"I want to hide with you from unmanageable numbers. I want rooftops at night, the street at five in the morning, a wide open space in a museum where the exhibit is the space itself. I want to count the things that matter, things like the number of tremors in your shiver. I want to think about nothing we cannot count in the space of...
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I could really use some: happy chemicals, kisses, more money, a new roommate and EA Active for the Wii

It has been a tough few weeks and now I can give a BIG sigh of relief and finally feel what I haven't been for months now. I'm not upset, I'm just drained and could use a nice talk, a hug, and a few beers.
I'm a good listener and hugs and beers to you......
I wish you great success in the ways of unwinding.
mmm woodchuck and nice toes. biggrin
Another day....

Went to the eye doc and I'm not on herbal meds, locked my keys in my car, walked around, baby sat, talks, hockey..home
I enjoyed this article a lot. The Man leads

It could help a few guys and girls I know.... kiss
I'm thinking about giving a go to something from the past....is this a good idea??

P.S: I need someone to share this giant bottle of white wine with... biggrin

P.P.S: I might have had to much wine at this point.....oh noes! Giggles have set in....

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
When we first met we were kids, we were wild, we were insects
And after a while,...
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yes it was
I can only hope you found some wonderful toon pron to look at after drinking some of that bottle wink
I had a nice lazy day off work. whatever I don't want to go to work in the morning. tongue
I was really worn out all day at work and then I got home and just could not stop moving. I deep cleaned the main rooms of the apartment and made dinner. Now I'm just sitting around wish I had something else to do or someone to talk to. eeek

P.S. I have a True Life problem....4 eps in a row... <_< >_>
sounds like you need a hobby of some kind to eat away at your 'spare time' wink
Today I'm going swimming with my good friend Amanda. I'm so excited. =) I haven't seen her in months. I want to get more evolved in the site but I'm just not sure how.