OK so i just saw Tsumani Bomb! they fucking rock live. i met the lead singer, who is hot as hell i might add, goto a pic and a autograph. it was a small venue, like only 50 peope, so it was up close and personal and to top it all of it was only $12!

so yeah i WIN!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
so Acen was this last weekend it was sweet. i logged abotu 45 hours of work in 4 days....so now i am sick and tired but its all good. saw no anime as odd as it sounds. pick up a bad ass jrock cd the band is called Despairs Ray they are FUCKING HARDCORE!!! So yeah to all of those who went THANK YOU AND...
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so YAY! one week till the con season start....man my life is sad....but anyway to catch you up on what has been going on...well i made it back from NY safe..tehn i worked ALOT....ummmmm yeah thats about it.....but next week ACEN!!!!! www.acen.org check it out and show up if you like anime and are near chicago ARRR!!!
so yet again its 6am and i am still on the comp.......damn heartburn...... puke
ok so this is my first journal entry but whatev. So to catch u up what isup with my life me and Blitz413 are on vacation in New York. Now that your caught up on with my story. So last night me and Blitz went out to wander the city with Iggy and it was friggin sweet. We went to a Thai place that was...
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I couldn't help it all the friendly people of new york city kept buying me shots of things... and they say new yawkers are arseholes even the bartender and a police officer got me shots gotta love this place now give me back my sock you goat bastud...