I successfully finished my first quarter at UCI. I didn't make straight A's like I wanted to, but I at least managed to get at least one A. The other's are going to be, like, "B+"'s. Sigh. I was going through so many changes this quarter. I'll do better next quarter. Also, I am now minoring in mathematics. I'm very excited to take my first...
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The busier I get, the faster time flies.
Daylight savings and November. I have never been so studious with my school work since I was at Mudd, and even now I am much more dedicated, passionate, and rigorous about studying now. My goal is straight A's.
I'm taking statistics, data structures, and this boring class called intro to computer organization. Stuff about how memory and...
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Daylight savings and November. I have never been so studious with my school work since I was at Mudd, and even now I am much more dedicated, passionate, and rigorous about studying now. My goal is straight A's.
I'm taking statistics, data structures, and this boring class called intro to computer organization. Stuff about how memory and...
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Wow, its been over a year since I've been on this site. I miss the beautiful girls. I hate having an image crisis every time I fucking go the grocery store and stand in line to by tampons and food. Its fucking stupid.
That said, I'll explain my life in the last year. I'm 25 now. holy shit. I quit art school last summer and...
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That said, I'll explain my life in the last year. I'm 25 now. holy shit. I quit art school last summer and...
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Wow! you go girl!! sounds like you have had an amazing fucking year. Hopefully this next one will be just as good!
Hey, did you know Insaniac and I are getting married in January? another to your list of married folks!
Hey, did you know Insaniac and I are getting married in January? another to your list of married folks!
so you tease us with one great, long journal entry, then disappear?
I'm a sad Sporky
I'm a sad Sporky
Why adios?
are you back now?
holy shit.
i am fucking floored...................
what ever on earth I did to be so incredibly luck i have no idea. my life went from 0 to 360 in a matter of a few days. i am in blissful amazement. this is the best feeling in the entire fucking world.
i'm taking more linear algebra this summer because i think it is just such a...
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i am fucking floored...................

what ever on earth I did to be so incredibly luck i have no idea. my life went from 0 to 360 in a matter of a few days. i am in blissful amazement. this is the best feeling in the entire fucking world.

i'm taking more linear algebra this summer because i think it is just such a...
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I am officially finished with school. I am going to be a big bad senior next year. holy shit!
i heard this quote from a friend of mine:
"if you want something bad enough, the entire universe will conspire to give it to you."
i'm beginning to believe that there is indeed truth to that.
i have too many thoughts in my head to really...
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i heard this quote from a friend of mine:
"if you want something bad enough, the entire universe will conspire to give it to you."
i'm beginning to believe that there is indeed truth to that.
i have too many thoughts in my head to really...
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motivation is depressing when you livin in a van down by the river

motivation is depressing when you livin in a van down by the river

i can never seem to keep myself out of trouble.
there's the good kind, and the "has a lot of potential to be bad" kind.
life is fun. ;P
3 weeks of school left. HOLY SHIT.
there's the good kind, and the "has a lot of potential to be bad" kind.
life is fun. ;P
3 weeks of school left. HOLY SHIT.
wait, trouble can be bad? shit, maybe I should think about that next time....
I just noticed the "student for the next 1.5 years" thing. I thought that you would realize more than most people that one should never stop being a student. Even when school's over, you'd better keep learning or what good is life?
ok, 2 posts like 2 minutes apart...I suck.
ok, 2 posts like 2 minutes apart...I suck.
For once, I feel like something in my school readings actually relates to
my life. In a lot of critical theory about art (in the broadest sense)
it discusses the shift in the mid-late 1900's from work that was
autonomous and historical - its meaning was self-contained, and the thing
(be it a painting, a text, etc.) made sense in a historical context. You
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school is boring.
okcupid is cool.
orkut rocks my socks.
i spend more time socializing with people online than i do in real life. its nice.
okcupid is cool.
orkut rocks my socks.
i spend more time socializing with people online than i do in real life. its nice.
I kind of enjoyed getting into that stuff, but it frustrated the hell out of me, it was completely unpredictable, things never acted the same way twice. I probably had something set incorrectly. Anyway, I enjoyed it while I was playing with it, but I found it generally infuriating, I had to make a bowling lane and make a strike.
-yeah, I need to put stuff up on the net somewhere.
-yeah, I need to put stuff up on the net somewhere.
Three of the best books for intellectual stimulation:
The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin
The Mysterious William Shakespeare by Charlton Ogburn
Sailing the Wine Dark Sea by Thomas Cahill
The Conscious Universe by Dean Radin
The Mysterious William Shakespeare by Charlton Ogburn
Sailing the Wine Dark Sea by Thomas Cahill
so i went on my first road trip to the bay area. it was amazing. the weather was 75 degrees all weekend. Saw 2 friends I hadn't seen in a couple years. I also met a group of wonderfully geeky and intelligent people that I met online. (yea, I know its dorky.)
I made the trip all by myself. It was totally liberating. I'm definately...
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I made the trip all by myself. It was totally liberating. I'm definately...
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there was a geeky get-to-gether in berkeley and i wasn't informed?!
Geeky and Intelligent are the best kind of people

why am i so bitter about school?
i don't know. i didn't even want to say hi to people at school today. i grunted instead. they all get on my nerves, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! why isn't there anyone that i can really connect with at school? just one friend at school, please god, or laws of physics, that's all i ask. one friend...
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i don't know. i didn't even want to say hi to people at school today. i grunted instead. they all get on my nerves, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! why isn't there anyone that i can really connect with at school? just one friend at school, please god, or laws of physics, that's all i ask. one friend...
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don't ya hate stupid people?
nothing more obnoxious than stupidity.
nothing more obnoxious than stupidity.

this is the 3rd time i've written this, and each time i've deleted it.
i can't decide if i want to say what i really feel or just bullshit about other stuff.
so i'll bullshit.
one of my classes is such that the only boy in there is the teacher. i suppose its just a statistical fluke, since there's a lot more girls than guys...
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i can't decide if i want to say what i really feel or just bullshit about other stuff.
so i'll bullshit.
one of my classes is such that the only boy in there is the teacher. i suppose its just a statistical fluke, since there's a lot more girls than guys...
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I heart you.. hehehehe