okay some one beat me with the cry baby stick.. blackeyed

I cant stop this gloomy cloud over my head...


its weird feeling completely content, to feeling unsettled.. whatever

Im becoming a hermit again...

does anyone know what its like to be scared to leave your home...

im scared to go get the mail.

not so much scared but getting the mail is...
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I was feeling it, It was creaping up on me too. I have found my solution for that lingering depression, It is to leave. It's not the answer for everyone, but for me it fixes me. Right now I'm in north carolina after riding my motorcycle for four days. That trip has lifted my soul and given me some clarity that i lost sitting in SLC. Just know you are not alone in this, and that this too shall pass.....

OK Its tomorrow biggrin

And you bet you sweet ass you feel better becuse its rocker night in salt lake city wink the mighty warrent is playing at the whiskey tonight? lets go !!!! grab your hubbie. lets shove some jocks and kick some ass. Its rocker time skull

I will buy you kids a drink(if you drink)
Last weekend we went to the gay pride dance/festival.. It was alright, we met a few different interesting people.. I just like to go and watch all the different kinds of people come together and enjoy them selfs..

Then last night we went to the necromantixXXX it was eh. alright Ive decided Im done with concerts for a while I get too annoyed around to...
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Oh I hear ya. I fucking hate people lately.

Shows are so fucking retarded now. I have sooo many books of pics from concerts and now i cant even take in my fucking cell phones to shows anymore becauser it has a camera option... hello, try buying one now-a-days without one.... fuckers.

sorry im cranky HA! mad
oh do it! random facts are great... bad day too?

it doesnt make sense to me about the bed... whatever whatever whatever
so I went to gay pride.. last night at the dance it sucked it rained and I was to drunk for my own good by the time we ended up leaving...spent all the money we had, doing dumb drunk things after wards totally forget to save some for the concert were going to tomorrow night.. I didnt get any pictures of the dance.
but we...
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i think there are 1 bed room ones. its a pretty cool place to live. Alot of people here are in there 20's and I've meet like 4 guy's on my floor alone who are dj's. Plus I love the coffee house downstairs. The train is a bit loud but you kinda get used to it and forget it after awile. I've never herd my neighbors I think the walls are pretty thick. and theres the gateway and the orbit cafe and the club next door. SO far we really like but in 6 months or so we'll me moving to sugar house probably just cause we're ready to rent an actual house wink
I was thinking i could take PJ to the parade... no way. The rain fucking sucks. Im pissed. AHHHH!!!! mad whatever
Eeeek! what else is coming up. OH that show tomorrow right? take pics! I can't go. I need some free stuff to do around town. ha!
so I dyed my hair... black, with bleached bangs,, and I bleached the bangs first, (dumb idea) cause when I dyed the back black and washed it out it dyed my bangs an ughish light blue... gawd damnit... anyways lucky I got a shot of my bangs before the ugh ISH brown blue... tomarrow, they should be either BRIGHT red. or a deep purple.. depending...
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Your hair looks good. to bad it did not take. mad I have had a few fuck ups in hair dying . I will be at the show, cant wait. did you go to the show last night at lofi?(It dies today)
lookin at you fav, bands I dont think you did. I missed it frown had to work at 5am.
Happy we are buddys .thanks for the info. you rule rock out
Hola! You're so pretty I casnt wait to see the colorz. hmm I might be going to that dance thing. Sounds awesome. Are you going to all of those?
I finally have been updating my favorite suicide girls... I started going threw the complete list,, from Z-A but only got to about H... and this was alittle bit last night then a little bit today then alittle more today.. and I didnt havent finished the list... wat happened? theres so many sg's now.. shocked shocked
Synnove is so pretty! she is my new favorite.... shocked
I miss...
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kiss thanks lady biggrin

oh oh i wana go this weekend ware is it being held?

yeah i went through the pains of black hair to blond last year. It deff fries your head tongue
the rekromantics are play is salt lake you say?
do tell, when and where?
let go pride week wink Isent you a buddy offer confused If you need a new buddy
Im in a really raunchy ass mood today, this is the first time in a LONG time Ive felt like this.. (Ive been known to feel like this from time to time, but Ive done my best to not retire to the shitty ass attitude everyone hates about me )

First and for most, one of the most beautiful people in my life is moving...
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Yes it comes in green (for the good guys apparently), OoOoOo ill haveta add youon MYSPACE too =) sweeeet. yeah SG rocks.
WOW! I admire your level of openness. It demonstrates a strength i admire. Most people are scared to totally put themselves out there like that (me included!). Sounds like you have been through a lot and are learning from every experience.
Hey guys, I've actually have been spending alot of time on here lately.. alot more then I use to.. well alot more then I ever really have !!! so Ive updated on most of my pic groups.. alot of new pics, and pics I havent posted before.. mostly of just me... Im just always constantly changing and If I dont update I feel Im sort...
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yeah dude screw cliques puke he he thank you for the lovely complement on my pics blush I love your pics your soo cute i wana squish you biggrin. In a good way happy warm fuzzy squishies. (im in a slap happy mood dont mind me) seriously though i love your hair and facial expressions and your arm tatt awsome!! ware do you get your ink done? When you move to the city you should check out the building Im in Its the artspace bridge projects building and I must say its rocks my socks!
yay for sg friends!!
So I came across your comments in bella_donnas journal and figured i'm jump over and say hi... HI!!!!

Your pics crack me up! It's always nice having new pals in this little valley of our, so i'm adding you if you don't mind!

smile oink blackeyed shocked whatever love skull oink oink
anyways, my friend heatha is going out with braidens friend cory, AGAIN.. hopefully no one fucks that up for them...

jeeze its been about 2 years since those 2 had their fling.... Im just happy their giving it one more shot...

still havent talked to angie since before she went to jail... I know shes out now and everything, but Im avoiding it as much...
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hey you seem like a really sweet girl. Thanks for the add!!! kiss

ahhh what the hell is there to do around slc? I just moved here like a week ago! lol... AHHHH!!!