Gonna be hard to top that last one.
Funny that most of the people that always commented on my blog have left the site.So i dont expect much more than a few comments per blog anymore.Even with that theres nothing really to update. Started seeing someone new its good so far but things need to change or else it wont be long.
Nothing against smokers... Read More
This last week of the year and begining of the new has been (like always) full of downs and ups.Between the rumors/truth of layoffs for the first quater of the year.Got some people worried.One of which is me.Mostly because im on the verge of completing my probation time. 4 more working days. Thus depending on when and how many people get it I may get... Read More
Well I dont really plan on posting again this year unless something major happens.So things this year.
Also as always if my blog offends you, I dont care. At least im honest which is more than most can say about most of their relationships. How ever my spelling still sucks.
Star Trek was awsome and did relize Rachel Nicoles would look so hot as a... Read More
I need to send you a pic that was taken yesterday. My son, in his chair, magnadoodle in hand, wearing your glasses. Man he loves them. I called you at thanxgiving. either the number was changed, or youve decided to hate me.
Hope all is well, get ahold of me sometime.... dammit I miss you fucker...
Yeah I think Titans was my favorite of the off shoots so far, although I'm still waiting to see how Flash and Wonder Woman will turn out. The overall story has been great, it's just killing my wallet.
Wait till you get the new Green Lantern Corps...great issue.
Wow, even when I do log on here its for no real reason. 80% of the gang has left or doesnt post any more.
Be careful which live version of Want you to want me LIVE You download. Some plain suck.
I think im now addicted to the money my job can offer me.This means id be using it to replace my social life.Hense... Read More
Fuck love and any feeling mistaken for it.Crushs fuck them too.
People who have love going for them fuck you.
People who look for love but are too shallow to knows its there fuck you twice.
Fuck jealousy.Fuck envy.Fuck panic.
Fuck hopeless romantics.
Fuck the 2 holidays we dedicate every year to the big red heart and hallmark.
Fuck stoners who look at penthouse and... Read More
Nothing to talk about here because Ive litterally only been like8 place in the last two weeks.
Work(alot)((EVERYDAY ALOT))
Grocery store
My truck
The exs house
This will more than likely be the way it is til christmas eve.Hopefully at least.But I do get to go to michigan for a friends wedding.
Im hoping I dont get too addicted to the... Read More
I figured Id write over that last blog.Downer in a down moment.Its still true but wanted to leave on something a little more upbeat.
I've woken up many ways but laughing isnt something im used to.but for some odd reason I dreamt about dancing.Which I dont do.Ever. However it was me in my Halloween costume (which only a few of you have seen) Micheal Jackson... Read More
things have been slowly building up for some time now and really its easy to let things slide of you back.And act like its old news but it can sometimes its just rears its head again.
In short I pinched something in my shoulder which is... Read More
Thanks to everyone who came out this weekend.It was fun hangingout with everyone.Well all but one who is no longer welcome at my house.Sorry she decided to disect every things about everyone and insult a few people.
This weekends costume party is still a maybe.Depends on work.Next year im making this month epic.Saving for it now.
Ive got only 1 travel plan in the future.Wedding... Read More