if it came down to it would you rather be Matt Damon or Ben Affleck?
i'm reading this book:
and you should too.
i have a very bad headache that wont go away. i think my brain is telling me reading is bad for my health.
and you should too.
i have a very bad headache that wont go away. i think my brain is telling me reading is bad for my health.
drugs are working.
i am working on hitting on a girl who thinks i'm hitting on another girl who both girls have boyfriends.
in other news the only tv i made an effort to watch (ice road truckers) is over and i'm not pleased.
there is nothing better than watching pissed off Canadian truck drivers freeze their ass off.
my life is very boring lately...
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i am working on hitting on a girl who thinks i'm hitting on another girl who both girls have boyfriends.
in other news the only tv i made an effort to watch (ice road truckers) is over and i'm not pleased.
there is nothing better than watching pissed off Canadian truck drivers freeze their ass off.
my life is very boring lately...
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i'm on drugs officially.
i got diagnosed finally on monday with IBS.
i'm on tranquilizers and stomach-anti-nflammatory pills on top of my radical sleeping pills.
and i feel pretty good.
hopefully life will get back on track now after a really bad derailment.
i got diagnosed finally on monday with IBS.
i'm on tranquilizers and stomach-anti-nflammatory pills on top of my radical sleeping pills.
and i feel pretty good.
hopefully life will get back on track now after a really bad derailment.
easy there fuzzy little man peach.
i need everybody to use that phrase this week.
You know, just the normal. Working, hanging out with friends, makin' lolcats and lolsuicidegirls.
How's you, honey?

How's you, honey?
Yeah, I read a little about that.
Cut that out, will ya? And then come out here and have a diet coke with me sometime.

i have reached a new version of wits end.
wits 2.0
Which do you think overtime you've thought about more.
Death or Sex?
i think the quick answer is sex obviously, but think about it.
Which do you think overtime you've thought about more.
Death or Sex?
i think the quick answer is sex obviously, but think about it.
Actually Sex, I know I'm going to die but I'm always trying to think about the next time I'll have sex.
Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you it's true.
Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you it's true.
::now with picture!::
i'm covered in sensors right now.
there are 8 in total and they run from my mid-chest area down to my lower waist right below my belt line.
these sensors have cables running to the psudeo weight belt i'm wearing which has pouches holding on one side a battery then the other side has a hard drive like box.
then after i...
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i'm covered in sensors right now.
there are 8 in total and they run from my mid-chest area down to my lower waist right below my belt line.
these sensors have cables running to the psudeo weight belt i'm wearing which has pouches holding on one side a battery then the other side has a hard drive like box.
then after i...
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oh science
you must look prettty hot.

you must look prettty hot.
Dude. What'd you do?!
i put my horrible self on youtube.
laugh at me.
laugh at me.
Colon...Colon... LOL

I really can't believe this, it made me giggle so hard.
Oh My.
i found how my new obsession.
i found how my new obsession.
holy crap.
i was just in the living room playing with the dogs then all the sudden i turn around and there's a fucking giant taranchula.
shit was one of the biggest ones i've seen.
i had to fish it out of a corner with a broom then take it outside. then it wouldnt get off the fuckin broom and started coming up the pole....
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i was just in the living room playing with the dogs then all the sudden i turn around and there's a fucking giant taranchula.
shit was one of the biggest ones i've seen.
i had to fish it out of a corner with a broom then take it outside. then it wouldnt get off the fuckin broom and started coming up the pole....
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did you scream like a girl?
i'll see you that video and raise you this one:
i'll see you that video and raise you this one:

Not only did Kevin buy my piece, I met him and he gave me a hug!!! He was a really nice and genuine guy.
And thanks I had that fucking cake song in my head for hours after watching that last night.
And thanks I had that fucking cake song in my head for hours after watching that last night.
i think cake is better than pie.
i think cake is better than pie.
For me, it depends on the type of cake/pie. I can't just say one is better than the other unless I know what kind of cake/pie we are talking about 


its still horrible, but there is no commitment involved.
hows yr tummy doing?