Haven't blogged in awhile, a lot has been going on. Got my puppy down here, his name is Pojoe. I'll post pictures of him sometime, but let's just say, he is one adorable blue heeler. Money has been a little tight due to the little guy, already poring 800 clams with more to come due to shots, medicine, pet supplies, and paying for roommates stuff...
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Thank you~
So my Tech N9ne trip got cancelled.. Not sure what happened there, will be hopefully going to Wyoming here in a few weeks though, get some of that good ol' western fresh air... If the smoke has even began started to clear up from the wildfires nearby. Luckily all my family got away from the fires in time.
Emotional night, listening to music to calm my nerves and all it does is brings the memories I've buried back up. I can't stop, I guess I'll ride it out and see if it washes it out...
Pretty good week so far, had lunch with one of my dear friends that I haven't seen since my move, decent tips from work, going out a couple of nights for some fun, too bad it's already winding down. Also received an awesome painting from Vivid. biggrin Guess I'll see what the rest of the week has to offer me.
Got hijacked last night walking home. Just had gotten off work when out of nowhere, a buddy of mine I haven't seen since Toledo drives by, stops in the middle of traffic, and tells me to jump in. So I did. Ended up at a show that I had no idea was going on with a couple of my friends were performing, weird, but ended...
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Been hanging at my apartment with nothing to do. I wish I could go across the street to have some coffee every once in awhile, but no one is ever in town to do so anymore. Needing to get out of this shy-shell of mine and actually start socializing and making new friends.

Here is another piece for anyone who actually reads this, haha.

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So I have decided that with my blogs now, I'm just going to start posting a piece of my poetry with each one, that way if I ever lose my notebook, I can at least have some form of it still accessible.

Shadows casted everywhere, taking me in,
All goes quiet, nothing comes to my deaf ears,
Is this Death? Taking me to his fiery...
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Finally moved out and into an apartment. Got everything settled in, hopefully this ends up being a good thing.
Just totaled my car... Nothing seems to go my way for long.
What a brutal show, so many bands gave it their all this weekend! Hundredth, Glass Cloud, Like Moths To The Flame, And Hell Followed With's final performance, etc.
Heading up to Toledo this weekend for the Jamboree! Should be a blast.
So the big 20 was completely uneventful... Literally sat at home and did nothing all day. Awh well. =/