This is what organizing a whole month of gigs (9 shows total, 5 acts per show) looks like. #panic # Nov 24, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
Got Pandora, soju and a gang of raccoons. Let the packing begin! #lasvegas #aspoonfullofsugar Nov 23, 2014 3 Facebook Tweet Email
#TBT to 2000, when I lived in Roraima (extreme North of Brazil), started journalism for the first t Nov 20, 2014 10 Facebook Tweet Email bbkid: que isso novinha, que isso! Nov 21, 2014
I gotta teach myself that caramelized onions are NOT a quick step in cooking. There is NO shortcut Nov 19, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
Missing my fabric and trim stash right now. And my serger. Until I get back to Brazil next week, al Nov 19, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
It's that time of the month again... when I feel like I can't get enough air and as if there was a Nov 17, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
Doesn't get any sweeter than this... "Shall I unscrew that for you?" Tastes like the stuff I used t Nov 14, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
Moved 4 tons of gravel. Let's see if I have hands left for pole class. #workout #allinadayswork Nov 13, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email spiritualnick: hell yeah Nov 13, 2014 orock: it's all in the hips Nov 13, 2014
Today's workout. Got a couple blisters after only 90 minutes but I guess I'll do it for at least o Nov 13, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
Been waking up too early even though I really don't need to be up by 7 am. Só I've been in the kitc Nov 12, 2014 2 Facebook Tweet Email
Hanging out with the raccoon army and marathoning The Arrow so I decided to test my #selfiestick. T Nov 11, 2014 5 Facebook Tweet Email
Had an awesome class with Ray Gunn about The Elements of performance. #lasvegasburlesquefestival #l Nov 8, 2014 4 Facebook Tweet Email