Boston party was last night!!
Met lots of new people.... watched Blondie and Bailey make-out while yuppy boys watched like they had never seen two girls kiss before... we left the restaraunt just as it started to rain, then came out of the rain into a bar, soaking wet, just as the rain ended... boys drank... Bailey made loud noises... many pictures were taken.... then the energy dwindled as we all left to go to the afterparty.... the time it took to get everyone migrating, and the fact that most everyone had been traveling all day set a more relaxed and calm mood for the afterparty, which Blondie and I didn't stay at too long...
We're hoping to hit the brunch in a few hours. She's sleeping... I'm dealing with the same insomnia i've had for months....
Better entry coming soon! (I hope)

10-21 are new pics 

hope you're sleeping better. brunch was cool too bad you couldn't make it.