Steve's Friggin Journal
Read it, or die trying.
Life as it once was
So Sunday the 20th found me packing half of my belongings into my truck, and the other half in the trash. Does anybody need a desk, coffee table, bed, TV or bookshelf? I know a certain dumpster where you can find them.
I had to trash all large objects, because it...
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Read it, or die trying.
Life as it once was
So Sunday the 20th found me packing half of my belongings into my truck, and the other half in the trash. Does anybody need a desk, coffee table, bed, TV or bookshelf? I know a certain dumpster where you can find them.
I had to trash all large objects, because it...
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I have no computer, but Ima gonna update tomorrow! Seriously. I started one today, and it was long as fuck! It took me an hour and a half to write. Soooooooooo long. Then I accidently deleted, cus I'm fucking retarded. So yeah, tomorrow.
No really....
Well, maybe tuesday.
No really....
Well, maybe tuesday.
Yes it is time to say adieu, it's been real. No computer?! How do you cope!?

I will be at prom, you can hang out with me in SF for all of the other days I am there!! I am wanting to be meeting the person who started my first appreciation thread
I will help to find you a ticket.

I will help to find you a ticket.
If I told you what goes on in the back room, I'd have to kill you. Top Secret Library Voodoo.
Goddamn it! You should tell them to get me if I'm in the back, cause I'm probably either reading or doing something tedious.
but not now, cause I'm at home. Tell them you're my friend, they'll get me.
Come see me tomorrow, but remember, we're only open til 6.
grrr! plus I missed you yesterday. I was supposed to go to storytime, but my fancy lunch at the Standard made me sick.
I wish I had a Cadbury egg.
Goddamn it! You should tell them to get me if I'm in the back, cause I'm probably either reading or doing something tedious.
but not now, cause I'm at home. Tell them you're my friend, they'll get me.
Come see me tomorrow, but remember, we're only open til 6.
grrr! plus I missed you yesterday. I was supposed to go to storytime, but my fancy lunch at the Standard made me sick.
I wish I had a Cadbury egg.
Come back already, DAMN!
Steve's Journal
Read it, or die trying
The Good News
I was sttruck with a script idea that's badassical. Good news for me, bad news for the poor suckers who may end up watching the thing. I'm not sure when I'll have time to write it though. New job, moving, school. Plus, I'm already working on a project that Add wrote. Meh, I'll get around...
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Read it, or die trying
The Good News
I was sttruck with a script idea that's badassical. Good news for me, bad news for the poor suckers who may end up watching the thing. I'm not sure when I'll have time to write it though. New job, moving, school. Plus, I'm already working on a project that Add wrote. Meh, I'll get around...
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I think you're supposed to glue with the rubber cement and eat the mushrooms, not the other way around.
No hope of getting to a doctor before you have insurance? The sooner the better on those kinds of things.
No hope of getting to a doctor before you have insurance? The sooner the better on those kinds of things.
Steve's Journal
Read it, or die trying.
Conversations In The Military
From across the parking lot, I notice my buddy Tom Pazienza. " Yo Paz!!! Where the fuck've you been bitch!"
Paz wheels around. He recognizes the voice, and instantly guards against a possible incoming dead sprint tackle on the pavement. Noticing that I'm at a safe distance, he relaxes, and slowly closes the distance.,...
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Read it, or die trying.
Conversations In The Military
From across the parking lot, I notice my buddy Tom Pazienza. " Yo Paz!!! Where the fuck've you been bitch!"
Paz wheels around. He recognizes the voice, and instantly guards against a possible incoming dead sprint tackle on the pavement. Noticing that I'm at a safe distance, he relaxes, and slowly closes the distance.,...
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Dude thats insane.....i need to do it in sections.
your journal.
It just made me choke on my own tears. That's ridiculously funny, ok? Irresponcibly funny....Bastard.

It just made me choke on my own tears. That's ridiculously funny, ok? Irresponcibly funny....Bastard.

Due to scheduling conflicts, our regularly scheduled programming of "Steve's Journal" has been moved. You can catch it at about mid page. Now stay tuned for an exciting offer from Indentured Servants LLC
-The following is a paid commercial advertisement. The views and opinions expresed by no means reflect those shared by we here at Steve's Journal Unlimited.
Career Week!
To celebrate career week, Indentured...
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-The following is a paid commercial advertisement. The views and opinions expresed by no means reflect those shared by we here at Steve's Journal Unlimited.
Career Week!
To celebrate career week, Indentured...
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no, no, physical comedy is always funny.
ha ha ha, i'm laughing already!
anyway, if a girl were to come up to you and ask you out for a cup of coffee,at your workplace, what would you want her to say? how could she approach you at work without looking like a creep?
anyway, if a girl were to come up to you and ask you out for a cup of coffee,at your workplace, what would you want her to say? how could she approach you at work without looking like a creep?
Steve's Journal: Version 2.1 (Now 40% Fat Free)
Our competitors would have you believe that our journal causes incontinence, but after rigorous testing, we here at Steve's Journal are proud to announce that these acusations are only partly true.
Steve's New News!
Work begins Tuesday! That is all.
People Other Than Steve's New News!
So, my buddies Noah and Shawn did a short film called...
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Our competitors would have you believe that our journal causes incontinence, but after rigorous testing, we here at Steve's Journal are proud to announce that these acusations are only partly true.
Steve's New News!
Work begins Tuesday! That is all.
People Other Than Steve's New News!
So, my buddies Noah and Shawn did a short film called...
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most entertaing journal entry!! and low and behold finally someone else that appreciates dr pepper
Your's, my boy, is the best journal I've ever read on SG. I am almost afraid to comment because it's too good. You're too good. Very impressive young man, very, very impressive....
And you're gorgeous. Witty, talented, good looking...DAMN.
I tried to convince myself that you should be made to take a polygraph because your journal is too good to be true...but I can't demand anything from you. You've done enough to earn my trust.

And you're gorgeous. Witty, talented, good looking...DAMN.
I tried to convince myself that you should be made to take a polygraph because your journal is too good to be true...but I can't demand anything from you. You've done enough to earn my trust.

Steve's Journal: Version 2.0 (Now with pop-up blocker!)
We here at Steve's Journal are dedicated to giving you, our faithfull reader, the highest quality product, with minimal risk of bowel cancer. Which is why we have taken the oppurtunity to beta test some of our new, advanced features. We are currently at the frontline of journal technology, and are developing ways to enhance your journal...
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We here at Steve's Journal are dedicated to giving you, our faithfull reader, the highest quality product, with minimal risk of bowel cancer. Which is why we have taken the oppurtunity to beta test some of our new, advanced features. We are currently at the frontline of journal technology, and are developing ways to enhance your journal...
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I'm still on your list! Yip yip!
1. I once had a nail rip open the back of my leg. They didn't even count the stitches, it was 5 inches long.
2. During my Medieval architecture class on monday. 4 hours long. my eyes are blllleeeeeeeeding!
1. I once had a nail rip open the back of my leg. They didn't even count the stitches, it was 5 inches long.
2. During my Medieval architecture class on monday. 4 hours long. my eyes are blllleeeeeeeeding!
yeah... screening on the 5th at Cinespace for industry peoples and such. I can only bring 1 person and I made half the damn movie.
I'm just planning on getting way drunk before I go and puking on random people.

I'm just planning on getting way drunk before I go and puking on random people.
Now, it may seem as though I'm getting worse at this whole "updating your journal within an ordinate amount of time" thing, but in actuality, I'm just trying to build up the anticipation. Sorry about giving you the DTs.
Did they buy it?
So, it's been a week, and I'm sure that a lot has happened in the past week, but it's far too much...
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Did they buy it?
So, it's been a week, and I'm sure that a lot has happened in the past week, but it's far too much...
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hey! i dig pirates, oh wait, i already told you this i think. now when are you getting famous? i'm still working on details for my part of the deal!

I live in Philly and I just don't think we have a chance in if it was Pitts. maybe...I get alot of shit for not being all woohooo we are going to make it this time eagles fly barf..whatever I don't have faith in philly teams.
So the fact that you wouldn't tell me the year you graduated in fear I would call you young is that in fact calling me old???
Never say never with the family crap thing...I mean life really can do a 180 when you don't expect it.
I hate fish.
I should mail you a cheesesteak..
So the fact that you wouldn't tell me the year you graduated in fear I would call you young is that in fact calling me old???
Never say never with the family crap thing...I mean life really can do a 180 when you don't expect it.
I hate fish.
I should mail you a cheesesteak..
Oh man, I was going to do this last night, but I pased out at my desk, and woke up this morning with a keyboard imprint on my face. I looked like this--->
, except much larger, and with a keyboard imprint, and hair and a nose and ears and blue eyes, and a kneck that conects my head to my body and my skin...
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You know what they say about sea dogs, right? 

whar is the seadog?
arrr you going to eat pizza tomorrow?
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender says, "why do you have a steering wheel in your pants?" To which the pirate replies, "Arrrr, it's driving me nuts!"
whar is the seadog?
arrr you going to eat pizza tomorrow?
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender says, "why do you have a steering wheel in your pants?" To which the pirate replies, "Arrrr, it's driving me nuts!"

Welcome back to my journal Sir or Maddam. Feel free to take up a seat by the fire. There's milk, cookies, and narcotics on the mantle if you wish to partake. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
I had some comments about writing, and I realized I wasn't clear. I know that I can write from anywhaere, and don't have to live in LA....
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I had some comments about writing, and I realized I wasn't clear. I know that I can write from anywhaere, and don't have to live in LA....
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The best journal entry. ever.
I love you!
I love you!

oooh, too much sleep, yucky....
This is it folks. The moment you've all been waiting for. That's right... Steve's updating his journal. Dun dun dunnnnn!
I actually have some reservations about this one. My last journal had 62 comments in 3 days. I'm pretty sure that's a record for me! I feel so special, and I owe it all to you, my interweb-friends. But, it's time to add a new...
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I actually have some reservations about this one. My last journal had 62 comments in 3 days. I'm pretty sure that's a record for me! I feel so special, and I owe it all to you, my interweb-friends. But, it's time to add a new...
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Frank Black does rock the casbah, and I'm upset that my Black Letter Days album is all scratched and crappy now.
answers to questions
1) most ashamed of: I beat a kid so bad in the 4th grade that he was sent home for 2 days. I only did it because he was hassling a kid who paid me a quarter to protect him. I haven't been in a fight since.
2) secret purpose in life: To someday make a living by standing on a corner in LA, breakdancing in a pirate suit.
3) favorite cheese: a good Edam will have me on the ground.

answers to questions
1) most ashamed of: I beat a kid so bad in the 4th grade that he was sent home for 2 days. I only did it because he was hassling a kid who paid me a quarter to protect him. I haven't been in a fight since.
2) secret purpose in life: To someday make a living by standing on a corner in LA, breakdancing in a pirate suit.
3) favorite cheese: a good Edam will have me on the ground.
Well, that was long. But I always liked reading your entries. They give me that tingly feeling in me groin
Ha! Well, I'm glad you had a good time kroaky-okying the other night. And if you do decide to move to Boston, good luck with the job and everything. I seemed to have survived the day so far. Day's not over though, but I think I'll make it
Hopefully I'll see you at the SGIE thing tomarrow? Did you get a ride situated yet? Hope so. Party! Okay, I'm done...Late.....

I emailed you.
I made keys for ya today.