HOLY SHIAT!!! I've gone too long without posting again. But at least this time it wasn't because I was just being lazy. Life has been pretty interesting over the past week. So, let me fill everyone in here...
As usual, I go to Manray in Cambridge every Wednesday night, to partake in a night filled with dancing and conversation with friends. Well, actually, I don't dance. No, no, no, no. That's a bad thing, very bad thing, at least if I'm involved. But, I do converse with an assortment of people. So, at one point, I decide to go outside with some friends so they can smoke. We get out there, and are soon joined by this stunning blonde, who for some reason, immediately struck my interest. Which is very odd, seeing as I'm usually not attracted to blondes whatsoever. Anyways, she joins us, and I'm properly introduced. We chit-chat for a few, and I decide to head back in. Through the course of the night, she went out of her way to not only untuck my shirt (Apparently I looked like I was trying too hard), but smack my ass a few times as well. Eventually, she came up to me and asked where I lived, I informed her, and a deal was struck. I was giving her a ride home. Go me... I guess. The end of the night arrived, and I made sure to inform BuckyKatt666 that he was getting a lift from me as well. Hey, I couldn't let the guy walk home in the cold, despite my female accompaniment at the time. So, we left, and I dropped him off at his place. On the ride to her home, we talked non-stop, which is always a good sign. I got to her place and we exchanged numbers. She invites me to spend the night, but I have to open the store the next day, so, meh. Good start so far, eh?
I got a call from her the next day, and she was asking if I was available that night to get together. Of course, I wasn't, but we made plans for Friday. Friday night rolls around, and she invites me to go on a tour of Salem with her. I'm up for it, so I show up, and it turns out, she's not only working for the tour, but she's dyed her hair to black with blue streaks. Normally, I would consider this an improvement, but for some reason, she was much cuter as a blonde. I take the tour, and we head back to her place. We then decide to take in a local Rocky Horror show, I tell her it's my first time, so she decides to put a bit of make-up on me. Surprisingly, I look quite fetching in lipstick and eyeliner, if I do say so myself. I tried to get a picture for you guys, but my camera decided to freak out. Anyways, we go to the show, and I get pulled up to have my cherry popped, since I'm a Rocky Horror virgin. This consisted of me performing simulated oral sex on a balloon and blowing it up in the process. My technique garnered quite a bit of attention, and I think I left a few people questioning my sexuality. Said balloon was then placed between my legs while standing, and popped by one of the female cast members... with her teeth. Lots of fun
The show then went off pretty well, and I had a great time. Afterwards, we stopped at Denny's with the cast, where she admits to me how surprised how affectionate we are towards eachother, depsite not being exclusively involved. Interesting point... I agree. Afterwards, I then took her back to her place, and made plans to attend King Richard's Faire on Sunday. She then informs me that I'm on her "list". List, you say? Yes, the list of guys who are "boyfriend material". Hmm... Okay, I guess, even though I've only known her for a couple days, she seems to have enough interest in me to make such a claim. So, I just nod my head in agreement, and we end the night. I get home shortly after 5 AM, quite bewildered by the night's events.
Work, the next day, as expected, but I managed to get out that night to stop by at SGBoston HQ's party. Another great night put together by gasmaskboy, Quiescence, and Sid, and I got to see a few friends as well (alkaholic23, Blondie, Catch, MissTyrios, Pip, and XrevolverX). I also got to see a certain friend who I've been talking with over the past couple of months and make a plan for me to call her Monday night to set up a get-together for Tuesday night... More on that one later (Guess who it is Kris7?
). I get a call from Manray girl, telling me that it would be better for the both of us if I spent the night that night, so we could get to the Faire at a decent time. So, I had to leave the wonderful party soon thereafter, and drive up to her place. But, I finally got to sleep in the same bed with someone again! Oh, how I missed it! And even when there is no sex involved, I still get some joy and comfort out of sleeping next to someone. I guess I'm just wierd like that.
We wake up the next afternoon, a couple hours later than planned, and we rush to get ready. We arrive with no problem and partake in the medieval-ness of it all. She then informs me that she has paper and a pen for the gathering of phone numbers, and that she may end up finding someone to be "in-character" with, so I may be left out a bit if such an event occurs. It never does, and we enjoy the day, somewhat. Before we left, we decided to say goodbye to someone who was working the sword booth, and I overheard and recognized someone's voice. Hmm... Can't be him. I'll have to see his face to be sure. He turns and gives me a great profile, and sure enough, I immediately recognize his lips. So, I say to myself, "Wow. That's Steven Tyler." Girl turns to me and says, "Who?". "Steven Tyler, from Aerosmith." I reply. She then recognized him, and we decided to watch the gathering crowd for a bit. We decided to leave him alone, seeing as he was just there trying to spend a day with his kids, and he was being bothered enough. We head towards the exit, and run into a performer/juggler, who then starts chatting it up with the girl. They exchange numbers, and he then gives her a massage. I try my best to not walk out of the place and leave her stranded, but luckily enough for her, I'm quite a nice guy. We eventually leave after he's done mauling her with his meaty paws, and came back to my place to pick up a few thing, and then head back to her place for the night. As we're laying in bed, she gets a phone call from some guy, who, as I was informed of afterwards, is her "booty-call". Wow...
But, I'm guessing due to my presence, she turned him down. I also found out that he also goes to Manray, and who he was. As it turns out, he's connected to my other female friend mentioned above (see: SGBoston HQ party). But, they're not such good friends. As it turns out, this guy is a total creep, and she wants nothing to do with him. But, the girl I'm laying next to at the time gets together with him every once in a while to mess around. I start to wonder if I've made some bad decisions over the previous days. After some minor thought on the subject, I fall asleep, and awake the next afternoon and take her to work.
So, earlier that day I had recieved a call from my other female friend, who tells me that she has the whole day off, and wants to get together that night. I ended up going into Cambridge to meet her and her friend, experienced the wonders of "Bubble Tea", and walked around with them whilst making small talk. Before we split for the evening, we make plans to get together again the next night, as originally planned. My day suddenly seems 1000x better.
I wake up the next morning, go to work, blah, blah, blah. On my break, we finalize the plans for the evening, and the rest of the day, nothing could bring me down. I get out of work, drive to her place, and we go out for sushi, and some ice cream afterwards. We then go back to her home and sit up talking for a couple hours. Despite the simplicity of it all, it was quite possibly the best outing with a woman I've ever had. Suffice to say, I was in sheer joy the whole ride home.
Now, to the present day, or so. I get a call from Manray girl, and she states, "It's wierd not sleeping next to someone.". I agree, and we talk a little bit before she had to go back to work. I then get myself to work, and walk around with a grin on my face knowing that the best night I had actually was the night prior, not any that had taken place over the weekend. I get out of work, and head off to Manray. As expected Manray girl was there, and we spent most of the night with our respective groups. Lo and behold, her's includes aforementioned creepy guy (or in her opinion, fuck-buddy), and all I can think is, HATE-HATE-HATE I PUNCH YOU IN THE FASE! It's getting towards the end of the night, and I ask her if she needs a ride home. But, no, ass-hat himself is giving her a "ride" home. Knowingly, I wink, and say "Oh, that guy...". So, I leave with Senor BuckyKatt666 and proceed to bore him with an ongoing rant about my situation with Manray girl, until we get to his place and he exits my car, probably wishing he had walked home.
So, I'm left wondering why I'm so bothered by her and our situation. I have someone else who seems to be interested in me, and to tell you the truth, she's leagues above Manray girl. I'm calling her tomorrow, and hopefully my brain will process this information, and I'll be fine again, especially if we make more plans. But, I know Manray girl will end up calling me this week, and I'm going end up hanging out with her again, probably at her place, and all that will be on my mind will be, did she do what I think she did with Mr. Assclown?
Well, at least if I do end up going over to her place, I can gather my stuff she's borrowing. There's no way I'm getting out of this thing with her without getting my copy of "Chasing Amy" back.
As usual, I go to Manray in Cambridge every Wednesday night, to partake in a night filled with dancing and conversation with friends. Well, actually, I don't dance. No, no, no, no. That's a bad thing, very bad thing, at least if I'm involved. But, I do converse with an assortment of people. So, at one point, I decide to go outside with some friends so they can smoke. We get out there, and are soon joined by this stunning blonde, who for some reason, immediately struck my interest. Which is very odd, seeing as I'm usually not attracted to blondes whatsoever. Anyways, she joins us, and I'm properly introduced. We chit-chat for a few, and I decide to head back in. Through the course of the night, she went out of her way to not only untuck my shirt (Apparently I looked like I was trying too hard), but smack my ass a few times as well. Eventually, she came up to me and asked where I lived, I informed her, and a deal was struck. I was giving her a ride home. Go me... I guess. The end of the night arrived, and I made sure to inform BuckyKatt666 that he was getting a lift from me as well. Hey, I couldn't let the guy walk home in the cold, despite my female accompaniment at the time. So, we left, and I dropped him off at his place. On the ride to her home, we talked non-stop, which is always a good sign. I got to her place and we exchanged numbers. She invites me to spend the night, but I have to open the store the next day, so, meh. Good start so far, eh?
I got a call from her the next day, and she was asking if I was available that night to get together. Of course, I wasn't, but we made plans for Friday. Friday night rolls around, and she invites me to go on a tour of Salem with her. I'm up for it, so I show up, and it turns out, she's not only working for the tour, but she's dyed her hair to black with blue streaks. Normally, I would consider this an improvement, but for some reason, she was much cuter as a blonde. I take the tour, and we head back to her place. We then decide to take in a local Rocky Horror show, I tell her it's my first time, so she decides to put a bit of make-up on me. Surprisingly, I look quite fetching in lipstick and eyeliner, if I do say so myself. I tried to get a picture for you guys, but my camera decided to freak out. Anyways, we go to the show, and I get pulled up to have my cherry popped, since I'm a Rocky Horror virgin. This consisted of me performing simulated oral sex on a balloon and blowing it up in the process. My technique garnered quite a bit of attention, and I think I left a few people questioning my sexuality. Said balloon was then placed between my legs while standing, and popped by one of the female cast members... with her teeth. Lots of fun

Work, the next day, as expected, but I managed to get out that night to stop by at SGBoston HQ's party. Another great night put together by gasmaskboy, Quiescence, and Sid, and I got to see a few friends as well (alkaholic23, Blondie, Catch, MissTyrios, Pip, and XrevolverX). I also got to see a certain friend who I've been talking with over the past couple of months and make a plan for me to call her Monday night to set up a get-together for Tuesday night... More on that one later (Guess who it is Kris7?

We wake up the next afternoon, a couple hours later than planned, and we rush to get ready. We arrive with no problem and partake in the medieval-ness of it all. She then informs me that she has paper and a pen for the gathering of phone numbers, and that she may end up finding someone to be "in-character" with, so I may be left out a bit if such an event occurs. It never does, and we enjoy the day, somewhat. Before we left, we decided to say goodbye to someone who was working the sword booth, and I overheard and recognized someone's voice. Hmm... Can't be him. I'll have to see his face to be sure. He turns and gives me a great profile, and sure enough, I immediately recognize his lips. So, I say to myself, "Wow. That's Steven Tyler." Girl turns to me and says, "Who?". "Steven Tyler, from Aerosmith." I reply. She then recognized him, and we decided to watch the gathering crowd for a bit. We decided to leave him alone, seeing as he was just there trying to spend a day with his kids, and he was being bothered enough. We head towards the exit, and run into a performer/juggler, who then starts chatting it up with the girl. They exchange numbers, and he then gives her a massage. I try my best to not walk out of the place and leave her stranded, but luckily enough for her, I'm quite a nice guy. We eventually leave after he's done mauling her with his meaty paws, and came back to my place to pick up a few thing, and then head back to her place for the night. As we're laying in bed, she gets a phone call from some guy, who, as I was informed of afterwards, is her "booty-call". Wow...

But, I'm guessing due to my presence, she turned him down. I also found out that he also goes to Manray, and who he was. As it turns out, he's connected to my other female friend mentioned above (see: SGBoston HQ party). But, they're not such good friends. As it turns out, this guy is a total creep, and she wants nothing to do with him. But, the girl I'm laying next to at the time gets together with him every once in a while to mess around. I start to wonder if I've made some bad decisions over the previous days. After some minor thought on the subject, I fall asleep, and awake the next afternoon and take her to work.
So, earlier that day I had recieved a call from my other female friend, who tells me that she has the whole day off, and wants to get together that night. I ended up going into Cambridge to meet her and her friend, experienced the wonders of "Bubble Tea", and walked around with them whilst making small talk. Before we split for the evening, we make plans to get together again the next night, as originally planned. My day suddenly seems 1000x better.

I wake up the next morning, go to work, blah, blah, blah. On my break, we finalize the plans for the evening, and the rest of the day, nothing could bring me down. I get out of work, drive to her place, and we go out for sushi, and some ice cream afterwards. We then go back to her home and sit up talking for a couple hours. Despite the simplicity of it all, it was quite possibly the best outing with a woman I've ever had. Suffice to say, I was in sheer joy the whole ride home.
Now, to the present day, or so. I get a call from Manray girl, and she states, "It's wierd not sleeping next to someone.". I agree, and we talk a little bit before she had to go back to work. I then get myself to work, and walk around with a grin on my face knowing that the best night I had actually was the night prior, not any that had taken place over the weekend. I get out of work, and head off to Manray. As expected Manray girl was there, and we spent most of the night with our respective groups. Lo and behold, her's includes aforementioned creepy guy (or in her opinion, fuck-buddy), and all I can think is, HATE-HATE-HATE I PUNCH YOU IN THE FASE! It's getting towards the end of the night, and I ask her if she needs a ride home. But, no, ass-hat himself is giving her a "ride" home. Knowingly, I wink, and say "Oh, that guy...". So, I leave with Senor BuckyKatt666 and proceed to bore him with an ongoing rant about my situation with Manray girl, until we get to his place and he exits my car, probably wishing he had walked home.
So, I'm left wondering why I'm so bothered by her and our situation. I have someone else who seems to be interested in me, and to tell you the truth, she's leagues above Manray girl. I'm calling her tomorrow, and hopefully my brain will process this information, and I'll be fine again, especially if we make more plans. But, I know Manray girl will end up calling me this week, and I'm going end up hanging out with her again, probably at her place, and all that will be on my mind will be, did she do what I think she did with Mr. Assclown?
Well, at least if I do end up going over to her place, I can gather my stuff she's borrowing. There's no way I'm getting out of this thing with her without getting my copy of "Chasing Amy" back.

Thanks for the message.
Let me know what happens
thanks for the compliment by the way..i swear it made me smile the WHOLE day !