Did ya ever have a day when you just reaaaly wanted a Mulligan ( a DO-OVER in golf). I woke up this morning, not just on the WRONG side of the bed , but feeling as if I were on the floor on the wrong side of the bed... NOTHING was going to work out today... Well, when you HAVE that kind of attitude, you...
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In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it. You KNOW who you ARE!
It definitely is a hasselblad. its my baby.
DAMN! I have been SOOO blessed with friendship by SOOO many EXQUISITE women in my life!!!! Not just the many wonderful women on this site ,but also just the wonderful ,beautiful women who make up my everyday life! I count myself as an EXTRAORDINARILY FORTUNATE MAN! It's NOT about sex or trying to get LAID... I am fortunate simply for the honour of being allowed...
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just coming by to say hellooooooooooo
There's nothing like walking in the door from another 12 hour day to the smell of a fresh cat turd on my clean kitchen floor! Little shitheads! It's not as if they don't have a clean litterbox (in another room) and they don't get any attention... but DAMMIT Daddy's gotta WORK!
Today has been a day of mixed blessings. I got several really GOOD business calls which will help me immensely in getting my tiny a/v, low voltage business going. Really, for business, it was a phenomenal day! However, I went out to the shared garage between properties this morning and what I found has kinda broken my heart... We have had a couple of litters...
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aww =[ but congrats on the account!
Thank-you Doll!smile
You cant force true creativity.Force is a measurement of work. Creativity is the mind at PLAY!
I couldn't agree with you more!
Thanks for lovin on my set smile
I have had to repair my computers sooo many times over the years.... I want THIS to be SAID! If ever I am able to lay my hands on the little shitheads who live in their parent's basements and wreck havock on the rest of us online everyday.... LISTEN UP FUCKERS! WHEN I CATCH YOU, you will WISH the Federal Government had found you first....you...
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THREE DAYS of helping my best friend move! Heat index of 103 and NOOO amount of water or Gatorade was gonna do the job! Projectile vomiting did occur! Thankfully, I was NOT the sole individual struck by the heat....Am at home now, and I don't think I could pry my ass out of this chair without a crowbar. Watching the city fireworks on tv basically...
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Yeah.... winamp is kewl till I'm asleep for two hours and RAMSTEIN plays....my cat won't come anywhere NEAR me now...I think I need to spend more time on the ole playlists...
That's pretty funny!

I keep meaning to organize my music and stuff, too...but then I forget until I am listening to the same songs on my mp3 player at work...again and again... whatever
Damn! The audacity and sheer lack of HONOR to be found in some people never ceases to AMAZE me..... My best friend (of some 20 years or so) is selling his house, and the individuals to whom he is selling keep coming up with more and MORE BULLSHIT for him to DO! He is already giving the buyer a very GOOD deal but these ASSHOLES...
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DAMMIT! What IS it with me? I quit dating FIVE YEARS AGO because I escaped being engaged to a CRAZY person! There were times when she could have killed me... I took exception to those times and chose to survive. She took an additional six MONTHS to quit calling and emailing my friends. She finally found a new target and left me in peace. I...
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Ahh well then, i did something nice today... who knew?
short answer.... I DID! Have a lovely life doll!
Hi! I came by to say 'Thank you' for the love on my set and for your comment! That was very sweet of you, and if you'd like to keep on giving it your 'love' that'd be badass.
reading your blog that shit sounds crazy! I am so sorry you had to put up with that psycho bitch! You deserve someone who treats you with respect! take care, darling!