Did I just got for more than a motherfucking week without doing a motherfucking journal on this motherfucking website? How motherfucking unbelieveable!!!!
(I had to use my 5 "motherfucking"s for the day)
Well, this needs to be remedied immediately!!!!
To the "New Journal" section!!
As stated above, I was in an apartment with three types of pussy for a five days. Some friends of...
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(I had to use my 5 "motherfucking"s for the day)
Well, this needs to be remedied immediately!!!!
To the "New Journal" section!!
As stated above, I was in an apartment with three types of pussy for a five days. Some friends of...
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born under a bad sign
I haven't been as active as I was before. It's the whole life thing encompassing me. Ever heard of this thing called Life? Apparently, it's the thing you do when you're not sitting in front of a computer. Weird, huh?
Anyway, this entry was gonna have my usual witticisms, but I just got sidetrack. My friend called me just now, really scared. Recently, she visited...
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Anyway, this entry was gonna have my usual witticisms, but I just got sidetrack. My friend called me just now, really scared. Recently, she visited...
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=[ i get the panic attacks too more frequently i think the need for money is really weighing me down you know?
lool i dont even know how to play the bass, i lost a bet to my friend and now have to learn it or else he gets to break my hands =O
Hey what's going on with ya?
I know it's been a whole fucking month since I've posted something, but, I dunno, I just wasn't feeling it lately. I've been kinda down for a while. It's nothing in particular; more ontological if anything.
Maybe it's because I'm sleeping WAY more than I should. I read somewhere that if you sleep beyond the normal 8 hours then...
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I know it's been a whole fucking month since I've posted something, but, I dunno, I just wasn't feeling it lately. I've been kinda down for a while. It's nothing in particular; more ontological if anything.
Maybe it's because I'm sleeping WAY more than I should. I read somewhere that if you sleep beyond the normal 8 hours then...
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Literally , "this" website? Or a different one?
Nice! do you like it?
How was your New Years. I hope it involve tons of drunkeness and regrets!!!
I know I've been putting it off this blog for a minute. Lately, I've been uninspired. I get like this sometimes, especially now, with this being the New Year and my birthday coming and going. I stopped doing resolutions a long...
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How was your New Years. I hope it involve tons of drunkeness and regrets!!!
I know I've been putting it off this blog for a minute. Lately, I've been uninspired. I get like this sometimes, especially now, with this being the New Year and my birthday coming and going. I stopped doing resolutions a long...
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gracias. I'm sure they'd appreciate your love as well.
why no update as of late though?
why no update as of late though?
what can I say, my boss is a preacher's daughter
I should update this fucker, don't I?
Well, the b-day party went off without a hitch. I was gonna use the camera that my mom got me, but the pictures came out too damn dark. I fail at camera work:sad:
I should mention I came in as a shot up John Lennon. My friends took some pics of it and I post it once I...
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Well, the b-day party went off without a hitch. I was gonna use the camera that my mom got me, but the pictures came out too damn dark. I fail at camera work:sad:
I should mention I came in as a shot up John Lennon. My friends took some pics of it and I post it once I...
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my cat laying like that is a new thing for her. She's so strange!
True. Why hamper yourself?
Ok, time for an actual blog thingamaging.
Not a whole has develop in my world. I'm actually going to be doing some articles for this new upstart website Wiz duh M. The site is mostly informative but funny articles about anything from cars to music to sports, etc. Like it JUST got up and running. Like--not even two weeks ago. Still I'm looking forward to...
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Not a whole has develop in my world. I'm actually going to be doing some articles for this new upstart website Wiz duh M. The site is mostly informative but funny articles about anything from cars to music to sports, etc. Like it JUST got up and running. Like--not even two weeks ago. Still I'm looking forward to...
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Indeed. Although I think my girlfriends and I at least had the pleasure of annoying the fuck out of everyone else and their dates. haha
Your birfday is coming sooooon!
Your birfday is coming sooooon!
Happy Birthday! Hope is as wonderful as you are

Ahhh but I want it now!!!
Ahhh but I want it now!!!
haha, he's 18 (which I guess says alot but meh). All I can say is bleh. I'm not in a position to be like OMG, I'M A SEX QUEEN. I've had my fair share of sexual conquests but none lately. I've been too focused on SG and other modeling endeavors.
and yes, I want the future too. The present is just such shit. >>
and yes, I want the future too. The present is just such shit. >>
I'm pretty good. I can't remember the last time we caught up... I moved cities after the last big earthquake.
How are you? Is your job still terrible? Any luck finding anything new?
How are you? Is your job still terrible? Any luck finding anything new?
So...yeah....this is simply AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap they have moves. I wish I could make my limbs do that!
He is 18 until december. Then he'll be 19. LOL Already I knew I was playing with fire. All my lovers have always been older than me.
thanks for weighing in though.
thanks for weighing in though.
I'm fully aware that the following will, undoubtedly, make me sound like a lil bitch. However, in the middle of a caffeine-fueled high and a stomach filled a cheap pasta, Hawaiian Punch and Nehi pop, I have to say what I have to say to maintain sanity:
my job sucks. It sucks major, hairy, donkey testicles, and I'm at a point where murder is within...
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my job sucks. It sucks major, hairy, donkey testicles, and I'm at a point where murder is within...
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you are.
thanks mr,back at you syl
Hello there.
Right now, I'm recovering from a hangover. It wasn't anything too exciting. I went over to Deliahs last night to "take the piss" as the British would say. Luckily, some people I knew were there and I would up hanging out. Drank a couple of shots, a few beers, complained about my job (which I should quit doing cuz, eventually, people are gonna...
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Right now, I'm recovering from a hangover. It wasn't anything too exciting. I went over to Deliahs last night to "take the piss" as the British would say. Luckily, some people I knew were there and I would up hanging out. Drank a couple of shots, a few beers, complained about my job (which I should quit doing cuz, eventually, people are gonna...
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Knowing what I know about you and your music tastes.... you should've DJ'ed at one of those joints.... You and I both know you'd kill that shit!
Also - The Equals are awesome... never heard of them before!
Roots Manuva --- heh, I just released the album that has that cut on it in NZ a few weeks ago ---- awesome album --- 60+ minutes of UK rap brilliance!
He's big down here!
Also - The Equals are awesome... never heard of them before!
Roots Manuva --- heh, I just released the album that has that cut on it in NZ a few weeks ago ---- awesome album --- 60+ minutes of UK rap brilliance!

He's big down here!
Hehehe. I should go grocery shopping in it.
Hey what's up with you people?
Well, I didn't get the tickets to Riotfest, so I wasn't able to get to any of the shows. However, I did hear from my friends that went to the Danzig show that it was pretty good. See, Danzig was doing this "Legacy" concert (leave it to Glenn to put "Legacy" in the fucking title). The show featured the...
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Well, I didn't get the tickets to Riotfest, so I wasn't able to get to any of the shows. However, I did hear from my friends that went to the Danzig show that it was pretty good. See, Danzig was doing this "Legacy" concert (leave it to Glenn to put "Legacy" in the fucking title). The show featured the...
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I don't know what my Halloween plans are yet. Not sure if I'm working or not. I know I'm off the 30th, but that's all I know.

I used to draw basketball trading cards when I was a kid. Then sort of stopped freshman year in high school. I started drawing again about a week ago. Cuz Kraven asked for fan art for her birthday.
And thanks man, I can't stop drawing right now. I'm just having so much fucking fun right now. It's sort of replaced my fire to find a job. Which is a bad thing
And thanks man, I can't stop drawing right now. I'm just having so much fucking fun right now. It's sort of replaced my fire to find a job. Which is a bad thing

Goddamn I need to get out more.
Actually, I have been. I went to my friend's b-day party last Thursday. Good Goddam I wish I had a camera so I can take pictures and shit. But it was cool. They were giving out these token chips for free Sailor Jerry drinks.
So, yeah, I got really blasted that night. My boy Brian played there with...
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Actually, I have been. I went to my friend's b-day party last Thursday. Good Goddam I wish I had a camera so I can take pictures and shit. But it was cool. They were giving out these token chips for free Sailor Jerry drinks.
So, yeah, I got really blasted that night. My boy Brian played there with...
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Paris.... good man.
I make announcements too, but I decided my announcements are for twitter or even Facebook