So I went up to the mountains with my friend and brother after fishing to watch the fireworks show. I caught no fish
. And the fireworks weren't really that freat. But anyway, there is a holy fustercluck of traffic trying to get back to town! We've gone half a mile in 45 minutes! And people need to learn to be patient. Some girl tried...
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I was walking down Pearl Street today and I saw a homeless person with the most awesome sign ever. It said "BEAR ATE MY HOUSE". Hahahaha I thought that was hilarious! So I gave him a couple dollars and bought him a bag of gummy bears
. He said that was the nicest thing anyone has done for him and God bless you so that...
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thanks dear

Went to 24 hour starbucks again with my friend. This time we decided to play a different game instead of cards. It was some game called set that he found at home. It was a deck of cards that all had various shapes on them and you had to collect 3 that formed a matching set. It seemed easy enough at first and I figured...
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So lately, I've been addicted to zombie video games and can't stop playing them! There's something about shooting zombies that I just find to be really entertaining. I started off playing Nazi Zombies from Call of Duty: World at War. Even though it's only a mini game, it's still really fun. My friend and I played it for a good few days before finally putting...
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if you are a serious gamer- you will have no problems. you have to level up and stuff. and it looks like i will have to go out and get that game.
woo hoo mindless zombie killings here i come!

lol ps2 and a xbox are the only ones i have. oh and a super nintendo. yeah thats right im old school. donkey kong! and super mario brothers! rpg? of role playing game. sorry i am so not a gamer!
I'm sitting outside right now and it is a very nice night out. I'm sitting on the swingy couch bench thing (I'm sure it has a name, I just don't know it) in front of my house just listening to the leaves rustling in the cool, refreshing breeze. The sky is clear and I can actually see some stars tonight
. Each one twinkling, as...
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Sounds so lovely,
Its freezing cold here so we are stuck indoors with heaters and layers of clothes and tea
Where does your friend live?
Its freezing cold here so we are stuck indoors with heaters and layers of clothes and tea

Where does your friend live?
Thanks much for the kind and surprising comment you left on my blog. Kindness that arrives out of the blue always seems that much more astonishing for the sheer unexpectedness of it. Hope you have avoided further baking or broiling on the job.
So my friend and I just went to burger king (the BK lounge
). Behind us at the drive thru there was this fat ass bitch lady who apparently really needed her BK fix or sumthin. All we ordered was 2 things, but I guess that took too long for her cuz she stuck her head out the window and yelled angrily "What, are you...
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I just wanted to say thanks for the kind words you wrote for my set in MR. I appreciate it and hope you have a good day. and if you do road trip let me know! i have always wanted to do a road trip. bt alas...working sucks.
Another Heart Decays
This is a poem I wrote a little while back that I really like, so I thought I would share it with you guys!
I want to turn it into a song eventually, but so far everyone thinks it would be better to just leave it as a poem, so I dunno, we'll see. Well let me know what you think (constructive...
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This is a poem I wrote a little while back that I really like, so I thought I would share it with you guys!

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For pretty much the first time in my life, I've been brought down and feel kinda helpless at the moment. I'm usually pretty worry free and I don't let things bothr me easily, cuz frankly I just don't hav enough timein each day to spend not enjoying it. But lately, it seems like everytime I try to make some kind of progress with my life,...
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There's a spider in my room and it was crawling on my arm and I freaked it flicked it away. So I'm giving it some time to find its way out of my room so I can go back up (I know, I'm a big pansy). Anyway, I went to a local show last night. It was my first local show since sometime last year...
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sheesh, way to make a girl blush!
Thank you!

Thank you!
Had a night of drinking and playing video games with my friend last night. It was pretty chill and fun. Shooting zombies is a lot harder and scarier when your drunk haha. I also discovered that gin and tonics taste like licking the skin of a lime. Weird. I fell asleep in a weird position and now i feel like I broke my back and...
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i just got back from my trip to wisconsin last night! i had a ton of fun and I wanna go back! first we stopped in minnesota and went to the mall of america. that place is frikkin huuuuuge!!!!!! i got lost more than once haha. my friend andI found the first mcdonalds drive thru to let us order from them without a car haha....
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yea i love roadtrips haha. so much better than flying! nice people watching is always fun. which part of wisconsin is your cousins cheese factory in? whats rainbow gathering?
I'm so jealous! I LOOOOOOVE road trips!!! Glad you had fun!
gah my E string on my guitar broke!!!!!! and of course it has to happen when i'm really in the mood to play guitar and all the music stores are closed so i can't buy new strings. i had a good night of relaxing and practicing planned
. now what? hmmm....writing time! i'm gunna go write lyrics or a poem or sumthin. wen i'm done...
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Yep, best laid plans and all that. Still, keeping productive though, good work!