aspects money wise, sex wise..and well um.. I don't want to suck on a girls breasts..but I love to have mine sucked on..lol.. since you're so bold I thought I would be too

lol... about an hour
...I'm off today nd wanting to do SOMETHING!....Maybe an afternoon movie...Going througfh a rough spot to say the least....Just dont know what to do with myself...Any suggestions??