My ipod froze up and I couldn't get it to work. The kind lady at apple that I spoke to on the phone couldn't figure it out either so I had to mail it to them and they're sending me a brand new one. Meanwhile I'm going crazy listening to Louisville's shitty radio stations. Damn futuristic music players not working right. mad
yes louisville is the best!!!
wow that has to suck with out an ipod i would loose my mind and go on a killing rampage.
but you know that's just me.
Thank you mucho!

I like that Snow desktop you made lots.
I recently started thinking about getting a dog and now I'm extremely excited about the idea. I'm definately getting a boxer and I will love it forever. The idea of having a dog I can take to the park and run around with in the sun makes my tummy all happy and warm.

Anyhow, I'm working on some more SG artowork and I'll post it...
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oooo a dog!
ya know ive been thinking of getting a god sometime soon as well. I had a doberman and i was extremely sad to find out he ran away... i posted signs and everything but its quite hard to find a dog in LA. frown
i was actually looking into getting an english bull... so cute and big.

hope the art goes well... you'll have to inform me when you have it posted
that was funny.
My external harddrive died today. I lost tons of old work that I did in high school. I'm really pissed. I'm going to try to hook up with one of those data recovery places and see what they can do.

I'm working on finishing a 15 print collection I'm doing just for promotion. Considering the drive thing, I'm in a pretty good mood.

I love...
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just finished a new piece of artwork. I working on something for a book thats been published and something else for a certain popular music magazine. Other than that business is kinda slow. Doesn't matter though. Gives me more time to go outside and enjoy the spring-like winter weather. Its actually starting to get kinda cold but a couple weeks ago it was like 70...
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My account got deleted, but I paid for another year and now I'm back!
I'm featured in this month's issue of Rockpile Magazine. Pick up a copy.

I got tickets to go see the foo fighters and weezer in Chicago. Itll be my fourth time to see the foo fighters but I'm bummed because they were out of floor tickets. We're up in the balcony, but its okay, there was no way I was gonna miss it. smile

My little outfit known as The Brewskies is playing tonight at the Rustic Frog with...
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there will be a house show at my house in old louisville on the 22nd of this month. Diamond nights from new york are playing, they are about "to get really big" according to my friend, and have playing gigs everywhere, but are just going to be in town visiting and decided to play a free show at my house. I need a band to play with them. What local band would bring in the kids? I really just need a keg.
yeah, but I don't think those kids like me much, a bit snobby. I was thinking more like nixon. or kodan armada though i dunno if they are still even around.
I designed a new SG wallpaper.Yeehaw
neat. talk to me, read my blogs and stuff.
I've been a busy little bee. Got my website up and running again, and my band The Brewskies website too. Check them out and buy a Brewskies t-shirt.


The Brewskies