Ohhhhhh the joys of house sitting!!!!!!!!
While my brother is in California visiting his in-laws I get to house sit for him and watch his GIANT dog. The dog is cool but it thinks its still a puppy even though it weighs like 100 lbs! Good times.
I wish I could get my life on track. I'm working as a photographer and it might end up being a great job but it has NOTHING to do with what I went to school for and the loans for school have come due and I'm fucked. why does life suck so much.
My grandmother died last night frown
She was the last grandparent I had. Me, my sister and Brother are going in the morning to Georgia to meet up with the rest of the family for the funeral. If you still have grandparents call them up and pick their brains, they are the smartest people on the planet.