As always, Olympic fever has gotten a hold of me. Enjoy the time you spend being angry at something that is intrinsically engineered to make us feel happy, folks. I'll be over here, mildly weeping with pride and joy into my beer.
As a side bar, what does make people that get angry at things like the Olympics or overly-hyped movies happy? Dying puppies? When... Read More
One can't help but get emotional watching sometimes. It feels good to hear the anthem play and share in that athlete's shining moment. I turn into what I like and skip what I don't. Haven't had the chance to catch as much of it this year as I would have liked but did catch the women's relay race which was pretty darned awesome and a bit of swimming.
Yeah, it was a good way to end things...but part of me still hasn't quite let go, as odd as that may seem.
It's been getting warmer here over the past few days, with a little more humidity thrown into the mix. I'm really starting to get sick of summer, haha.
I'm a distant fucker lately, but it's not just about you. I promise. It's so much more about me. But we're all self-centered fucks, aren't we? I promise even more that I miss a lot of you. And I miss who I was when I "saw" you all back then. I seem to miss a lot of things lately.
Well, they pulled a fast one on us last week and kept everyone, leading to a heart-rending "20 dancers enter, 16 dancers leave" decision for this week. And who's along for the ride as our celebrity judge for this momentous occasion? Why, Debbie Reynolds, of course. Off we go.
Quick question for you as I see you are the owner of the bball group. Any chance you could change the title of this thread to the "Minnesota Timberwolves Thread"?
I figure with their moves this year, a few people might actually care a little bit.
Goodness me, Fox has a ton of content for the show this season already. Of course it took them a while to get pictures up, and those things are worth a million words, so I like to use them. Remember, these are in order of my favorites, not when they danced during the show. Oh, and I only really focus... Read More
85. Come And Knock On Our Door...
Pris pushed the doorbell to Shauna's front doors for a third time. She held the recorded ping out for a long time, jamming her finger on the button. She removed her finger and prepared it for a fourth longer jab when the door whipped open to reveal the half-naked torso of Theo Theocrat.... Read More
The minutiae of our everyday lives, which we pretend should bore us, holds us rapt in its feeble grasp. Instead of railing against this cloyingly light touch, we can acknowledge it. We can embrace what it is to simply live, to only breathe, to be one of many. We can be special in our sameness. We can just be.
73. An Explanatory Evening
The night crept in to New York city. Victoria Fowlers body was cremated, her ashes spread into the city's wind by members of Allan's clean-up crew. Kona Carmen slept the sleep of the deeply troubled. Georgina Bonners body was... Read More
How great was it to see more of last year's crew doing some of the best dances? It's so obviously different for them, all technique and proficiency now where it was all guts and glory before. Happy to see these wonderful dancers still plying their craft.
Your exit was written in the stars, Dirty Ballerina. Thank you so much for what you... Read More