Man , today SUCKED at work . There are just certain people in this world whose only discernable talent is to be a complete and total ASSHOLE...and ALL of those people were at our store today . I can't understand why A) Some people can't follow simple instructions , B) WHY in the name of Chuck Norris would you get mad at ME for telling...
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i KNOW! do you, like, work at my work? i hate those fuckers sometimes.
so not true! sydney assholes are virtually intolerable. i've become about 30% bitchier than i was before i moved here (which is REALLY bad.)
Five things that RULE!!!! -

1) Fall weather
2) Pumpkin Pie
3) Lego Star Wars 2
4) The movie "Crank"
5) The promise of newer , better things

Five things that SUCK!!!! -

1) Fall means that winter is coming soon
2) Politicians....ALL politicians .
3) All next gen gaming consoles cost more than my frikkin' car .
4) The movie"Ultraviolet"
5) Same shit ....
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I hate the neverending political season, which USED to be just fall.

Dying to see 'Crank', really enjoy Jason Statham movieswell, except for Transporter 2, ugh.

I was in the LA Times last week. I'm very excited.
Five things that RULE!!!! -

1) Fall weather
2) Pumpkin Pie
3) Lego Star Wars 2
4) The movie "Crank"
5) The promise of newer , better things

Five things that SUCK!!!! -

1) Fall means that winter is coming soon
2) Politicians....ALL politicians .
3) All next gen gaming consoles cost more than my frikkin' car .
4) The movie"Ultraviolet"
5) Same shit ....
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I'm so bummed that The Crocodile Hunter is gone . frown

Not only do I miss his insane attempts to promote conservation of wildlife through blatantly rampaging into rare animals habitats and randomly jumping on , picking up , taunting , or flagrantly "fuckin' with'" them . But I miss guessing which animal was going to finally do him in . By the way...Stingray, WAAAAAAY down...
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Aww... blush Thank you sweetie kiss
September 11 2006 . It hardly seems like it's been five years since the World Trade Center & Pentagon attacks . I wasn't aware of this until just the other day when I was looking at a calender at work , but Sept. 11 is now known as "Patriot Day" in the US . It's sad that it takes a tragedy of such monumental proportions...
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Who else here loves PEZ ? love

PEZ may be the greatest creation ever wrought by man . Sure , it's essentially just plain old candy . But when you put it in a cartoon headed plastic dispensor ...it becomes magical . PEZ has tought me many valuable lessons throughout my life . Some of these lessons include...

1) If you see any cartoon headed creature...
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TinfoilHalo presents...

An open letter to terrorists .

Dear Mr. or Mrs terrorist ,
I would like to point out a few things about your whole current Jihad that you may find useful in making your future Jihad decisions .

(1)Your recent exploits pertaining to the blowing up of airplanes seems poorly conceived . Smuggling explosives onboard aircraft in various liquid and gel forms...
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hey thanks for your comment on my set smile xx
First some good news...
I just went to see the movie The Descent today and if was fucking GREAT!!! It does my cold black heart good to see that there are still film makers out there who aren't willing to buckle under and do some watered down PG-13 cluster fuck of a "horror" movie with an entire cast pulled from The OC and WB teen...
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Ya, I checked out The Descent last weekend and liked it a lot. (except for the stripped down americanized ending). Although I'd have liked it a little more if the creatures weren't so easily defeatable (especially by a bunch of chicks!). Talladega Nights was funny as hell. Have you check that one out yet? As for the new SG look. I'd have to agree that the community aspects do seem a bit more buried, but I've noticed the quality of the sets has jumped up in the last couple of months. Particularly after the launch of Gods girls. The new Alexsandria set is probably the greatest set this site has ever seen. Anyway, ya that's what I got.
Another year down . Take that time!!!! tongue

TinfoilHalo's birthday list...

1) 1 deluxe army of cyborg ninja monkeys with rocket boots and chainsaw hands .
2) 1 secret armored fortress in the middle of the Amazon jungle .
3) 1 high powered laser death ray
4) 1 cadre of lethally hot Suicidegirls as my private security force
5) 1 planet Earth
6) 1 piano to...
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I can get you the cybernetic monkeys, the fortres in the middle of Amazon, a new planet Earth (not this one caus its mine, sorry), a piano but if youre going to throw it to Bush then forget about it (I don't want to waste a piano dude, their realy expensive) and the gian robot but it'll take a while caus I have many orders and you'll have to wate a couple of months or three tops.
As for the laser, the SGs, the pony, everyone in the world to make peace and the canceling of American idol I can't caus either I don't want to or I can't get involved to such things.
What if the SGs and the pony are mechanical? Then I might be able to do something wink

I have gone through one of the most hellish moves of my life . It literally took me an entire month to get my phone and internet service back again!!!! If you ask me "Why did it take an entire goddamn month????" I would answer "Because of the monumental incompetence of Comcast telecommunications . Long story short...they screwed up EVERY single installation appointmet...
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You missed THIS. Other than that, nothing new or exciting in the SG world...
Do they have to be plastic explosives? What if I get you a nuclear missile? Is it good enough?
Either my conection or SG is screwd frown The site is sudenly so slooooow mad
Is anybody else confused by this new SG setup ? I just now , RIGHT now , figured out how to check out my bookmarked friends journals without actually clicking on there names in my friends list . We fear change . eeek

I'm watching Friday the 13th part five on TV right now . This one sucks more than most of them , and a...
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Right-o. We've been posting back and forth through the entire duration of my membership on SG-- and its quite a shock to read all the changes that I've gone through. It makes me feel very humbled that SOME people have stuck around to witness it all (though maybe not firsthand). And to be perfectly honest-- I'm not going anywhere. I hope you're not either.
I still hate this new layout. It's stinks. This layout makes me think of easter. And I hate easter!!!! mad
Where my dogs at???? confused