I am starting to live on Totinos frozen pizzas. But can you blame me? They're only 99 cents a piece and they eat like a meal. I had two yesterday and one is in the toaster oven right now so I can eat one before work.

Last week was my 6 month review at work. I got a one dollar raise. I was super excited....
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I hear ya, I have been living off of those cup o nooldes to be able to afford my much deserved vacation... and they are damn tasty, I am loving it. skull
I just saw my first Burlesque show. It was amazing. The girls were hot. I got chocolate down my shirt and whipped cream in my hair. I bought a poster and the girls signed it. It was the greatest show ever. I can't wait until they come back. love love
What is it about Kentucky that rules. My family is there...and the ass too.
They done the Download festival over here the other month. I'm still sulking that I missed it
I'm in a new apartment now and we don't have a phone line. I haven't been on the internet in two weeks and the only way I can get on is to go to someone elses house. I'm almost tempted to have a line installed even though I won't be able to afford it.
My band The Brewskies have booked our first show. Saturday the 22nd at The 19th Green. We're opening up for Big Bone Lyck who are the 19th Green cover veterans.

I've been packing up and getting prepared to move out in a couple weeks. This will be my first move. It's taking forever to pack up 21 years of junk.
where you gonna live huh? im back in lou for now. whatever
yeah i'll be gone soon but im here for maybe a week or so. dunno.
Friday is Thunder Over Louisville. I'm going to a party at the top floor of the Harbours. It will be the best view of the fireworks I've ever had.

I got a call from Emanuel and they invited us to play at the Executive Inn on May 17th. It'll be a huge show and I can't wait.
just popped in to say hi smile
Cheers squire! Hope you had a good weekend. Hows things with you?
I've grown a beard since the last time I updated this. A nice full one. I bought some nice clippers yesterday so I can keep it trim and looking nice.

I'm very busy at work and doing lots of design stuff lately. I think I'm going to quick college after this semester or maybe sooner.

My bills are backing up because I spend all my...
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i want to grow a beard.
i want to go to college.
i just bought a new pair of shoes.
there is no longer any oil in my car.
i love the anniversary.
Okay, so heres my monthly journal update. Things are going great.

Most of the ice is melting around here and the sun is finally coming out.

I've been at my new job for almost a month and it is going well. I'm making a lot more money now.

I purchased a new iPod yesterday. 40 gigs! 10,000! songs! I'm glad I kept the tape deck...
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Bloody hell, 10,000 songs is impressive. I'd never know what to listen to if I had that. Too many choices smile
werd. i got fired for sleeping in. u go to uofl or the bell?
First day of classes

I had economics. Seems like it will be boring. I just want to get it out of the way.

Dinosaur class however is a different story. I love the instructor and it looks like it will rock. Today we talked fossils.

Still haven't got any books. Need money.
Chicago was great. We did some mission work and helped out a bunch of folks. I got to eat at Medieval Times and Ed Dabevics for the first time. We shopped at H&M and the Apple Store and hungout downtown freezing our asses off.

Its good to be home where the temperature is above zero.
A Medieval eatery? Thats the sort of thing England needs. LRP feasts are all I've been to, a good laugh. And sub zero temperatures are great, I love the winter! The rain, however, I could do with less of.
H&M rules. i never knew cool clothes could be so inexpensive until my lord and savior H&M appeared before my eyes in the westchester mall. chicago is cool too. and stuff.
aprilmayhem tongue

[Edited on Jan 08, 2004 12:54PM]
I'm off to Chicago in the morning. Got a lot of stuff planned. Painting a church, ice skating, dinner at Medieval Times. If you live in Chicago maybe I'll see you there!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
awwwwwwwwwwww I wish i was going to Chicago....I miss it...

I did horever get to go to Kentcuky for the past 4 days...and I miss it already...
It's been an awesome christmas. I got a brand new powerbook!

I hope everyone else had a great christmas.
I had a nice Christmas. I'm way up in Michigan with my mom and siblings for the week. Very cold and very beautiful.