I woke up bright and early at 5:30 AM to drive down South for my shoot with Annabelle. First off, Annabelle is one of the most awesome girls ever. And she is WAY cute. She made me feel so comfortable and natural. LoveOnAPlate came with me to get some SG application pics taken and much was our surprise when we found out we both...
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Hey, congratulations on shooting the set! You must be so excited!

If I were inclined to submit pictures of myself naked to be posted online, and I had just taken the pictures, and I had to wait an undetermined amount of time for them to show up, I would be so incredibly impatient it would drive me absolutely crazy. Granted, unlike in your case, I rather doubt anyone would be interested in seeing such pictures of me, let alone paying to see them (indeed, some might pay me to avoid seeing them on account of my extraordinary English pallor), but, still, you have my sympathy. wink

About fake boobs (admittedly an odd topic, but you brought it up), I had friend in college who's dad is a plastic surgeon, and one day my friend and I happened to stop by his office and, while we were there, look through his (huge) book of before-and-after photos, so, in a sense, I guess I've seen more fake boobies than most people, and I have to say I'm not a fan, but to each his (or, rather, her) own, I guess. Definitely a hell of a lot more painful than a tattoo, that's for sure. I guess the only time I have a real objection as a matter of principle is when the woman gets them because she feels the need to look a certain way for other people as opposed to for herself, or when she can't tell the difference between what she wants and what someone else wants in that regard. Well, that and when they're grotesquely big, but that's more of an aesthetic objection. But in any event, it's hard to improve on the genuine article. smile

You should totally get back on Netflix. I've been watching Deadwood on DVD recently, and I am loving it. Well, I guess if you have a TV and HBO, you don't Netflix for that, but with only my Powerbook's DVD player, it works really well. Plus the gazillion other movies I really should be too busy to watch.

I just spent all afternoon working, which was pretty lame, but at least I set up shop at the cafe around the corner, which was better than staying at home and infinitely better than going to my windowless office on a Saturday. And I did get to go to the frame shop this morning to get something framed, and I always love being super anal and spending forever picking out just the right frame and mattes. Yes, I realize I am a huge dork.

Well, I hope you're having a wonderful weekend (sounds like it)!


P.S. UCSC = awesome mascot
yay! i had fun today and you are a cutie! anyways i will see you on tuesday kiss
Personal opinion: Candylac's boobs cannot be real. What's with all the fake boobies lately? First Anishka, now Candylac. Sheesh. I'm sorry, but I don't conisder breast augmentation a "body mod" worthy of the suicide girls.

My shoot is tomorrow. I am nervous but excited. Sometimes I worry that I'm not skinny enough, but then I remember all the beautiful girls like Sinope and...
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Hola, chica!

I'm sure your shoot will turn out gorgeous & can't wait to see the pics!

& whaddya mean about Candylac's boobers not being real?! Check out this surrevealing pic, for example: (Imagine me in this pose.). Now, that kind of unnatural lumping has to be indicative of natural breasts! surreal

Anyway, I unfortunately do not think I will be travelling to Lorin's gig tonight. I dunno - the biggest thing is that I just heard samples of his stuff last night and I just have to say that I don't be diggin' it.

Ack! I curse the day I heard Underworld! For on that day, all else fell by the wayside! (Actually, I thought "A Hundred Days Off" was kind of a weak album, so I really mean pre-AHDO UW. Hopefully this next one is full of cock-wrangling beats & tunes...)

Let me know how it goes after you recover!


[Edited on Apr 23, 2005 9:53AM]
Just be happy that you are not insecure enough to get stupid fake boobies... kiss
The best remedy for nervousness is just this: forget it. Trust me, it's easy, you can just decide to not be nervous and then you aren't!

Even if it's the first time I'm sleeping with someone I'm dating, I'll just walk around naked lots of times. You know, there are very few more liberating feelings than nudity.

And, really, your naked body is the priceless, 24k gold amulet to my unpolished, blemished cheap silver pendant of nakedness. You have nothing to be ashamed of and everything of which to be proud.

By the way, I'm now almost certain that I need to see Lorin, so I hope tickets are not sold out and I have to write you again tomorrow to find out how to finagle Stephen into being my DD, too. wink

(Stephen, if you're reading this, how can I make it easiest for you to give me a lift?)
Please ignore my previous journal entry. I promise that I am not nearly as shallow and vapid as I may have seemed. I'm just going through a flirtatious phase. And a trouble phase. But I'll be back to my normal self soon. (HAH!)

I finally bought food. Mostly veggies, fruit, protein (tofu) and low fat dairy products. I've gained about 5 lbs from my recent...
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You can spill your guts to me anytime. It made my night to hear the stuff racing in your head. smile Of course, I hope you had a better day than yesterday.

I'm giving further careful consideration to Burning Man...

I hope this note finds you warm n' happy after a day with the poor teether.

I can empathize.

It's funny how a little money, and some booze can make your life that much more enjoyable huh? wink Oh yeah you cant forget chicken... it's the corner stone to any good time bok
OK. So, I'm drunk. So you'll have to excuse this journal entry.

I've had an awesome weekend. wink Friday night was the Dragon Lounge. I danced, I drank, I flirted. I met DeepTraumaHeat which was awesome. He was even wearing an Underworld shirt!! Gotta love the Underworld. smile I spent most of the night flirting with the hot girl who works the door. She is the yummynes....
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thanks for the comment on my new set!!
thanks for the kind words on my set love,
see you this weekend!
xo annabelle
I totally splurged on a veggie burrito from Chipotle and a rather large Young's Double Chocolate Stout. I am in heaven. love I figure the splurge is okay because I am having dinner with Stephen tomorrow night and I get paid on Friday, and I still have a half tank of gas...so? So, a girl deserves a treat every now and then.

I went to the...
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I think that were going to the Miss Kitty show at the end of the month but I'm not sure bok
mmmm ... yummy.
I went running. I am officially awesome. wink My exercise regime is now back in full swing. I spend at least 1 hour a day taking the baby on walks, and if I can come home and run for 45 minutes at least 4 times a week, I think I'll be able to keep my body in good shape. Also, when I am no longer poor,...
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Hey - you sound great. smile

I'm definitely happy for you that you're being so healthily and fiscally responsible.

So, yeah, Underworld is touring, but what's even more odd than no scheduled U.S. dates as of yet is the fact that they're not playing Glastonbury, despite the fact that it's only about two weeks before their first scheduled date in Europe.

Anyway, not that it matters to me, necessarily, because I'm not going to Glasto.

Anyway anyway!

I want to meet you for realisies! Whaddya think? (Lemme take you out to the City Deli to celebrate your responsible nature!)

i'd suggest you to get at the library thrillers by:

preston & child (in particular i love "tide", but all their books are cool)

mo hayder (birdman is very morbid!)

some early jeffery deaver

you'll see that with those books, this 13-dollars week will fly away, you'll be stuck home for the whole time, trying to finish them as quickly as possibly!


ps: good job with the pasta. you know us italians really care that people all over the world eat it the right way tongue
My housemates ate all of my boca chick'n patties. frown I was soooo looking forward to having one for dinner, but alas, I am now eating yucky canned chili. I am so dirt poor right now that the only reason I have food is because Stephen was nice enough to buy some for me. He bought me the boca patiies. (sigh)

I had an fun weekend....
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mmm,hope you got a stack of food at home, then you can just wor, get home, cook the food you had stacked, and spend the whole time on the internet or watching tv or listening to music.
this may make the money last.

usually i do this, when i am penny-less, anyway. i manage to live rather cheaply sometimes tongue

(i save everything for travels!)


yep yep yep robot
I'll be shaking my booty at the Dragon Lounge this evening. If you like breaks and you're in San Diego, you should come and join me. smile Just look for the telltale tattoo on my back and the hypnotic swirly stars above my boobies and you'll have found the teknokitty. Or, you can spot me because I'll probably be dancing harder than anyone else in the...
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Yeah. I recall the camp being pretty fun--they even had a workshop on turntablism, but I was too busy with one of the jazz ensembles. Well, and too busy slacking off and trying to come up with excuses to avoid practicing. wink

I ended up in SD after being in NYC for 3 years (and growing up and going to school in the Bay Area, in Berkeley) for a one-year job, which ends in August. But I've very recently accepted a new job that starts then back up in the Bay Area, so I'm moving back to SF, which I am SO fired up about.

I totally agree with you--especially after coming from NYC (which was amazing, but ultimately just too much), I was struck with how chill SD is and how nice people are, but it's totally not my cup of tea. I love the peple I work with, but SD is not my scene at all, and I miss all the arts and music up north. And I actually LIKE fog. smile

What brought you here?
From Bellas journal, I thought everyone should read this.

I read this today and thought it was amazing...
Please take it to heart....
A boy walked into a cd store
and saw a girl behind the counter.

She smiled and he thought it was the most
beautiful smile he has ever seen before and
wanted to kiss her right there.

He said "Uh... Yeah... Umm... I would like to
buy a CD." He picked one out and gave her
money for it.

"Would you like me to wrap it for you?" she
asked, smiling her cute smile again.

He nodded and she went to the back.

She came back with the wrapped CD and
gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the store.
He went home and from then on, he went to
that store everyday and bought a CD, and she
wrapped it for him. He took the CD home
and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out
and he really wanted to but he couldn't. His
mother found out about this and told him to
just ask her.

So the next day, he took all his courage and
went to the store. He bought a CD like he did
everyday and once again she went to the
back of the store and came back with it
wrapped. He took it and when she wasn't looking, he left his
phone number on the desk and ran out...


The mother picked up the phone and
said, "Hello?"

It was the girl!!! She asked for the boy and
the mother started to cry and said, "You don't
know? He passed away yesterday...

" The line was quiet except for the cries of
the boy's mother. Later in the day. The mother
went into the boy's room because she
wanted to remember him. She thought she
would start
by looking at his clothes. So she opened the
closet. She was face to face with piles and
piles and piles of unopened CDs. She was
surprised to find all those CDs and she
picked one up and sat down on the bed and she
started to open one.

Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out
of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. The
mother picked it up and started to read it.

It said: Hi... I think you are really cute. Do you
wanna go out with me? Love,Jacelyn

The mother opened another CD...

Again there was a piece of paper. It said:
Hi... I think you are really cute. Do you wanna go out
with me? Love, Jacelyn

Love is... when you've had a huge fight but
then decide to put aside your egos, hold
hands and say, "I Love You"

I was finally well enough to go into work today. Getting out of the house was quite wonderful, despite the fact that I spent the morning trying to calm a screaming baby. Ahhhhh, yes. I know the drill. I'll be coming home from work every day covered in breast milk, spitup and baby drool. Gotta love being a nanny. (And really, I do love being...
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Horay for breast milk and spitup. At least you don't have to deal with anal glands.
Ewwww anal glands??? Who the hell types about anal glands? shocked

[Edited on Apr 08, 2005 11:09AM]
I'm still at home and officially going crazy. mad When I called into work this morning, I had just woken up and my voice was all rough and it sounded like I was still really sick. So they asked me to take today off. Grrrarrrr! Of course, I don't want to get the baby sick but I am going absolutely nuts cooped up in my apartment...
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You a burner? Me too ^_^ Your star tats are awesomeeee.
shocked biggrin tongue wink smile kiss blackeyed ARRR!!! miao!! ooo aaa bok EL SUICIDO LOCO surreal love ... Sorry I'm sleepy ... not much to say ... hows your day going???
Oh my goodness! The Quinne and Reagan set?!?!!!? love love love love I'm in love. Such beautiufil, beautiful girls.

I'm feeling a little bit better today, though I now appear to be losing my voice. Oh well.... it'll come back again. I'm taking today off as well, but I plan to be back at work tomorrow, damnit. Being sick is miserable, and I'd much rather be working.

I had...
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I am from Pleasant Hill which is right near Berkeley/Walnut Creek area. I know what you mean though about missing it up there. It took me awhile to adapt to life down here when i went to school. I pretty much hated SD the first year here and wanted to move back. I would always say that after I graduate I would move back. I graduated in '03 and im still here. Ive been here for 5 years now and I actually love it now, even though I miss The Bay like crazy. All my friends are still up there too which sucks, but you I look at it as a growing experience. Your still close enough to visit and its always nice having good friends coming down and visiting. I think my releationships with my friends are that much stronger. You'll be fine though, just give it time and you'll know what I mean.
Mmm. I know i am talking just by seeing your few pics (and they're not even nekkid! LOL), but honestly, this "plus sized" issue sounds so strange!

i mean, i find it amazing how a girl like you sees herself as "with curves" and says that she's bigger than the american standard. last time i checked, america was the first nation in terms of percentage of obese and overweight population, so who is exactly setting the standard?

i don't think here in italy we have a "larger" standard for ladies, you don't see a rubenesque girl int he street and say "oh, she's so thin", but, like, aiki is considered rather normal. maybe she may be considered a biy plump by someone, but no one would yell at her that's she's fat or anything. and a girl like you would fall in the "slim as a pole" category.

so, lol. it's just puzzling. and don't worry,it's just words. as long as you, as you said, enjoy your own body, that's the only thing that matters! and i am very sure that loads of people enjoy looking at your pics, so your ego will feed on that too tongue

i just found the topic rather...curious.



ps: and get better soon!