This is not me coming back to this site, i dont feel that that will be possible, this is just me explaining why im leaving.
I originally came to this site to help boost my confidence and the way i feel about myself and maybe just maybe find someone and be happy. I have always been incredibly shy and introverted which has meant that i...
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I originally came to this site to help boost my confidence and the way i feel about myself and maybe just maybe find someone and be happy. I have always been incredibly shy and introverted which has meant that i...
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Im Leaving this site, my account is cancelled and i dont think i will be back on here again.
Not sure how long this will be up.
Not sure how long this will be up.
what? why?
Hmm suppose i should write a new blog, but i dont know what to write.
About all i can say is im going to my parents at the weekend, its great to see my family but it is a bit of an emothional strain on me. Family has always been very important to me and we were very close but now with my brother having...
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About all i can say is im going to my parents at the weekend, its great to see my family but it is a bit of an emothional strain on me. Family has always been very important to me and we were very close but now with my brother having...
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Thanks man.
I want to apologise for not being on here very much recently, i havent been reading many blogs or looking through the threads, i have missed reading about what has been happening in your lives but i feel that i need to get my life back on track and not plummeting over the edge into the abyss before i can get back to being the...
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Hehe, well I'm glad that you're also getting things in order honey.
Life is hard sometimes eh but I'm sure we'll both get there in the end.
Life is hard sometimes eh but I'm sure we'll both get there in the end.
not that busy, mum and dad are going, or i can kick you out, lol
Well i have decided that im not going to actively look for anyone anymore (it never works when i do). I have come to realise that im totally inept at relationships so im not going to inflict my self on anyone for a long while, im just aiming for friendships from now on.
Im going to just meet as many new people as i can...
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Im going to just meet as many new people as i can...
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I love your italian!
glad i can be informative
(oh and sexy

I seem to have done it again.
I have this stupid idiotic streak of thinking way too much into things and hoping that something that isnt there is. I cant seem to stop doing it and it just makes everyone feel worse.
I had this idea in my head about someone and as usual i was wrong, she is a wonderful woman and im glad...
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I have this stupid idiotic streak of thinking way too much into things and hoping that something that isnt there is. I cant seem to stop doing it and it just makes everyone feel worse.
I had this idea in my head about someone and as usual i was wrong, she is a wonderful woman and im glad...
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You and me both man. I have the exact same problem which is why trying not to rush Rachael and let things develop is so difficult. Of course we began on the wrong foot really, trying to build a relationship after sleeping with someone does not exactly set the right tone.
Best of luck man, ever feel the need to vent to someone who understands you know where I am.
Best of luck man, ever feel the need to vent to someone who understands you know where I am.
I read your blog with interest and saw again that you had thanked a load of ladies on here for helping you threw your troubles which is cool but.....dude if i,m correct the woman you have pent up love for lives the other side of the world you ain,t got a prayer.
SG IS NOT A DATING SITE i think you need to get that sorted in your head,it is a place to make friends thou i say keep it at that and with friendship love might develop.I guess that you msn most gurlies on here to chat,i tell you something for free INTERNET AND ROMANCE is a no go zone.
If you are so desperate for love get yourself to a dating agency where they can match you up with somebody who has the same interests as yourself.If you continue to hit on girls on here you will probably become a lovesick internet stalker and you don,t want that.
I hope i haven,t offended you but i think you need telling.
When blogging express yourself in a happier way and fill it with things that make you happy you will feel a lot better
SG IS NOT A DATING SITE i think you need to get that sorted in your head,it is a place to make friends thou i say keep it at that and with friendship love might develop.I guess that you msn most gurlies on here to chat,i tell you something for free INTERNET AND ROMANCE is a no go zone.
If you are so desperate for love get yourself to a dating agency where they can match you up with somebody who has the same interests as yourself.If you continue to hit on girls on here you will probably become a lovesick internet stalker and you don,t want that.
I hope i haven,t offended you but i think you need telling.
When blogging express yourself in a happier way and fill it with things that make you happy you will feel a lot better
Hey everybody, im back abit sooner than i thought i would be but hey i have some wonderful people to thank for that.
I m amazed that so many of you actually missed me on here, i didnt realise i had an affect on so many of you.
I want to thank so many of you for being supportive to me but especially to Cerephinna...
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I m amazed that so many of you actually missed me on here, i didnt realise i had an affect on so many of you.
I want to thank so many of you for being supportive to me but especially to Cerephinna...
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Surely...... Dolly and I would looooooooooooooooooove company 

Of course I have a real need to see 'em... 

I think i need a break from this site for a while.
This site has been a wonderful help for me in getting some of my confidence back and meeting lots of new friends (and loosing one wonderful friend
). But with what has happened on here over the last month to some of my friends and me, i feel that some time away to...
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This site has been a wonderful help for me in getting some of my confidence back and meeting lots of new friends (and loosing one wonderful friend

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Oh my. Do take care of yourself... you'll be missed.
good luck with everything dude, see you soon
Today is not the best of days.
My housemate and closest friend Lilandra's grandfather is in hospital and is not expected to make it through the night so her and her family are driving up to Scotland tonite. Her Husband ProfessorX wont be going because his work will not give him the time off (bastards).
I will be thinking of her and i hope...
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My housemate and closest friend Lilandra's grandfather is in hospital and is not expected to make it through the night so her and her family are driving up to Scotland tonite. Her Husband ProfessorX wont be going because his work will not give him the time off (bastards).
I will be thinking of her and i hope...
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As always thank you sweetie.
aww, thats know we're sending the love
thank you hun, i willl get there in the end im sure. x
Me too, its like a button has been pressed in my head today, I'm obsessed!!
Today was pretty good.
Finally got my contact lenses (its been about a month since i had the initial consultation) Was supposed to have them on Friday but the opticianswas so busy and i had a lot o trouble with them that it had to be posponed till this morning.
Didnt start work till 10:30 because of this which was cool as i got to...
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Finally got my contact lenses (its been about a month since i had the initial consultation) Was supposed to have them on Friday but the opticianswas so busy and i had a lot o trouble with them that it had to be posponed till this morning.
Didnt start work till 10:30 because of this which was cool as i got to...
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it was apretty cool gig, I'd like to see them play a bigger venue...i think they need to get a massive inflatable bat winged skull to accompany signed off is going ok, knowing I have to go back is leading me to not sleeping very well again, which is annoying, so just need a start date for this new job then I get my notice in!!
I styill haven't got back on WoW, I just couldn't give it the time it deserves....
I styill haven't got back on WoW, I just couldn't give it the time it deserves....

Ah well maybe I will take some more at some point then
Thank you honey.
Happy Friday to you, hope you have a lovely day.

Happy Friday to you, hope you have a lovely day.
Hey all some good news atlast!
The company i have been temping for has just offered me a permanent position and want me to oversee and provide support for the warehouse IT systems. This is great as im finally going to be using my qualifications for something.
The money isnt great but its close enough so that i can cycle to and from work which...
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The company i have been temping for has just offered me a permanent position and want me to oversee and provide support for the warehouse IT systems. This is great as im finally going to be using my qualifications for something.
The money isnt great but its close enough so that i can cycle to and from work which...
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You always cheer me up with every sweet message that you send me
Thank you honey.

Thank you honey.
Yeah, it's very relevant isn't it!! And yes, now I know for a fact he is a nasty, manipulative twat, I feel vindicated in a way. At least I can go to sleep at night knowing I did my best and it is his loss, rather than mine.
I get to gain out of this from now on. He doesn't. That makes me happy
I get to gain out of this from now on. He doesn't. That makes me happy
