Okay , my little hooligans . I have a tale to tell you all . A tale of intrigue and monumental stupidity . A tale of an idiot who fought the law ( The law won ) . A tale of a man who sought to make off with ill gotten booty , but alas...he was COLLOSALLY stupid . Come join me friends and I...
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Hmm, entertaining... tongue
The dickhead who was supposed to come and fix my computer wrote down the wrong date and showed up when I was at work , so now I have to wait another week!!! mad

The department that I work in failed some huge inspection thingy from our corporate office despite our busting our collective asses to get ready . Our specific area passed , but the...
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They kept their children from going to school? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats definately the stupiest thing I've heard so far tongue biggrin
this new suicidegirls is freaking me out! your the first journal i'm commenting in with it so feel special. or don't. you actually should but not because of that. i like when people call me linzers.

My good computer should be back amongst the living in another week . Until them , me and Carl will be hanging out for a little while longer . Carl has already begun pissing me off . Soon , my little P.O.S. , soon . mad

Memorial Day weekend was an f'ing blast . I went out to Michigan to hang out with some of my...
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My new-ish computer ( Only two years old ) just melted down on me . frown

So uncool . Good news is that it's still under warranty . Bad news is that it's going to be at least two weeks until they can get the part that I need to repair my little buddy . So I type this message to you now on my ghetto...
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christ you're so right! put up your dukes and we'll go at it!!!
I've never met a Carl I actually liked, but I get what your saying. I guess my version of Carl exists in the form of a tall fat man named Zane. Zane is a lazy ass mama's boy who sits on his ass all day smoking weed and watching stupid tv shows like Entourage. Yet, he's always been there for me.
I would like to share an excerpt from a conversation that I had with a co-worker a few days ago . It will give you some idea why I am the way that I am . These people are just crazy enablers . confused

Here's the backstory . There is a groundhog or possibly groundhogs dwelling in a hole on the hill outside of my place...
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Hey night owl. I just got home too! It's every tuesday night/ wed morning. For now. I'm sure the time will change eventually. And yeah, the last hour was pretty funny too but I don't have it recorded...Next time dahmmit!!
Water spilled can never be retrieved.

Ahh. Uh-huh... *taps nose and winks knowingly*.
Over the course of one weekend I found out that...

* I really suck at pool .
* I probably should have died about a million times when I was a kid but didn't .
* Stupid people's only reason for existence is to be an example to the rest of us .
* Midgets are WAY more awsome than even I previously believed ....
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I finally got my lazy ass out on the bike trail last week . Even though my muscles were burning afterwords it felt good to get out in the fresh air after being cooped up all winter . Being out in nature and feeling the sun on your face can do wonders for your morale . ooo aaa

Now for my obligatory angry rant . What ?...
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I dig you Foily. You're the greatest ever. Where the hell you been??
If any of you have been around long enough to hear me complain about my job , you'll know how painfully BORING it is . As such , I have a lot of time during the day when my mind wanders . Occasionally I direct my boredom numbed brain towards strange and unusual subjects . During my wandering yesterday I came upon an amazing revelation...
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Ah, John Ritter.

Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my set!
Thank Jesus you cracked that one Foily! You are a truly genius member of our generation. *applause* You make me laugh ever so much love
To all of the people who dropped off your free pie requests in my last journal , your pie has been purchased and sent out to you . It should arrive in five to six business years . Sorry about the long wait , but don't blame me , blame the US Postal Service . Gee , I just thought about this and it probably...
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I'm all for full scale global nuclear warfare myself. I hope that i can end up with superpowers too. Hopefully I'd end up as a shapeshifter with mind control. That's like two of the awesomest powers ever combined. I could transform into the president and like pass a bunch of fucked up laws, and nobody would veto me because I'd have control over all of their minds. It would be so sweet. biggrin
Hey you! I think I'm back...it was a long cold winter of solitude, but I fought the good fight and now I am free to be ME again! I luv ya Foily love
Fuck it .

Who wants pie ? I'm buying . wink
I have no real beef with ninjas. I find their craft to be quite unique (if a little bit stupid). I mean if they can sneak around undetected with throwing stars and katana blades; why can't they sneak around with an AK47? I just think there's so much more a person can aspire to be. I mean, ninjas always die in movies. Who wants to be the person that always dies? I've never liked pirates, though. They're ugly, and poor swordfighters. I'd have to agree that Captain Morgan is cool and maybe Captain Jack Sparrow, but that's only because he's played by Johnny Depp.
Where ever you and the pie is, I am so there!
The war for my apartment is finally over!!! The ants have been defeated and my apartment belongs to me once again. The little bastards put up a terrific struggle , but in the end it was good old man made poisonous chemicals which became the deciding factor . After I figured out where they were coming from I made one last guerilla assault on their...
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So I take it that Black Wind guy wasn't much a help?
You know what I'm craving? A wholesome and delicious new Badass Brawl. Gimme, gimme gimme!

My Dearest SG ,
I think about you often . I think about all of the fun we used to have together . About how we'd sit and laugh at dancing bananas and Chuck Norris jokes . How you would show me cute naked girls to make me smile . Those days seem so far away now . Almost an...
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Holy Fuck! MacGyver, the A-Team, and Godzilla? That is one badass little dude. I bet he could whup John Cena's pansy ass.