Ok so life is going relatively good now. I got it on track and my mother and I are talking... she's helping me with my finances and helping me get my debt paid off.

We have a counselling appointment this Saturday but I really have nothing to talk about seeing as how I don't really want to make our good terms go back to bad...
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i used to werk at stingers when i was eighteen. they had hired two of us for the counterhelp position, with plans of an apprenticeship. i got laid off a few months later because there wasn't enough money coming in, (supposedly) and the other guy got an apprenticeship. my friend jenny just got the counterhelp position that they were hiring for.
Ok so homelife is ok to say the least, the course is going pretty well and I'm meeting some fairly interesting people. However my cat is in heat and won't be quiet for two seconds so I'm surviving off of about four hours sleep on average. Does anyone know how long this is supposed to last and if there is anyway to make her be...
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Ok pretty much everything was resolved this past weekend, all fears were put to an end. However my mother and I are still not talk but that is okay because I've started my career planning course and it's awesome. I've already met a few cool people and reunited with some old friends. Adair and I are ok, we had a great weekend together and she...
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So you're getting on with your life despite the difficulties? Sounds like a good plan. wink Good to hear that things between you and Adair are all good too!
So I hit a new low yesterday, one that I didn't know was possible. Though I went and talked to a friend of mine, Dustin and he helped me sort a lot of stuff out. He helped put everything in perspective and maybe I have been more in the wrong than I thought I was. However that doesn't change the fact that my mother was...
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I am sorry you are having the deep family and domestic troubles. (I was directed here from Adair's journal.) You seem resilient and smart, so I think you can be confident you will see a way out. Please don't question the girlfriend relationship. It is quite apparent that the woman cares about you immensely. And, she seem genuinely wonderful, similarly bright and literate to you, and incredibly adorable. You are lucky to be close to her, and I hope you remain so.

Take care! And don't do anything rash or second-guess the decisions you think through!

souspire said:
It is quite apparent that the woman cares about you immensely. And, she seem genuinely wonderful, similarly bright and literate to you, and incredibly adorable. You are lucky to be close to her, and I hope you remain so.

I was going to say the exact same thing!

Well, Tiriel, I admit I know fuck all about both you and your girl, or about your situation. But it really sounds as though the two of you make a great couple. So hang in there and do your best to clear up the confusion, coz Adair has sung nothing but praise about you, and I'm sure she'll understand. Relationships will always be challenged, and true friends meet and overcome them. All you can do is talk to her about it. Support her like she has supported you, coz it sounds like right now she needs it.

Hope things improve soon. I'd have gone nuts by now...

Ok so even more bad news today, the place I was going to get away to for like two weeks, she is saying now that I can't stay there at all, though if I get locked out of upstairs and deprived of food again than I can go over there, also if I need someone to talk to she said that she's there for me...
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Damn! That is a tough spot. Surely you got a mate who is happy for you to crash for a few weeks? You pay rent, so there must be someone... Otherwise, you've lived with your mother this long, you sure you can't manage another few weeks...? Bow to her will for a little while longer...?

In any case, spend every spare moment looking for somewhere to move in to. Make a list of everyone you know, and give 'em all a try. There's always a way to escape, it's just finding it that's the hard part....

Best of luck to ya.
Okay, let's see two days ago I got into a huge argument with my mother, yes I still live at home sort of, I know it's pathetic really. So argument, it ends in me getting told to pack my bags, despite the fact that it's my nanna's house and I pay rent. The argument is over me not adding to the family, but then again...
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frown kiss
Well this is my first journal entry... what should I say? I need to get out of my house to renew my health card... that might be a good idea. Adair took and photo shopped my picture, I like it sort of... which isn't a normal thing if you knew me, I generally hate pictures of myself. I don't like what I look like eeek Anyhow...
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Update your journal biatch and join some groups! love

No, I'm not gay, just following Adair's orders... but hey, if you wanna get busy sometime, I'm always willing to try something new. Haha! biggrin wink

Hope the home situation improves for ya.