So the SG Gods granted me a free month to check out the new layout. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about it. But it's good to catch on old SG friends, hoping they'll become RL friends too.
Here's the short and sweet version of what I've been up to:
*Got a new job that pays lots more
*Moved to a new apartment that...
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good to see you're doing well! I hope things just keep gettin better for ya mang!
I know I've dropped out for couple of weeks. I've started advanced training at Symbol for CNC machining. It's been taking up most of my time, with all the reading, homework, memorizing and all that good shit. Good times none the less.
Other than that, nothing much has been happening. I, like most Chicagoians, are enduring the freezing weather. It's 10 degrees right now and...
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Other than that, nothing much has been happening. I, like most Chicagoians, are enduring the freezing weather. It's 10 degrees right now and...
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I sir am moving to Chicago! I know exciting right!!!
I do realize that! I am looking forward to meeting you! And it's cool I am not nutz at all they actually term it crazy but that's better than nuts right?

Fuck! I've been really sleeping on this whole updating thing. My bad. I'm sorry. I'm a terrible human being.
I don't know if any of you notice, but there this election thing going on and shit. And some black dude won again. That's a good thing, I guess.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he won over Romney, but you have to understand that this...
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I don't know if any of you notice, but there this election thing going on and shit. And some black dude won again. That's a good thing, I guess.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he won over Romney, but you have to understand that this...
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Ahh babe..I am going through some shit myself. .hit me up any time..maybe with both of us shoveling together we can dig ourselves out! Xoxox
I honestly don't know what to write here, but it's been over a week so I'm obligated to write some crap on here to keep you occupied.
Let's see, let's see.
Oh! I started my CNC class yesterday. It was an orientation, so it wasn't that much done. But I'm really excited to be a part of this thing. Hopefully, by the time I'm done,...
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Let's see, let's see.
Oh! I started my CNC class yesterday. It was an orientation, so it wasn't that much done. But I'm really excited to be a part of this thing. Hopefully, by the time I'm done,...
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you'll be there in spirit!
you'll be there in spirit!
nice pictures!!!

What's up ya?
I'm writing this at a internet cafe. The internet at the crib is off. Long story, but I came up with $50 to pay off more than half the balance owed. My roommate would come up with $30 and he'll make the payment since the internet is under his name.
So I came up with the $50 and put it under his...
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I'm writing this at a internet cafe. The internet at the crib is off. Long story, but I came up with $50 to pay off more than half the balance owed. My roommate would come up with $30 and he'll make the payment since the internet is under his name.
So I came up with the $50 and put it under his...
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how's it on your side? still no sign of internet? is your $50 still trapped under his door?

how's it on your side? still no sign of internet? is your $50 still trapped under his door?

mmm. hope you get that figured out soon. sucks.
I've been feeling like shit lately. Had a couple of job interviews this week that turned out pretty well, I think. Hopefully, that will manifest itself into me getting a job.
I'm still at the spot with the druggies and shit. I wanna move out but money's kinda tight at the moment. Blech.
That's it. Sorry this wasn't the epic blogs that I normally do,...
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I'm still at the spot with the druggies and shit. I wanna move out but money's kinda tight at the moment. Blech.
That's it. Sorry this wasn't the epic blogs that I normally do,...
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Thank ya!
I wish there weren't such long distances between me and everyone else.
Hopefully things will start to pick up for you soon.

Hopefully things will start to pick up for you soon.

First off, I had a longer version of this, but the fucking computer ate it. So this will be the Cliff Notes.
Sorry I haven't been on here as I want to. It's just I'm been busy doing the whole "getting my life sorted out" thing. It's a thing we all do, to the day we die. And it's not like I hate my current...
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Sorry I haven't been on here as I want to. It's just I'm been busy doing the whole "getting my life sorted out" thing. It's a thing we all do, to the day we die. And it's not like I hate my current...
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I gotta be honest with ya: I really don't feel like typing this shit. At all.
However, it's been a minute since I last dropped an entry, so I figured now's the time to update on my life doings or whatever.
First off, I'm way better now. I know I had that emo moment last time, but I punched some newborn babies in face, shot...
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However, it's been a minute since I last dropped an entry, so I figured now's the time to update on my life doings or whatever.
First off, I'm way better now. I know I had that emo moment last time, but I punched some newborn babies in face, shot...
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Thanks! And as corny as it sounds, a PMA can be a (literal) lifesaver
Right on, brother. And you know part of what inspired that reflection? Going through old suicide blacks threads for a couple hours :-)
Thank Ya! Of Course I am!! It was really hard to part with the length, but I know its for the better. My hair will grow longer natural. Yay!
mmmmm? lol
mmmmm? lol
I can't elaborate at the moment-maybe later. But all I have to say is: why is life such a messy pile of shit that I have to sort through without any protective gear? I mean, I figured once I came to an Age of Reason that that was life and I have to deal with it, but FUCK IS IT A MOTHERFUCKA!!!!
So yeah, it...
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So yeah, it...
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Sorry you didn't get the job, sweetness. 

she's fantastic!
Ok. This is gonna be a short ditty considering I'm not in the best of moods but here's a rundown:
- Roommate 1 just came back after, what?, four, five weeks after he bailed on us after loosing his job. To be fair, he was FINALLY able to pay the rent for the month but, dude, he just bailed and didn't even bother to call anybody....
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*lobs a prayer* good luck on the interview!
Thank you for the birthday love! Sending lots of love back to you!

I can't believe it's been a long time since I made one of these journals. Man I'm slipping. But I been going through a lot of shit lately. And I'm about to tell it to you.
Ya tucked in?
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee we go!
Well, since my last journal, I gotten a raise at work. Yay me, blah blah blah who gives a fuck!!! I still trying...
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Ya tucked in?
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee we go!
Well, since my last journal, I gotten a raise at work. Yay me, blah blah blah who gives a fuck!!! I still trying...
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thanx hon.
I don't think you have a boring life. I think SG is just a fucking safe haven sometimes. I would hate life without it. I can't believe how much it has grown on me. Can't wait to rep this bitch as an official SG.
I don't think you have a boring life. I think SG is just a fucking safe haven sometimes. I would hate life without it. I can't believe how much it has grown on me. Can't wait to rep this bitch as an official SG.

Well the decision over two jobs is a way better proposition than the decision over which food bank to go to kudos to you man..and it sounds like getting out of your home stomping grounds might be just what you need to bring you out of your shell..not to mention give you the opportunity to get laid for some strangeness! LOL
Yes Ishmael is awesome..honestly like no other book I have read before..try it you mike like it!
Take care sweets and I have been dying to come to Illinois I need to shoot in Chicago..can I crash on your couch?
Yes Ishmael is awesome..honestly like no other book I have read before..try it you mike like it!
Take care sweets and I have been dying to come to Illinois I need to shoot in Chicago..can I crash on your couch?