This is amazing!
New credit card still not here and subscription is up so could be grey very soon. I'll be back...
Going to see Stiff Little Fingers, a 1970's Irish punk band, tomorrow night with some SGers. Can't believe they're still around, gonna be interesting seeing some old duffers trying to recreate their rebellious and illustrious youth, what's more amazing is they have Bruce...
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New credit card still not here and subscription is up so could be grey very soon. I'll be back...
Going to see Stiff Little Fingers, a 1970's Irish punk band, tomorrow night with some SGers. Can't believe they're still around, gonna be interesting seeing some old duffers trying to recreate their rebellious and illustrious youth, what's more amazing is they have Bruce...
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Shit, had to cancel my credit card last week and new one seems to have been lost or stolen on route, which is a pain in the ass. To make matters worse, my subscription is up tomorrow so if I go grey, don't fret (am sure you won't), I'll be at in meantime.
Went to see 'Hitch' last night. For hopeless romantics but...
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Went to see 'Hitch' last night. For hopeless romantics but...
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Hey there. Just popping in to say hi, hope you enjoyed the glorious weather. Any mischief this weekend?
thanks for the kind words in my journal, things are looking up now
hope things with you are good.
bring on the sunshine!

bring on the sunshine!

Was on my way out of town this morning when an adjacent road was sectioned off by the police. I later found out this happend! Right near my house! Holy shit!
On a lighter note, thought I'd share with you an insight into the male species, were a fickle lot I know but look on the bright doesnt take much to please us
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On a lighter note, thought I'd share with you an insight into the male species, were a fickle lot I know but look on the bright doesnt take much to please us
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Shit, I heard about that nasty
I did give the Clash question some thought and came to the conclusion that I don't know. I just can't choose my favorites although White Riot would be up there.
I did give the Clash question some thought and came to the conclusion that I don't know. I just can't choose my favorites although White Riot would be up there.
cheers for the mail. you're planning on rejoining here though once you get the credit card thing sorted out?
i still have fond memories of glastonbury. fingers crossed that i'll still be able to get tickets for this year
i had a card nicked a couple of years ago - before i'd even received it. its an absolute pain in the arse..
i still have fond memories of glastonbury. fingers crossed that i'll still be able to get tickets for this year
i had a card nicked a couple of years ago - before i'd even received it. its an absolute pain in the arse..
Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before looking at the answer for this one.
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader and only your vote...
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If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before looking at the answer for this one.
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader and only your vote...
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Oh shit I chose Winston Churchill
That is one of the very select few non-boring-and-stupid forawrds.
I'm just in Southampton to study, my parents live in Surrey. aww, I would have popped in for a cup of tea if I knew you were in Hampstead heh

I'm just in Southampton to study, my parents live in Surrey. aww, I would have popped in for a cup of tea if I knew you were in Hampstead heh

Funny sometimes that we get so passionate about certain things, be it politics, our opinions/views and certainly matters of the heart. Crazy also that they sometimes get the better of reason and your rational side. Theres that saying - the heart and the mind may be neighbours but friends theyll never be.
Guess what Im trying to say is that would be good to rule...
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Guess what Im trying to say is that would be good to rule...
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I like J, I like Walnut, I likeBengal Spice, I like EVERYTHING! What about you....? Did you ever go in La Broca? I love that place

Yeah,i can take a cheque,thanks very much!
And my nose is awful.It's a roman nose becaus it's "roman" all over my face.
I broke it when i was little and it's wonky and looks really disproportionate.[sp]
I can fix it with the cheque you're sending me......
And my nose is awful.It's a roman nose becaus it's "roman" all over my face.

I broke it when i was little and it's wonky and looks really disproportionate.[sp]
I can fix it with the cheque you're sending me......

Life throws so much at you, you barely have time to react but if you keep your cool, dont panic, make good decisions over time (which wont know till after youve made the decision) will serve you well. Sometimes its like being at school again with all the tests thrown at us. Bring it on I say, nothing worse than a dull life. There is...
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Thanks for hiring me,i'm ready to start whenever you want me....

yay for good friends *singsasong*
Random shit
Watched the Superbowl on Sunday night, holy cow what was going on there! Did you know that Paul McCartney earned $1,000 a minute for the half time gig! Like he needs it. Got the hang of it eventually but whats all that padding and how many commercial breaks! Whats wrong with soccer.
Listening to stuff Id never have gone near in my youth or it...
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Listening to stuff Id never have gone near in my youth or it...
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I've been to the cobden club before... the first ever burlesque night I went to was there. Its a really beautiful club.
I've heard Sideways is good. Must go and see it. Saw Vera Drake on Friday which was pretty good... but not a film for everybody... a little bit slow moving and very depressing. But the clothes and interiors etc are so interesting coz it takes place in 1951. Am a little obsessed with this and the preceeding few decades, in case you can't tell!
More embarrasing music I used to listen to: Milli Vanilli, Rick Astley, Jason Donavon, New Kids on the Block... groan. Can you tell that I'm a late eighties/early ninetees kid or what?!!
What the first album youever bought?
I've heard Sideways is good. Must go and see it. Saw Vera Drake on Friday which was pretty good... but not a film for everybody... a little bit slow moving and very depressing. But the clothes and interiors etc are so interesting coz it takes place in 1951. Am a little obsessed with this and the preceeding few decades, in case you can't tell!
More embarrasing music I used to listen to: Milli Vanilli, Rick Astley, Jason Donavon, New Kids on the Block... groan. Can you tell that I'm a late eighties/early ninetees kid or what?!!
What the first album youever bought?
I'm quite proud of my first album: Nineteen Naughty Three by Naughty by Nature which I still listen to occasionally.
Hmmm.... regrets... I always tell myself I regret nothing but I think if I could do it all again, I would not have taken so many drugs... I feel quite brain damaged from it all. I'd still have done some, but not the silly amounts. Otherwise... I've always never tried to let fear prevent me from doing anything in life and I think I've had more than my fair share of adventures so I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved so far. But hopefully there's a lot more to come! My big dream for the future is to get my business up and running.... but when you hear things like 9 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 3 years, it's not really very encouraging!
What about you?
Hmmm.... regrets... I always tell myself I regret nothing but I think if I could do it all again, I would not have taken so many drugs... I feel quite brain damaged from it all. I'd still have done some, but not the silly amounts. Otherwise... I've always never tried to let fear prevent me from doing anything in life and I think I've had more than my fair share of adventures so I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved so far. But hopefully there's a lot more to come! My big dream for the future is to get my business up and running.... but when you hear things like 9 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 3 years, it's not really very encouraging!
What about you?
Saw a great movie last night - the Green Mile with Tom Hanks. Not seen it before, loved it, very thought provoking. Great for a bit of escapism from it all.

poor studnet never watching films? haha... not likely... i always watch movies, just not the green mile yet
I need to see that movie still.
Don't you find that January sucks? Its fucking cold here, everyone's broke after xmas and not much doing. All there's left to do is stay in and watch football and movies.
Went to see the Used last Friday, great fookin' gig. Then went up to Manchester on Saturday. That night went to the bar at the Lowry Hotel, was ordering some drinks at the bar,...
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Went to see the Used last Friday, great fookin' gig. Then went up to Manchester on Saturday. That night went to the bar at the Lowry Hotel, was ordering some drinks at the bar,...
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if you get that band night thing moving and need a hand doing anythign give me a shout
*jumps on the "january sucks" bandwagon*
Back in London
had amazing trip, now gotta get back into things and get my arse in gear, hopefully gonna be a good year.
Anyone know any shit hot unsigned bands?

Anyone know any shit hot unsigned bands?
Haha, the tongue is fine, thanks for asking..

I don't think i'd fit in an envelope!

Happy 2005 to all. Jordan was fookin' amazing! Decided to go back to Tel Aviv for New Years rather than go to Egypt, figured would be a more of a party town.
Staying with a friend who's a DJ on a Tel Aviv radio station, he took us to a kick ass party, it was all there, got to bed around 7am, didn't see much...
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Staying with a friend who's a DJ on a Tel Aviv radio station, he took us to a kick ass party, it was all there, got to bed around 7am, didn't see much...
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Why no favorite SG's?
Hope you had a memorable new year.

Hope you had a memorable new year.
Off to Devon this weekend, but we should definately have another get together. It was really fun, if a little depraved.