It's a beautiful morning. I'm having some great hair and tonight I'm going dancing, something I haven't been able to do since I hurt my knee in the tragic clumsiness accident of 2006.
I have a wonderful new other that treats me like a queen and doesn't mind my ridiculous crushes. I'm enjoying classes and pulling my grades up so I can get into the...
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Good hair days are smile
So good to hear you happy, enjoy your daning, and woohoo for you feeling sexy again!! which from my point of veiw never left any way kiss
Well now. It's been awhile because I have NO freetime to speak of. Between school, homework, work, new boy and attempting to have a social life for the first time in years, I have no time. I'm so tired. I need a day off. I get one, just one, this coming Friday because Thursday is my birthday so hopefully I don't spend it hungover...lol.

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I got my Blood elf hunter to level 22 yesterday, smile i think all my friends are elves, and gnomes wink

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! kiss

I am so impatient to move, to start over. I work everyday saving pennies at a time, working toward that final goal but all I want is the end result. I'm so antsy and getting there seems so tedious I'm going crazy.
I want this semester to be over, to get past all these pre-reqs so I can take the classes I really want. So...
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The lyrics are "Naked as We Came" by Iron & Wine. smile

I like the new profile picture.

So, I take it, you are looking forward to Chico?
I love your new profile pic, you look so cute kiss
How long until you move? (sorry if i have missed the dates some where)
I know I've posted something similar recently but I am so in love with House, not Hugh Laurie, just House. Last night I had the most incredible sex dreams about him. Why oh why isn't he a real person? And Hugh Laurie probably wouldn't stay in character for me for the rest of his life either huh? So sad.
I love your pumpkin it was so cool. And the pic with the cat sticking his head in the pupmkin is so funny, those things stink. (the pumpkin not he cat wink)

Love your new profile pic aswell smile
your family looks like good people.
Well, I'm obsessed. I've been immobile for about the past month, and had nothing to do but work on projects and confront my dreaded enemy the television. The t.v. won. I am now absolutely obsessed with two shows: House and Heroes.
First of all, if House were a real man and not Hugh Lorrie in character, I would be all up in his Kool-Aid. He...
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I found out that I sprained my MCL and possibly punctured my meniscus. I have to got through 2 weeks of physical therapy to find out about the meniscus and have to spend the next 4-6 weeks in a leg brace to for the MCL. I have to ice it 3 times a day for 20 minutes, use my crutches religiously and make sure to...
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Ouch that sounds painful! I hope you heal up quickly.
Can your work sack you for being inable to work?
Well, children, I'm extremely clutzy and ended up hurting my knee. So I am now out of work until I'm all healed, which works so well. How it happened is just so embarassing. I was reaching for my mailbox, it was raining and I looked back at the boy...and missed the mailbox. It threw me off balance and I twisted my ankle, fell off the...
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i fall over all the time! never to the extent that you did but am always falling!

enjoy the time off work !! get foot massages and stuff!!
Well, I'm back in school and thoroughly enjoying it. My ethics teacher is awesome. The first day of class he said he had become two of the three things he wanted to be in life, a teacher and a soldier. We asked what the third was and he said a pornstar, but it never really worked out.
I have a new kitten, have had her...
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me again. i just traced my happy ass back through the all new tattoo thread. id seen your beautifull bird and loved it, but somehow managed to stupidly overlook who created it. thats the first of rons tatts ive ever seen!!!

mad matt, the dude who was there before ron, did my chest/shoulder. did you know him??? and sarahjanes shoulders were done by scotty. dude, when sarahjane got em, zach wasnt even an apprentice yet and look how far hes gone!! that shops amazing. i fukcing adore it. and i go to audra for all my peircings. just got my tongue last week actually. i miss matt like crazy though.

have you ever been to blue rose??? its just up the street (the wrong way) on 4th. ive been goin in there alot too because rob, the owner, is kidnve like a mentor to me, since i want to get a tattoo apprenticeship soemday, perhaps after i get my bachelors in fine arts.


im movin along now

stay rad
aww. your kitty is cuuuuute. i love it.
Bird tattoos are gorgeous, I especially love the fact that it is not only blue, but without the standard black outline.
Well, I have returned glorious and better than ever. I chopped all my hair off so pictures as soon as I'm all moved in to my new place. Just wanted to say I'm back. Have to get to work so I'm not very interesting at the moment.
Much love,
You're back!!YAY!! hello hello again hope all is well sweetie. Talk later. kiss
Thanks for joining AVON hun hope you love it as I do.
Well, darlings, I'll be gone for a month, but I promise I'll come back to you.
Leave me some sweet nothings to read when I return.
kiss kiss kiss
you better come back! Good luck darling xx
A MONTH? sigh kiss