Well, I never got any, pretty pathetic huh? Bah I dont care, my hand will suffice till I can get the real thing. I aint gonna pay for something I can get for free, that is the pee you double es why.
Ill get some sort of picture up soon, I could always put up one of my cute baby pictures, but thats misleading, Im...
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Ill get some sort of picture up soon, I could always put up one of my cute baby pictures, but thats misleading, Im...
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Well I was supposed to go over to some chicks house that I work with. But she hasnt called me to let me know that I can come over. I was hoping to get some tonight, but blah thats fine. She says she wants to play, and with me no less haha. So probably her kids or something came up, whatever just means I get...
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Where is your picture?

See updated profile. w00t for my Highschoolness. That tis circa 2000.
Wish I still looked like that.
[Edited on Mar 20, 2005 4:40AM]
Wish I still looked like that.
[Edited on Mar 20, 2005 4:40AM]
Well Im sure no one is going to see this or even cares for that matter. but whot he fuck cares, I sure as hell dont. I will talk to no one all I want, and well you cant stop me!!!
So today I got a new computer chair, as the one I had was not fit to be a computer chair and was broken....
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So today I got a new computer chair, as the one I had was not fit to be a computer chair and was broken....
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I was 18, nothing special. I may have wished for it to be earlier, but I have no kids and no STD's, so Im glad I didnt.