Hey everybody I have a huge favor to ask o you all!
The following link is a contest entry video of "Becoming The Bull" I submitted to try and win a Dan Jacobs signature series guitar through Atreyu's TPR play off contest. Please do me a huge favor and go vote for my video so I can make it to the top 5! It will...
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The following link is a contest entry video of "Becoming The Bull" I submitted to try and win a Dan Jacobs signature series guitar through Atreyu's TPR play off contest. Please do me a huge favor and go vote for my video so I can make it to the top 5! It will...
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I will vote 

For real? It's kind of a small world then. The main reason I wanted to play that show was to see Powerglove and not pay the cover.
So it's been a REALLY REALLY long time since I've gotten on and been able to post anything. School is kinda kicking my ass so far so I haven't had too much free time. On the plus, I tried out for a band and made it in!! I would really appreciate it if you could all check out the band and spread the word to...
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Down the Stairs.
Thanks. I should have some more demo songs up eventually.
I've just started school so I won't be on here as much and updates will be scarce
. Sorry people! I'll miss you guys and I'll post as much as I can!

ehi, you! Thx for your request! ^^
Lately, everyone around me has been really stressed out or sad or mad due to things that have happened in their lives recently. It sucks seeing people I care about hurt. But I am glad I am able to help them through their hard times. But at the same time, as I think about it, I almost never get stressed. It's making me feel like...
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I was using fake blood to stain some cloth. I let it dry hanging above the bath.
So what exactly was wrong with your toe? Ingrown nail?
So what exactly was wrong with your toe? Ingrown nail?
December babies are the best

This is an experimental blog to see if I can put pictures up with my phone. If so, you'll get pictures more often
EDIT: looks like it doesn't work
. Phooey. Well off to bed I go. Cruefest tomorrow! Update soon
. Nitey Nite!

EDIT: looks like it doesn't work

no pictures!!!! Gotta try that again ho[pe you had fun at cruefest!

Allllllllllllllllllllll right, it's finally time for my way overdue update! I know, I know, you're all like, "Damn, it's about time you finally tell us what's going on you asshole!" No, just kidding it's probly more like "Pshh, I don't even know who you are! Why should I care that you're still alive?!". Haha, anywhoo, here's what's been going on in my life lately.
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Wow your so lucky! I bet that was an awesome show! Thanks for the add by the way!
Hey everyone I'm REALLY sorry that I've been a ghost lately! I've been super duper busy. This is gunna be a short one sadly, but just letting you all know I'm still alive. I worked the Rod Stewart show today and I work Cruefest on Saturday. After that, I PROMISE you will get a longer blog with real updates and I'll reply to my messages...
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Wow sounds like you have been a busy boy 
I like Chalatain.

I like Chalatain.
Working Mayhem Fest tomorrow!!!!!! Yay! So excited! Gunna meet MANSON!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, and I do plan on having a good time. So's Manson cool? He seems like an intelligent fellow.
of course 

Damn, it's been a while since I've posted a blog! Sorry people, I've been pretty busy lately and just haven't really had time. This is my first day off in a week haha. But anyway, here's what's been going on:
1. Work, and lots of it! But I actually like my job for once
2. Earth, Wind, and Fire concert with Chicago. It was a...
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1. Work, and lots of it! But I actually like my job for once

2. Earth, Wind, and Fire concert with Chicago. It was a...
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I just saw Bruno. I am speechless. My brain is melted. I no longer want to live. Work tomorrow. Good night.

Washington DC, Virginia, New Jersey, New York and hopefully Maine.
Riding in a Corolla. Probably won't have any room what-so-ever...
It's official, I just got the job at Fiddler's Green today! That's a concert venue for those of you who don't know. YAY!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I went in for an interview today and they hired me on the spot
. I get to work Mayhem on the 19th and meet MARILYN MANSON!!!!! Woo! Unfortunately, I can't take pictures or I'll get fired. Lame. O...
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It's just one of those nights where I'm doing nothing but laying in bed, just relaxing and listening to music. I'm not tired at all, so I imagine I will be doing this for a good few hours. I'm listening to Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
. Everyone go check them out so I no longer have to feel like I'm the only one who has ever...
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