As you may not know I'm from a very small town in Northern Ireland. Most of the time it's very rubbish (to put it politely). Sometimes it can be fantastic. To night was one of the fantastic ones. I met up with a very old friend that I haven't seen in years. Things seemed like they never changed because all of the possible crack was
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I have literally spent all day watching Netflix and relaxing before this coming week. I don't know how it's happened but a guy I work with is looking me to make him a music video. Never done anything like that before so it's pretty damn exciting. Now just need to get specifics and actually come up with some ideas. Also read up on how to
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I love editing! I'm a cinematographer but I would really liek to get into editing I think doing music videos would be sweet! Have fun!
@betel I'd be the kind of guy who would lose my life to editing though waiting for it to be perfect but I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll have something impressive that I can show off xD

Happy Xmas to everyone that reads this. Not a big fan of it myself anymore but lets hope it's a good one for all. But roll on boxing day for the madness of sales and alcohol xD


AH i thought I had reached the end of my month from hell but man flu has kicked my ass for the past couple of days. But now it is the weekend so I can relax and play video games and it will be awesome. Or very boring.

But this time next week things will be busy. I'll be packing my bags cause next Saturday...
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Seen this video tonight and it really got me thinking. I've reached a crossroads in my life and I'll need to figure out what is actually important to me and what it is I'm passionate about....I think I've just forgot what passion for something can feel like

@suicidebycaffein cheers for the recommendation man. I'm planning on checking out more of his stuff. Youtube seems to be a great source for some of his stuff
Nice. i love these type of videos...things that make you REALLY think...thanks for posting!

As I sit here writing this at 10 to 10, in front of my pretty sexy PC with South Park on one screen and this on the other I can't help but think....Fuck I'm bored. But I haven't yet had a change to properly explore this new sexy looking site yet which should be fun. Change is good. So I'm thinking a slight change in...
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Living for Fridays has finally kicked in after 9 months in full time employment. Surprised it took this long to be honest. to celebrate i think breaking bad and rum cause why the fuck not.

i do so love my addiction to 'classic' movies. spent today watching watching those moves that make you want to get out and live life....then when they're over you realize it's dark outside and you have work tomorrow. god i remember when weekends used to mean something
If you like classics, watch the original Solaris movie the one from 1972, recently seen it, it is awesome.
I swear juggling a full time job, playing video games, trying to learn new things, coming up with awesome ideas and trying to sleep and have a social life is kinda hard. I know i'm probably not the first to ask this but where are the damn cloning machines. Naruto style shadows clones would be so much better then actual clones though what with the...
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Oh, you're, god..... Diablo 3 is freakin awesome. I've spent the last 20 hours playing it and I do believe I will be playing a hell of a lot more in the coming days. Having played all classes (for a couple of levels anyway) I must say the Wizard is my favorite (although i really want a Demon Hunter leveled (I can easily seeing this...
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So....it appears i've come crawling back. For now that is all....xp